Introduction. People in the world around us mostly deal with colour combinations instead of single colours, therefore the professional art education programmes worldwide prioritise the study of the colour harmony rules and colour... more
Roma, 6-8 novembre 2024. Istituto Centrale per il Restauro - Museo di Roma, Palazzo Braschi - Sapienza Università di Roma. A cura di Chiara Piva. Comitato Scientifico: Tiziana Caianiello, Federica Giacomini, Chiara Mannoni, Ilaria... more
This chapter approaches the color application to urban furniture as an ergonomic factor, bearing in mind that a pertinent color application to urban furniture can ameliorate its use. For this purpose a new methodology is presented, which... more
Color is considered as an integral element of our environment, not only represented in the living organisms of the natural environment but also in the man-made various environments, Color always played an important role in the human... more
Awareness of the science of the appearance can help the designer create and construct a more effective space – whether that consists of packaging, interiors, cityscapes or a plate of food. This paper examines the current status of... more
The color stability in architectural concretes was studied. Color was characterized using the CIELAB color space. Results from CIEDE1976 and CIEDE2000 color-difference formulas were compared. The weathering effect on the concretes color... more
Моделью данных в информационных системах, построенных на базе многомерного подхода, является многомерный куб данных. В системах с многоаспектным описанием предметной области кубы данных характеризуются большой разреженностью, что... more
The book presents the abstracts of the Third Russian Congress on Colour dedicated to the discussion of a wide range of issues related to colour theory and its practical use in various socio-cultural contexts. The relevant psychological,... more
A sign is said to be transparent when we pay direct attention to its meaning, while the sign itself, as a medium to the meaning, passes unnoticed. It is the ordinary function of words of language. What is important in this context is the... more
This study explores the relationship between chromatic atmospheres and territorial identity in three neighborhoods in Isla Teja, Valdivia. In spite of their shared island nature, they have different features, including unique ways to... more
This work presents an historical journey of Valdivia's architecture and its colors, since before its foundation in 1552 to the present. The methodology is based on a bibliographic review of the city's history and architecture, and direct... more
Throughout history, watercolor has been used by artists with different purposes. First year students of the Design program at Universidad Austral de Chile used watercolors as a color observation method. The study site was the island of... more
German colonization of the 19 th century in Valdivia entailed a major economic boost for the city. An example of this driving force is the Kunstmann factory, in the Collico neighbourhood. Along with industrial development, the colonizers... more
The article describes a technique for performing the preparatory stage of working with color in a digital environment, which will help to avoid common mistakes that occur when performing artistic tasks on a computer for students in the... more
The purpose of this paper is to present the partial results of a research still in progress as part of the Architecture Course of the University of São Paulo, focusing on the use of color in the development of architectural design. At its... more
When should we consider the colour of a building as a sustainable feature? In contemporary architecture, old and new materials, technologies and products are complying with the new rules of sustainability by providing the architectural... more
The cover of this book shows a glass vase on a table with a bouquet forming a natural colour palette including bright yellow forsythia, purplish wisteria, branches of an orange-red flowering Japanese ornamental apple tree and of a white... more
El propósito de este texto es documentar el ejercicio de territorialización de la memoria adelantado como un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje con los estudiantes de dos carreras de la Universidad Austral de Chile en la ciudad de Valdivia.... more
General purpose computation on graphics processing unit (GPU) is prominent in the high performance computing era of this time. Porting or accelerating the data parallel applications onto GPU gives the default performance improvement... more
La ciudad, entendida como un espacio urbano en red, se compone de nodos cuya identidad espacial y/o social, se relaciona entre otros, con cierta gama de colores. A través del análisis de dos casos de estudio en la ciudad de Valdivia,... more
Cities are complex entities where multi-functional and multi-layered data intersect each other and integrate into the urban landscape. The emotional and practical purposes of everyday life takes place within that physical network, ie the... more
This paper presents a review of the urban requalification and the impact of facade colour in Tirana, Albania through analyses and comparisons. Generally speaking, colour is considered as appearance; therefore it may identify an object or... more
This paper describes a series of studies designed to investigate the possible limits to the number of different colours that can be used in a colour code and the relative merits of colours and shapes for communicating information. The... more
The aim of this paper is to present a user-oriented protocol which can be used to characterize chromatic attributes of an urban fragment. A growing need for objective assessment of colour has been observed in recent years in the field of... more
In the realisation of a colour design, or of a colour plan, every designer should have the availability of a set of basic tools to prevent him or her from performing prejudicial operations in the territory, in the landscape, in the city,... more
Colour is disregarded in the analysis of the grammar of a building facade. Contemporary architecture, as well as traditional historical architecture, is built on a relation between colours. Colour schemes of vernacular architecture is a... more
As a phenomenon, colour shapes how people experience the environment visually, while as a medium, it conveys meaning, emotional moods and functional information. As luminous colour it appears atmospheric and diffuse to the viewer, while... more
This Special Issue consists of eight articles on the theme of Environmental Colour Design (ECD), which arose out of the conference Progress in Colour Studies (PICS), held at University College London (UCL) in September 2016. Although the... more
Cities are complex entities where multi-functional and multi-layered data intersect each other and integrate into the urban landscape. The emotional and practical purposes of everyday life takes place within that physical network, i.e.... more
In the realisation of a colour design, or of a colour plan, every designer should have the availability of a set of basic tools to prevent him or her from performing prejudicial operations in the territory, in the landscape, in the city,... more
Early detection of lung cancer is a challenging problem, the world faces today. Prior to classify glandular cells as malignant or benign a reliable segmentation technique is required. In this paper we present a novel lung glandular cell... more
This paper describes the third (and final) part of an analysis of the results of an ongoing research project concerning the French period of environmental colour design. In May 2019, a qualitative oral history approach was used to conduct... more
lugar existen limitaciones de tipo metodológico y procedimental: limitaciones técnicas del instrumental empleado (Zenna O'connor), criterios de selección de las gamas de colores dominantes en el paisaje (J.P. Lenclos), gestión de la... more
Clorindia domestica. Studies of architectural chromatic organization in relation to landscape (2019)
This paper focuses on single-family houses made by architect Clorindo Testa in cooperation with Juan Fontana, Eduardo Bompadre, Elena Acquarone, Juan Genoud and Ezequiel Rivarola. These cases stand out due to their condition of free... more
This paper focuses on single-family houses made by architect Clorindo Testa in cooperation with Juan Fontana, Eduardo Bompadre, Elena Acquarone, Juan Genoud and Ezequiel Rivarola. These cases stand out due to their condition of free... more Today, the... more
In this paper, we expose some of the most significant color design experiences and results conducted in the Master Program in Color Design & Technology, organized by Politecnico di Milano in cooperation with Associazione Italiana Colore... more
This paper aims to determine the dimensions of colour in the Historic Urban Landscape and the extent to which these dimensions contribute to define new colour proposals for the public place. To achieve those goals, we claim that chromatic... more
Charla teórica y comentario de alumno: Viviendas sociales en Quinta de Malagueira-Álvaro Siza, 1997.
The publication includes a collection of twelve papers that discuss topics related to the overall theme of environmental colour design. It is aimed at persons interested in colour and in particular at those in the creative fields of art,... more
В сборнике размещены статьи, в которых рассматриваются различные аспекты теории цветового проектирования городского пространства. В формате исторического, теоретического и эмпирического анализа фиксируются философские, социологические,... more
The essay intends to draw attention to the question of the color of the historic buildings. Through the illustration of some significant examples we want to stimulate some reflections in this regard, to bring attention to the problems... more