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Karl Edvard Laman (1867-1944) appartient à la première génération des missionnaires suédois établis dès 1881 dans l’État indépendant du Congo. Il y séjourne durant plus d’un quart de siècle, de 1891 à 1919. Laman s’affirme peu à peu comme... more
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      African HistoryBible TranslationHistory of MissionsAfrica Niger-Congo Linguistics
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesBelgiumColonial and Postcolonial History of Congo
Fiscal history is a booming field of research that shines a new light on colonial state formation, the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized and the political economy of colonialism in Africa. The fiscal history of colonial... more
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      Economic HistoryTaxationColonialismFrench colonialism
Lucas Catherine poursuit son travail à propos du Congo dit précolonial entamé il y a quelques années, en s’attardant ici sur la figure de Mwenda Msiri/Mushidi Ngelengwa Shitambi (vers 1830 – 1891), l’empereur du Katanga. Historien... more
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      Colonial and Postcolonial History of CongoBelgian CongoDRC, KatangaCongo Free State (History and governance)
La figure complexe du révérend pasteur Ntumi, personnage souvent réduit au rang d’« illuminé » ou de « marionnette du pouvoir », ne se laisse pas facilement appréhender. Cet article, sans prétendre à une analyse exhaustive du prophète et... more
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      African StudiesAfrican PoliticsReligion and politics in AfricaAfrican Independent Churches
VAN HERCK, J., Een Politiek Verleden in het Belgisch Parlement: 'Compromis à la Belge'. Historische commissies en de moord op Patrice Lumumba en Julien Lahaut (1999-2015), Onuitgegeven meesterproef, KU Leuven, departement Geschiedenis,... more
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      HistoryPolitical HistoryPost-ColonialismHistory of Switzerland
Plunderde een meedogenloze Leopold Congo met geweld leeg om zijn honger naar macht, prestige en geld te stillen? Of is enige nuance aan de orde? Hoe werd Congo in de praktijk bestuurd en geëxploiteerd? Werd er echt zoveel geweld gebruikt... more
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      Colonial and Postcolonial History of CongoBelgian CongoCongo Free State (History and governance)Leopold II (King of Belgians)
The possibility of native resistance to colonial tyranny and the threat of the loss of colonial “order” is a sustained anxiety throughout Joseph Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness. Critics have largely ignored or downplayed these... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesColonialismEdward SaidAnxiety
Analyse, Beschreibung und Kontextualisierung des Fotoalbums von Edmund von Schumacher, der als Mitglieder der Internationalen Untersuchungskommission auf Einladung von König Leopold II. von Belgien 1904 in den Freistaat Kongo reiste.
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      African StudiesPhotographyColonialismPolitical History of Belgium
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      Belgian HistoryColonial and Postcolonial History of CongoBelgian CongoCongo Free State (History and governance)
This chapter analyzes the uneasy conundrum of colonial violence and anxiety in the creation of interracial sexual dangers in the Belgian Congo. It chronicles the surveillance of interracial sex (including sexual violence) through... more
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      Sexual ViolenceHistory of SexualityDemocratic Republic of CongoColonial and Postcolonial History of Congo
The monument for Congo (1912-1921 - officially called "the monument built for the first Belgian pioneers") is an edifice located in the Parc du Cinquantenaire (Brussels) built and decorated by the Belgian leading sculptor of his time,... more
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      ColonialismSculptureColonial and Postcolonial History of CongoBelgian Congo
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      Colonial and Postcolonial History of CongoBelgian Congo
À partir de l’évolution de la configuration réticulaire des voies de communication terrestres transfrontalières, cette thèse propose une analyse historique du processus d’intégration régionale entre le Cameroun et les pays limitrophes... more
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      International RelationsCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Postcolonial StudiesTransport Logistics
Protected areas located in areas of violent conflict are often conceived as spaces where the state has lost its control and parks are 'dissolved', to the point where poaching and violent extraction of resources run free. Our analysis of... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyDevelopment StudiesPeace and Conflict Studies
Between the end of the Second World War and the decolonization process, Congolese cities grew spectacularly, leading in some cases –such as in the capital Kinshasa- to a fourfold increase in African urban residents. These radical... more
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      Urban HistoryImperial HistoryColonialismHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW
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      ColonialismColonial and Postcolonial History of CongoBelgian Congo
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      Central America and MexicoHistory of CapitalismModernitySubaltern Studies
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      Race and EthnicityDemocratic Republic of CongoColonial and Postcolonial History of Congo
The First Congo War happened between 1996 and 1997. From a realism perspective, Rwandan refugees started the First Congo War in order to preserve their respective ethnicities. Hutu refugees came to the Congo after the Rwandan genocide,... more
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      International RelationsConstructivismColonialismGreat War
apesar de o livro só ter sido lançado em 2017, o meu prefácio data de 2014, como aliás vem nele referido.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
A Comparative Study of Tanzania and Congo Following Independence During the 1960s and 1970s - with reference to social, political and economic changes withing the two nations
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      Postcolonial StudiesAfrican HistoryTanzaniaColonial and Postcolonial History of Congo
D'une grande figure héroïque belge, Léopold II est devenu le méchant de l'Histoire, jugé coupable de crimes contre l'humanité. Croqué par la plume, le crayon et fixé sur la pellicule, le Roi est de plus en plus réduit aux traits... more
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      ColonialismBelgian HistoryColonial and Postcolonial History of CongoBelgian Congo
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      Colonial and Postcolonial History of CongoLuc TuymansPatrice LumumbaMarlene Dumas
Robert E. Park’s lasting influence on the establishment of American Sociology as a scientific discipline is uncontested. Yet his pioneering sociological approaches towards the study of ›race relations‹ have been rightly criticized as... more
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      SociologyHuman RightsHumanitarianismPostcolonial Studies
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      Canadian StudiesMedia StudiesSoviet HistoryCanadian History
José Sarzi Amade ci introduce poi nelle avventurose vicende del cappuccino Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento, missionario in Congo verso la fine del Seicento. Egli dettò le sue memorie al confratello Angelo Piccardo da Napoli, il quale - come... more
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      African StudiesHomerAfrican Diaspora StudiesMissiology and Mission Theology
For decades articles and books have been published on the history of German foreign policy during Cold War. Regardless of whether Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, America or the world as a whole, the foreign affairs of the Western Federal... more
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      German StudiesInternational RelationsCultural PolicyGerman History
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      EthnographyDemocratic Republic of CongoColonial and Postcolonial History of CongoDRC, Katanga
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      ColonialismHistory of MissionsColonial and Postcolonial History of Congo
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      JournalismBritish PoliticsColonialismBelgian History
The text gives a quick overview of Congolese representations of Europeans in the visual arts.

The issues raised are explored in greater depth in the author's book, Humor and Violence: Seeing Europeans in Central African Art.
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      HumorDemocratic Republic of CongoAfrican Art HistoryAfrican Art
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      Missionary HistoryColonial and Postcolonial History of CongoAfrican Christianity
There are so many roadblocks in Central Africa that it is hard to find a road that does not have one. Based on research in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR), Peer Schouten maps more than a... more
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesSupply Chain ManagementConflict
Exile as Identities’ Fabrication: Un fous noir au pays des Blancs by Pie Tshibanda The aim of this paper is to analyse the mechanisms governing the attribution of collective and individual identities in Pie Tshibanda’s novel Un fou noir... more
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      Identity (Culture)Congo and Congolese Diaspora (Anthropology)Belgian LiteratureColonial and Postcolonial History of Congo
A small paper on the metaphor of "Africa" in J. Conrad's novel stands for the uncharted "darkness" of the inner world of man and explores the text as a highly spiritual (Not religious!) narrative, questioning what it really means to be... more
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      African StudiesEnglish LiteratureNarrativeAfrican History
Ceci sont des souvenirs de mes sept années au Congo Kinshasa de 1967 à 1974 et particulièrement de mon temps comme étudiante en Linguistique africaine à l'Université Lovanium à Kinshasa et des recherches chez les Gens d'Eau de la province... more
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      AnthropologyMemoir and AutobiographyDemocratic Republic of CongoAfrique
Il s'agit de la partie centrale de mon mémoire de M2, consacré à l'ethnocentrisme dans le "Voyage au Congo" de Gide (1927), texte réputé critique envers la colonisation. J'ai tenté d'analyser, en dix sous-chapitres, comment les jugements... more
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      AnthropologyTravel WritingEthnographyRace and Racism
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      ArchivesTheory of DocumentaryCongo and Congolese Diaspora (Anthropology)Colonial and Postcolonial History of Congo
In transnational historical labour movement studies, the African anarchist / syndicalist movement is as under-studied as those of Central or South-East Asia and the Caribbean. This is despite the fact that the movement arose in Egypt in... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican HistorySouth African Politics and SocietyAnarchist Studies
SYNOPSIS: Flurries of literature have established direct line of consanguinity between the Iwhnuruọhna nation, and the Bini-dynasty. Recent literatures yet suggest otherwise- claiming an equally high ancestry to the Igbo clan. An... more
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      HistoryCriminologyAfrican StudiesEgyptology
Un siècle après la fondation de l’École coloniale supérieure à Anvers, le musée voisin du Middelheim invite la chercheuse et curatrice Sandrine Colard à créer une exposition qui interroge les histoires silencieuses du colonialisme à la... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesUrban AnthropologyAfricaDemocratic Republic of Congo
The conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo and their consequences remain a major source of concern, as they constitute a multidimensional challenge to economic and human development in the country and the region. There is a need to... more
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesViolencePolitical Science
Synthèse critique de ce qu'il en fut de la mémoire coloniale telle qu'elle s'est exprimée dans la littérature francophone de Belgique, et surtout qu'elle que le champ, à différentes époques, a été plus ou moins disposé à la recevoir.
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisComparative LiteratureQueer Studies
Figure centrale de l’indépendance du Congo, Patrice Lumumba meurt dans des conditions tragiques qui polarisèrent l’attention internationale. Il fut célébré comme héros et martyr à travers le monde, notamment par Sartre, Césaire, Sékou... more
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      IconographyVisual propagandaPropagandaNationalism
Sous le vernis d'ordre et de tranquillité de la colonie-modèle, les tensions raciales et les anxiétés sécuritaires n'ont pas épargné le Congo belge; elles sont même essentielles pour comprendre les logiques de police et de maintien de... more
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      Colonial PolicingColonial and Postcolonial History of CongoBelgian Congo
Dans les contextes des pays du sud, quels sont les conditions d'accès, les compétences et les usages des étudiants au niveau secondaire? Cet article présente les résultats d’une enquête effectuée auprès des étudiants africains et... more
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      Congo, Democratic Republic ofAfrica Niger-Congo LinguisticsDemocratic Republic of CongoTIC