The reviewed literature reported on plagiarism in the context of the digital era from the perspective of a broader educational spectrum. The authors of this review ask questions with regard to what constitutes plagiarism, how prevalent... more
Research libraries will continue to be affected by rapid and transformative changes in information technology and the networked environment for the foreseeable future. The pace and direction of these changes will profoundly challenge... more
This article examines the theoretical models applied to date in library assessment activities. A brief review of the history of library assessment practices and the evolution of their respective approaches is presented. A discussion of... more
The study is focused on challenges of school libraries in the new educational reforms in Ghana. The study was conducted at the Konongo-Odumase Senior High School in the Asante-Akim North District of the Ashanti Region, It is aimed at... more
This study explored the motivational aspects of information literacy skills instruction delivered by librarians in community college libraries. Librarians and students at seven community colleges were interviewed and observed. Involvement... more
Competitive pressures, information availability, rising costs, and an in creasingly aware and selective student population mandate that aca demic libraries become more user focused. This calls for a better under standing of the specific... more
Over a two-year period, the Getty Information Institute (formerly the Getty Art History Information Program) sponsored and carried out a major study of end-user online searching by humanities scholars. Complete logs of the searches and... more
Abstract: This paper discusses the library automation and e-library project of CNCS. It examines the evolution of the University, the planning process and the implementation of library automation and e-library/Internet facilities. The... more
This theoretical essay uses tacit knowledge, the often-undocumented wis dom of expert practitioners and practitioner communities, to explore fu ture prospects for the academic librarian. Traditional and emerging valua tions of the... more
The purpose of this research is to develop an understanding of the factors that support or constrain the individual's sharing knowledge in the organization. The current study seeks to explore whether personality (self-efficacy and... more
The paper reports the studies on status and problems of library automation in undergraduate, engineering, and technology, and management colleges in government and private sectors in India. It focuses on the present condition of these... more
New education models based essentially on competencies and skills are gradually displacing the old systems based on teacher instruction and passive and memory-based learning in students, as these new competencies allow the student to... more
Information Communication Technology (ICT's) is applied in all fields, especially in the field of Library and Information Centre's is scabbard ample benefits from ICT's. Well-qualified, skilled and adequate number of Library professionals... more
A brief survey of New College Library's unusually rich collections related to the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5.
Librarians and archivists are intimately involved in scholarly communication systems, both as information providers and instructors. However, very little is known regarding their activities as scholars. This study seeks to examine the... more
The course graduated its first cohort in 2008; its second in 2009; and its third in 2010. Drawing primarily on qualitative data in the form of participants' online contributions and course projects, but complemented by quantitative survey... more
Objectives: To develop and validate a Multidimensional Prognostic Index (MPI) for mortality based on information collected by the Multidimensional Assessment Schedule (SVaMA), the recommended standard tool for multidimensional assessment... more
The widespread theft of collection materials, including rare and unique items, continues to be an issue of great concern to libraries of all types. The potential loss of such items threatens not only an institution's operations but, in... more
Interested in connecting users with the latest resources aimed at advancing intellectual inquiry and discovery, researchers from Texas Tech University Libraries decided to embark on a study to explore the practicality of the latest... more
This study explored the motivational aspects of information literacy skills instruction delivered by librarians in community college libraries. Librarians and students at seven community colleges were interviewed and observed. Involvement... more
Web 2.0 is a change in the way libraries interact with their users. The technological developments on the Web have had a major influence on these changes. The change also places new requirements on librarians’ competencies and skills. The... more
Research libraries have long invested in approval plan services, which offer an economical way to acquire scholarly and scientific publications. Traditional approval plans have evolved and now enable libraries to expand their e-book... more
This study confirms that a single second-order factor is associated with the delivery of high-quality library services in a research university envi ronment. However, a hierarchical factor analysis also demonstrated that research library... more
The authors examined abstracts written by graduate students for their research proposals as a requirement for a course in research methods in a distance learning MLIS program. The students learned under three instructional conditions that... more
he concept of "just-in-case" reference (the librarian waits at the desk just in case the patron has a question) is receiving increasing scrutiny by library administrators and reference librarians. 1,2 An entire symposium in the Journal of... more
The objective of this qualitative study was to identify and explain challenges encountered by academic librarians when trying to incorporate evidence into their practice. The findings resulted in the identification of five main... more
Objectives: To develop and validate a Multidimensional Prognostic Index (MPI) for mortality based on information collected by the Multidimensional Assessment Schedule (SVaMA), the recommended standard tool for multidimensional assessment... more
This study explored the motivational aspects of information literacy skills instruction delivered by librarians in community college libraries. Librarians and students at seven community colleges were interviewed and observed. Involvement... more
Just as the study of natural life-forms has benefited from the insights of ecologists, so too our understanding of the university library and its future evolution can be enriched by studying the changing ecology of information flow on... more
The increasing price of journal subscriptions and the increasing number of journals available make it difficult for libraries to supply all needed material locally for scholarly research. Bibliographic citation analysis of student... more