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Given a growing asset-based approach to equipping English Learners (ELs) with the knowledge and skills to enter and succeed in postsecondary education, this brief examines ELs’ college readiness and postsecondary education outcomes in... more
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      Higher EducationCollege AccessCollege ReadinessPostsecondary Education
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      PsychologyEducationHigher EducationCollege Readiness
Knowing that our MBTI test personality type results will see us through college and well beyond, we can now step into the world of the eight letters of MBTI Type and what MBTI Types and pairs correlate to what specific areas of studies,... more
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      Personality PsychologyPersonalityMBTIPersonality Assessment
The UMES School of Business and Technology in collaboration with the Center for Student Technology Certification and Training has initiated an innovative three-prong program that uses the IC3 test to evaluate the information and digital... more
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      Information LiteracyAssessmentDigital LiteracyHigher Education
This paper discusses college readiness and the issues today's college faculty face in having to teach both high school and college at the same time. It seems more students then ever before need some type of remedial or developmental... more
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      Development StudiesDevelopmental EducationCollege ReadinessDevelopmental/Remedial Education
Gilliland, B. (2017). Opportunity gaps: Curricular discontinuities across ESL, mainstream, and college English. In C. Ortmeier-Hooper & T. Ruecker (Eds.), Linguistically diverse immigrant and resident writers: Transitions from high school... more
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      Successful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutAcademic WritingEnglish Language ArtsSecond Language Writing
This qualitative, collective case study describes the perceptions of academically successful Hispanic students regarding their access to Advanced Placement (AP) courses in 4 suburban Texas high schools. A multistage, purposeful sampling... more
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      College ReadinessAdvanced PlacementHispanic Studies
Popular conceptions of college and career readiness are broadening beyond strictly academic competencies like literacy and numeracy. New thinking on the many dimensions of preparedness has produced volumes of research and scores of new... more
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      College ReadinessCareer and College ReadinessCollege Readiness, Career Readiness, College and Career ReadinessCollege and career readiness
This article provides further detail on a middle school college readiness index, which was devised to generate earlier and more nuanced readiness diagnoses to K-12 students. Issues of reliability and validity (including construct... more
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      EducationAssessmentPsychometricsCollege Readiness
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      Higher EducationCollege AccessEquity and Social Justice in Higher EducationCollege Readiness
This chapter describes comprehensive and culturally relevant strategies that school and college counselors in K–12 schools and community settings can use to establish school-familycommunity partnerships that enhance students’ academic... more
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      Higher EducationCareer Guidance CounselingUrban EducationSocial Justice
... 2005; Cabrera & La Nasa, 2000, 2001; McDonough, 2005b; Perna, 2000; Perna et al., 2008). Although there has been much written about the influence of school counselors on the college choice process, there is limited empirical... more
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      Adult EducationCareer Guidance CounselingCareer GuidanceCollege Access
Despite the importance of school counselors in the college going process, school counselors are often inundated by numerous non-counseling responsibilities and overwhelmed due to high student-counselor ratios (McDonough, 2005a, 2005b).... more
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      PsychologyEducationSociology of EducationSpecial Education
This article considers the importance of ownership of learning as a key component of college readiness. The article is organized around two conceptual models. The first is a four-part model of college readiness that includes key cognitive... more
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      Self-regulated LearningCollege ReadinessSelf-regulationCareer and College Readiness
Students vary in the degree to which high school and family life prepare them for college, and that preparation has a dramatic impact on their transition to college and subsequent success there. This article introduces a new and more... more
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      Higher EducationCollege Readiness
This special issue furthers the conversation begun in the August 2014 of edition of Education Policy Analysis Archives in the article Accountability for College and Career Readiness: Developing a New Paradigm by Linda Darling-Hammond,... more
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      AccountabilityEducation PolicyCollege ReadinessCareer and College Readiness
As educational stakeholders endeavor to prepare more students for postsecond-ary success, the construct of college readiness has gained national attention. Scholarly perspectives vary regarding what constitutes readiness, but even less is... more
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      College AccessCollege ReadinessSensemakingEarly College High School
The college-for-all movement is variously framed as a civil rights issue, an economic imperative, and a requirement for navigating our increasingly globalized society. In response, large urban school districts across the United States... more
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      Successful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutLatino studentsEducation PolicyCollege Access
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      Adolescent LiteracyDevelopmental EducationCollege ReadinessDevelopmental Education, College, Literacy
Using social capital theory as a framework, the authors examined data from the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS: 2002) to examine how student contact with high school counselors about college information and other college-related... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyPsychologyTeaching and Learning
This article investigates the experience of 229 low-income students of color who participated in an innovative high school internship program between 2011 and 2015. Using mixed methods (interviews, observations, and survey), the authors... more
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      Minority StudiesInternships (Active Learning)College AccessCollege Readiness
The extant literature documents the importance of school counselors’ roles in school–family–community partnerships, yet no model exists to guide school counselors through the process of building partnerships. The authors propose a model... more
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      SociologyRural SociologySocial ChangePsychology
Background/Context: To enhance postsecondary completion and minimize equity gaps, researchers have focused on defining, measuring, and developing students' college readiness, or the preparation required to persist in higher education.... more
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      Student IdentityCollege ReadinessTrackingSocial Context of Urban Schooling
This chapter describes comprehensive and culturally relevant strategies that school and college counselors in K–12 schools and community settings can use to establish school-familycommunity partnerships that enhance students’ academic... more
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      Higher EducationCareer Guidance CounselingUrban EducationSocial Justice
Considering the current structural challenges that exist for students of color (SOC) in accessing a higher education, an epistemology is needed that better represents the complex process SOC endure in this pursuit. College access... more
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      College AccessCollege ReadinessUrbanHigh School
The graduation of the first two batches of the Filipino senior high school (postsecondary) graduates calls for an examination of their college readiness since admission to tertiary education is one of the curricular exits of the K to 12... more
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      PsychologyEducationHigher EducationCollege Readiness
Why do we need new measures of college and career readiness? Doesn’t the current system work entirely adequately to make determinations about who will succeed in college? Isn’t it sufficient to know which courses students took, the grades... more
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      AssessmentCollege ReadinessCareer and College ReadinessCollege Admissions
As high school juniors and seniors near the their transition to college, teaching them the skills required to be successful in college has been proven to ease the transition. Many of the skills and classes taught in high school do not set... more
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      College ReadinessCareer and College Readiness
This qualitative study examined how holistic education is related to the college readiness of Filipino K-12 graduates. It was framed in the four pillars of education and structuration theory. The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) explored... more
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    • College Readiness
The author engages in a research study with a small group of twelfth-grade students to explore how students' digital literacies, specifically Facebook, can help students meet the Common Core State Standards of College and Career Readiness.
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      LiteracyNew MediaParticipatory ResearchTeacher Education
In a bid to align the Zimbabwe education and training sub-sectors to the evolving needs of the nation, the Nziramasanga Commission of Inquiry into Education and Training (CIET) put forward several recommendations. One of the... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationCurriculum DesignDidactics
Many universities today invest in e-learning programmes and train their employees for it. Despite these efforts, universities have not gained satisfactory results from such initiatives. Although there are many reasons for this failure,... more
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      E ReadinessCollege ReadinessE-Learning ReadinessE-readiness
The graduation of the first two batches of the Filipino senior high school (post-secondary) graduates calls for an examination of their college readiness since admission to tertiary education is one of the curricular exits of the K to 12... more
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      PsychologyEducationHigher EducationCollege Readiness
The study illustrated brief summary of historical development of school counselling service in both the United States of America and Turkey. The paper analyzed the BA students who were... more
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      School Guidance and CounselingCollege ReadinessSchool CounselingGuidance and Counseling
The graduation of the first two batches of the Filipino senior high school (post-secondary) graduates calls for an examination of their college readiness since admission to tertiary education is one of the curricular exits of the K to 12... more
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      Higher EducationCollege Readiness
Groundbreaking study on what it takes to succeed in entry-level university courses. Standards for Success gathered data at over 20 AAU universities from more than 400 faculty members and hundreds of courses at these universities. The... more
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      College ReadinessCommon Core State StandardsCareer and College ReadinessEducational Standards
With recent calls for increases in the number of postsecondary credentialed citizens, refocusing attention toward more informed, solution-oriented college readiness activities has become necessary. A few specific foci are to improve the... more
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      College ReadinessTransition Process From School to Higher Education
Gelişen Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri (BİT) ile birlikte öğretimde ve eğitimde yeni anlayışlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu anlayışların en önemlilerinden birisi e-öğrenmedir. E-öğrenme öğrenenlere bilgiyi hızlı ve ucuz bir şekilde iletmek için... more
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      E-learningCollege ReadinessE-Learning ReadinessE-readiness
The indigenous peoples (IPs) are recognized as one of the disadvantaged social groups constituting Philippine minorities. While there have been several studies seeking to explain issues relating to IPs' participation in education, these... more
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    • College Readiness
It is important to remember that The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test is here to expand on your horizons and not to close opportunities or beliefs you might have. The MBTI test should not be used to constrain you from making choices that... more
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      Personality PsychologyCommunity CollegesCareer Guidance CounselingSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping Out
Moving forward, the ACT goal in establishing a holistic approach to CCR is to better assist students and adults in identifying and navigating potential barriers at key transition points throughout the K– Career continuum. ACT is... more
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      Student Motivation And EngagementSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutPersonality AssessmentCareer guidance research
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      Political ScienceCollege Readiness
Current practices of college and career readiness (CCR) emerged from within secondary school reform efforts. During a similar timeframe, evidence-based schoolwide interventions—positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) and... more
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      Special EducationQualitative ResearchCollege ReadinessCareer Development
Popular conceptions of college and career readiness are broadening beyond strictly academic competencies like literacy and numeracy. New thinking on the many dimensions of preparedness has produced volumes of research and scores of new... more
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      EducationPsychometricsEducational PsychologyCollege Access
Educators and policymakers are keenly aware of the need to prepare students to compete in an increasingly global society. It is widely accepted that a high school diploma is not sufficient and that secondary schools have a responsibility... more
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      College ReadinessCareer and College ReadinessCollege Preparation and TransitionAccess to Higher Education
In research and in practice, two similar but significantly different definitions arise for the term First Generation College Student (FGCS). The difference is whether it refers to students neither of whose parents attended vs. graduated... more
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      Higher EducationSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutMinority StudiesCollege Access
Abstract Undergraduate students lack the opportunity and environment to contemplate and develop ecoliteracy skills that serve to integrate subject matter into their everyday experiences. Ecoliteracy is grounded in Capra's web of life... more
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      BuddhismNative American StudiesTeaching and LearningEducation
The graduation of the first two batches of the Filipino senior high school (post-secondary) graduates calls for an examination of their college readiness since admission to tertiary education is one of the curricular exits of the K to 12... more
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      PsychologyEducationHigher EducationCollege Readiness
Designing and validating a college readiness test addresses the absence of standardized Philippine-based College Readiness Test (CRT) congruent with the College Readiness Standards (CRS) set by the Philippine Commission on Higher... more
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    • College Readiness