Colonial Philippines
Recent papers in Colonial Philippines
Les ouvrages en français sur les Philippines sont réputés à tort peu nombreux. Ayant subi les influences espagnole et américaine pendant une longue période, les îles Philippines ont naturellement suscité une profusion d'écrits, mais... more
This paper proposes a deconstructive reading of Flores ni Maria Santisima, a Hiligaynon novena written by Padre Raymundo Lozano and printed in 1867. Set against the economic bustle of nineteenth-century Iloilo after it opened port to... more
Filipinas 1898, La ilustración española y americana, semanario publicado en la peninsula, cubre este conflicto, con artículos e ilustraciones. Análisis del periodismo del siglo XIX en el conflicto de Filipinas.
This is an historical overview of the Spanish fortification of Intramuros and its historical development and growth into modern Manila. A broad ranging paper, this investigation seeks to show that the fort itself is tied to many important... more
This article provides new information on the creole Filipino, Fr. Pedro Pablo Peláez, who, together with Fr. José Burgos, was the most outstanding clergyman in the nineteenth-century Philippines. It discusses Father Peláez’s previously... more
ABSTRACT Vote buying during election is a phenomenon in Philippine politics clandestinely practiced as underground activities by political candidates who utilize it as a political strategy. This study examined the vote buying phenomenon... more
The economic and political relationship between the Spanish minority and the Chinese sometime-majority of Manila was crucial to both sides, and yet it was punctuated with frequent outbreaks of mass violence that left thousands dead. The... more
Published in M. S. Camacho (ed.): MANILA. Selected Papers of the 25th Annual Manila Studies Conference", Manila: MSA / NCCA, 2017, pp. 71-83.
Inaanyayahan ang mga kontributyor na pagmuni-munihan o siyasatin ang mga sumusunod na paksa: [01] Kasaysayan ng mga partikular na bisyo at/o adiksyon sa lipunang Pilipino; mga anyo at epektong panlipunan ng mga partikular na bisyo at/o... more
"This book offers annotated translations of documents touching on Dutch admiral Cornelis Matelieff de Jonge and his voyage to Asia between 1605 and 1608. These translations are aimed at a contemporary English-speaking Asian readership... more
This is the revised and considerably extended version of a paper published in 2012. This version is from June 2022. The paper deals with the claim of some people that boat lutes could once be found all over the Philippines, including... more
The first of the Manila Galleons also known as the Nao de Manila were certainly elements of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi's fleet. In 1565 after successfully establishing a Spanish settlement in Cebu, Legazpi sent two of his ships, the San... more
In traditional anthropological work on the Philippines, the framework of patron-client ties has been extensively used to explain the exercise and contest of power between people in asymmetrical relationships: landowners and peasants... more
El presente trabajo aborda el estudio del viaje de la fragata Santa Rita (alias Mercante), uno de los navíos que cubrió la ruta entre Manila y Acapulco tras el fin del Galeón de Manila. La trascendencia del viaje reside en que en 1821,... more
Chapter 3 of Filipinos and their Revolution: Event, Discourse and Historiography (Quezon City: Ateneo University Press, 1998)
The exemption of civil law and diocesan law of religious orders in the Philippines is one of the most interesting aspects of its morphology and the special character of Spanish rule in the islands at the state and church level. During the... more
Special issue on Church History in the Philippines
When Iloilo opened its port for world trade in 1855, it retained its traditional religious practices while capitalism invigorated its economy. Through pastoral technologies, Flores ni Maria Santisima textually produced the godly Ilongga... more
Koninklijke Brill NV reserves the right to protect this publication against unauthorized use. This book is printed on acid-free paper and produced in a sustainable manner.
Francisco Villacorta and the relationships of the Augustinians of the Philippines with the Government of Spain (1818-1844) Francisco Villacorta was a outstanding religious of the Augustinian Province of the Philippines. He held the... more
La Biblioteca Nacional de España cuenta con un ejemplar de la obra de Antonio Pigafetta titulada Il viaggio fatto da gli spagniuoli a torno a'l mondo, publicado en Venecia en 1536 por L. A. Giunta, referenciado como Edit 16, CNCE 73425 y... more
Luis Rodríguez Varela is a late eighteenth, early nineteenth century author, whose work constitutes a very interesting example of Philippine criollista pamphlet writings. Represented in the nineteenth and twentieth century by... more
This article explores American efforts in the colonial Philippines to instil a consciousness of history and modernity among Filipinos through a carefully crafted philosophy of time. It focuses primarily on David Barrow’s work, History of... more
Based on a phonetic, linguistic, and discursive analysis of sixteenth-century Iberian, “Aytiur” (Aytim) can be confirmed as the port of Hayten (“Haicheng” or “Yuegang” in Chinese). A study of the route which the Spaniards took in Southern... more
Ocupación Británica de Manila, 1762-64 por Peter Borschberg Sumario I. Introducción II. El ataque y la toma de Manila III. Los problemas de la ocupación británica de Manila III.i Cuestiones de permanencia y legitimidad III.ii.... more
Ang pagkawasak na dinanas ng mga kapuluan ng Bisaya at Luzon bunga ng pangangayaw ng mga Moro pagsapit ng siglo 18 ay bunga ng kawalan ng organisadong pagpaplano at taktikang pangdepensa sa panig ng mga Espanyol sa nasasakupan nitong... more
This article examines the phenomenon of convict transportation between Mexico and the Philippines during the 17th century. Utilising sources located within the Archivo General de la Nación (México) and the Archivo General de Indias... more
A critical paper addressing the deeper understanding of true Philippine history from Renato Constantino's book "The Philippines: A Past Revisited." It focuses on the Filipinos' struggle and how they were conquered, fought, and liberated... more
En 1657 vio la luz, en la imprenta de la Compañía de Jesús en Manila, un libro que causó un revuelo extraordinario: Discurso parenético sobre los servicios reales y personales de los Indios naturales de la Islas Philipinas. 1 Su autor fue... more