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Promoting a better understanding of the phenomenon of colonization and its connection with environmental knowledge and technology, this article proposes a reframing of research agendas to take into account the municipal character of... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyUrban HistoryEnvironmental HistoryColonial Latin American History
BARRIERA, Darío y DALLA CORTE, Gabriela (compiladores) Espacios de familia: ¿tejidos de lealtades o campos de confrontación? Tomo I, España y América, siglos XVI-XX Jitanjafora, México, marzo de 2003, 324 pp. (co-compilador) - ISBN... more
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      Latin American StudiesSocial Network Analysis (SNA)History of the FamilyLatin American History
Incluye : -La introducción del volumen -La transcripción paleográfica de la "Ejecutoria original del pleito seguido por el licenciado don Cristóbal Vaca de Castro, sobre los 21 capítulos que le puso el fi scal Villalobos, sobre la... more
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      Peruvian HistoryColonial Latin American HistoryHistoria Colonial De América LatinaSacromonte Abbey
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      Latin American StudiesVisual StudiesArt HistoryEarly Modern History
➻ R e s u m e n Este artículo analiza el nacimiento y funcionamiento de los archivos mayas en el Yucatán del siglo xvi. Se estudiará, por un lado, la política que implementó la Corona española para fomentar la creación de archivos en las... more
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      Indigenous StudiesColonial AmericaMaya HistoryAtlantic history
This dissertation examines the participation of indigenous workers in the colonial mining industry of the Guanajuato-Michoacán region and the impact that this industry had on those workers and their communities of origin. In the... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American HistoryMining HistoryColonial Latin American History
For 300 years, Franciscans were at the forefront of the spread of Catholicism in the New World. In the late seventeenth century, Franciscans developed a far-reaching, systematic missionary program in Spain and the Americas. After founding... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of MissionsFranciscan StudiesHistory of Colonial Mexico
3.0 Vientos de guerra 0.0.qxp_3.0 Vientos de guerra 4/5/18 11:36 Página 5 Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este libro, su inclusión en un sistema informático, su transmisión en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio, ya... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryColonial AmericaNaval History
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryColonial AmericaCuban Studies
In this article, I explore the parallel responses of two groups of colonial subjects who were confronted with the institutional changes that occurred in the context of Enlightenment ideas in eighteenth-century Mexico: Creole clerics... more
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      Mexican StudiesEnlightenmentMexico HistoryJesuit history
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryLegal HistoryHistory of ChileCourts and Elites (History)
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      Economic HistoryBritish HistoryColonial AmericaLegal History
Winner of the 2022 Edmund Keeley Prize In the middle of the fifteenth century, ominous portents like columns of fire and dense fog were seen above the skies of Constantinople as the Byzantine capital fell under siege by the Ottomans.... more
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      Comparative LiteratureByzantine StudiesLatin American Colonial LiteratureColonial Latin American History
The Ramírez de Arellano family of royal descendant this noble family had marriages with nobles of Mexico, Hispanola "Dominican Republic" and Puerto Rico.
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      Puerto RicoMexicoColonial Latin American HistorySanto Domingo
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      Witchcraft, Religion and MagicColonial Latin American HistoryAnthropology of Religion
Genre: Epic, Poetry (any). Country: Spain, Spain.
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      Latin American StudiesRenaissance StudiesLatin American literatureEpic poetry
An inquiry into the ethnic and linguistic composition of the Late Postclassic and Colonial peoples of the Cotzumalhuapa region of the Pacific Coast of Guatemala. Documentary and archeological research provides a basis to locate Colonial... more
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      EthnohistoryMesoamerican ArchaeologyGuatemala (History)Maya Archaeology
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      Colonial Latin American HistoryHistoria colonialHistoria De Las MujeresConfraternities studies
Who was Catalina de Erauso, the Lieutenant Nun? Swashbuckler, brawler, hard-headed businessperson, soldier, gallant, celebrity, transvestite, nun? How can one fail to be fascinated by her? A woman, yet a man; a soldier, yet a nun;... more
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      Latin American StudiesGender StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryBasque Studies
This book traces the history of Portugal and its overseas dominions from approximately 1770 until just before 1850. Historians generally refer to this period as the "Age of Revolution (s)," when the imperial institutions, non-state... more
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      Portuguese HistoryBrazilian StudiesBrazilian HistoryAtlantic World
How did Spain rule over an immense global empire for more than three centuries given the absence of a standing army and the presence of stark inequalities? In this course students will learn how historians have answered this enduring... more
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      Atlantic WorldHistory of Colonial MexicoEmpirePacific History
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      Spanish HistoryAtlantic historyColonial Latin American HistorySpanish empire
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      PhilologyGender StudiesGender HistoryTextual Scholarship
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      Gender StudiesColonial Latin American HistoryMujeresHistoria de México
Religiosidad y vida cotidiana de los franciscanos descalzos de la provincia de San Diego de México, época colonial
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      Cultural HistoryAnthropologyMexico HistoryEveryday Life
This article will show the role of free women in the San Benito de Palermo sisterhood founded in 1646. This research paper explores the social role in such a corporation: the composition by gender, the organizational structure in the... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesLatin American StudiesWomen's Studies
Bestiality-sexual intercourse between a human being and an animal-was cataloged by medieval scholastic as the worst crime against nature and the most aberrant form of lust. Following these precepts, the Hispanic Monarchy pursued and... more
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      Gender and SexualityHistory of SexualityColonial Latin American HistorySexual Deviant Behaviour
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      Colonial Latin American HistoryCatholic Church History
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      Early Modern HistoryUrban HistoryLegal HistoryPolice
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      ColombiaRace and EthnicityColonial Latin American HistoryMestizaje
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      HistoryLatin American StudiesGender StudiesAnthropology
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      GlobalizationEarly Modern HistoryIberian StudiesHistory of the Portuguese Empire
Architecture and urbanism have been developed in Mexico during millennia as demonstrated by the archaeological record. During colonial times, such constructive tradition was enriched by colonial contributions. As a... more
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      ManagementMarketingTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
Desde o início da colonização, o trabalho compulsório dos indígenas esteve entre as questões mais debatidas na Espanha e em suas possessões americanas. Nos anos finais do século XVI, os repartimientos, instituição de recrutamento de... more
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      HistoryLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesSpanish Studies
The Spanish conquistadores' capture of the Inka emperor, Atawallpa, and massacre of many of his people in Cajamarca on November 16, 1532, was a tremendously consequential event. How does our view of such an event change, however, when... more
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      Historical GISNarrative MethodsAndesPeruvian History
The document here presented is one of the first accounts made by Europeans about the Indians in the New World, just a few years after the arrival of Christopher Columbus. The author, Ramón Pané, was a hieronymite friar and stayed for a... more
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      Caribbean HistoryColonial Latin American History
Analysis of the Bulls of Pope Alexander VI who donate America to the Crown of Castile
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      Legal HistoryColonial Latin American History
Arqueológicamente se diagnostica las luchas indígenas por el territorio en el sur del Tolima; genealógicamente, se analizan formas de resistencia emergentes, especialmente, del «Gran Resguardo de Ortega y Chaparral», como prácticas y... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical TheoryLatin American politicsSocial Movements (Political Science)
Biografía del gobernador de Filipinas Francisco Tello de Guzmán, publicada en vol. XLVII del Diccionario Biográfico Español (Madrid, 2003)
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryPhilippinesPhilippine HistoryColonial Latin American History
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      Colonial Latin American HistoryEarly American HistoryVenality
This article underscores the importance of Canto 7 in the design of Part One as well as its significance in the overall architecture of Alonso de Ercilla's La Araucana (1569, 1578, 1589). During his depiction of Concepción's destruction,... more
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      Latin American StudiesWomen's StudiesRenaissance StudiesLatin American literature
Los objetivos planteados este libro, partieron de la necesidad de reconstruir históricamente las relaciones familia- escuela, en el proceso de transición de la educación doméstica colonial a la educación pública republicana en Colombia;... more
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      Colonial AmericaColombiaColonialismLegislative Politics
The assimilation of chocolate into the Spanish colonial structure, specifically the process in colonial Mexico, mirrors the subsuming of indigenous women within the domestic sphere of Spanish households. Far from disappearing, both women... more
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      Food HistoryLatin American HistoryColonial Latin American HistoryLatin American Colonial History
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      Latin American StudiesHistory of ChristianityMexico HistoryFranciscan Studies
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      Gender StudiesIdentity (Culture)Colonial Latin American Historycontrucción nacional Hispanoamerica
This article examines a series of proposals for improving silver refining methods presented to the municipal council of Potosí (in current-day Bolivia) in the late sixteenth century as a means of nuancing current understandings of the... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of TechnologyHistory of ArchivesHistory of Mining
Los estudios andinos, en amplio sentido, han atribuido a Juan de Matienzo –oidor de la audiencia de Charcas entre 1561 y 1579– la elaboración argumentada de la legitimidad del dominio español, a partir de la consideración jurídica de... more
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      EthnographyColonial Latin American HistoryEtnohistoryHistoria del Perú
Crônica publicada no Boletim de Informações da FIPE de agosto de 2016, mês do centenário do enforcamento de Roger Casement. Comentamos a experiência vivida e o esforço de denúncia realizado por Casement no que respeita às atrocidades... more
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      Economic HistoryAfrican HistoryColonialismAmazonia
El proyecto busca estudiar historiográficamente los procesos que rodearon la experiencia de la esclavitud de indígenas mapuches durante el "largo" siglo XVII, considerando el período que comprende la captura y trata ilegal durante la... more
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      History of SlaveryHistory of Colonial MexicoEtnohistoriaColonial Latin American History
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      European HistoryImperial HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryWorld History