Recent papers in Collegia
The Economy of Endowments: the case of Roman associations,” In Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe and Véronique Chankowski-Sable (eds.), ‘Pistoi dia tèn technèn’. Bankers, loans and archives in the Ancient World. Studies in honour of... more
My aim in this essay is to elucidate the meaning of the phrase collegia sodalicia, which occurs only in Digests 47.22.1 pr. (= Marcian F 73a Lenel), the introductory section of the Digests’ title De collegiis et corporibus (47.22). In... more
A detailed analysis of CIL XIV 2112 = ILS 7212, an inscription detailing the status and life of an association (collegium) of worshipers of Diana and Antinous in Lanuvium. A new edition of the text with English translation is also... more
• Risulta dalla testimonianza di Livio che in materia di collegia e poi di corpora è competente il Senatus.
La ricerca scientifica italiana del XX secolo ha dato un apporto significativo alle tematiche oggetto del workshop. Ciò si spiega non solo per la tradizionale forza degli studi antichistici in Italia e per la concentrazione in questo... more
This article scrutinizes the synagogue category and explores what value might be gained if it were to become inclusive of polytheistic occupational guilds comprising of Judeans and members from other ethnicities. It is argued that the... more
At the end of the first Millennium A.D., trade in Constantinople was administrated and disciplined, specifically regarding: strategic sectors of the economy; essential services in daily life; and finally goods with a symbolic value, among... more
La cappella dei convittori del seicentesco Collegio dei Nobili o di San Carlo a Modena è episodio centrale nella cultura figurativa cittadina di metà Ottocento. Ultimata nel 1852, fu realizzata su progetto di Cesare Costa, che vi dispiega... more
Das primäre Ziel meines Aufsatzes ist die ungarische Veröffentlichung der Vereinssatzung des von Gottheiten Aesculapius und Hygia benannten Privatvereins aus Rom. Die lateinische inschriftliche Quelle aus der Zeit des Antoninus Pius ist... more
This paper will focus on the offerings made within some collegia of Ostia. Considering both the content and the layout of inscriptions recording offerings, I will examine whether they reveal any features distinguishing a guild identity... more
This paper offers a new edition and a study of the inscription CIL XIV, 4548 from Ostia. An unpublished fragment enables a reappraisal of the text, which contains wording very similar to those of the kaput ex senatus consulto known by the... more
L'articolo è dedicato allo studio del raro gentilizio Purpurarius, noto dalla metà degli anni '80 del secolo scorso e attestato finora solo a Mutina. Il presente contributo rappresenta anche l'occasione per confermare, a partire dalle... more
Social historians are becoming increasingly aware that voluntary associations provide the ‘missing link’ between the civic elites and the ‘lower classes’. This raises an important question: how did the Roman collegia contribute to the... more
This paper resolves the debate over the occupation of the utricularii, whether they were raft-men or muleteers. It also makes some proposals about the business of the collegia of the centonarii, dendrophori and fabri.
Besondres informative Quellen der Erforschung der römischen privaten Kollegien sind die leges collegiorum, denn sie erlauben – im Gegenteil zu anderen Zeugnisse – eine relativ tiefgründige Einsicht ins Vereinsleben. Unter diesen... more
In this study, the instruction of craftsmen during the Roman imperial period through the presentation of concrete sources is examined. The aim was to provide an overview of professional training as far as the means and circumstances of... more
Inscribed on three sides of a statue base, AE 1998, 282 preserves a series of correspondence in 227–228 CE pertaining to the establishment of a perpetual endowment of HS 20,000, of which the primary beneficiary would be the collegium... more
J.Linderski, Suetons Bericht über die Vereinsgesetzgebung unter Caesar und Augustus, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stifting für Rechtsgeschichte 79, 1962, 322-328 = RQ 1995, 217-223 + addenda 649-650.
Festivals of ancient Roman associations were characterized by two fundamental features: on the one hand, members could experience a strong feeling of community and develop a ‘corporate identity’ by celebrating together on different... more
The collegia centonariorum have often been seen as the municipal fire-brigades or status groups of sorts in the Roman cities. Through a close investigation of the chronological development and geographical distribution of the collegia... more
The members of associations, and more specifically those who make dedications, are only a very small part of the ‘ordinary Romans’ to which this ‘dossier’ is devoted. Starting from a few case studies, we will analyze who were the actors... more
Review of the book in Latomus: "Disons-le d’emblée, Mme Liu a pleinement atteint cet objectif et nous régale d’une étude exemplaire dont les acquis sont de première importance." (by Professor Robert Duthoy in Latomus 70 (2011): 1158-1162)