College Libraries

1,237 papers
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College libraries are academic institutions that provide access to a collection of resources, including books, journals, and digital media, to support the educational and research needs of students and faculty. They serve as information hubs, facilitating learning, research, and collaboration within the academic community.
With the high incidence of students' use of artificial intelligence (AI) content-generated tools, issues in academic integrity abound. Artificial intelligence and plagiarism have emerged as the main threats to using content-generated AI... more
Writing in Disguise explores an aspect of academic communication-that between subordinates and supervisors. After a lengthy introduction explaining the terms and purposes of the book, Caesar takes up a number of individual texts,... more
In this article, Entropy generation and enthalpy are investigated on the pipe wall in developed laminar flow for 7 cases. Variation of entropy generation and enthalpy are shown along the radius. Entropy generation and enthalpy along the... more
Heat flux is passed through the tube wall with natural convection in a tube wall of developed laminar flow. Tubes are used to find the best case with the minimum enthalpy and entropy generation. Process of heat flux pass is simulated with... more
Convection flow is passed in a pipe wall possessing radiation-convection, in order to find the best case with at least enthalpy and minimum entropy generation, through pipe wall having radiant flow. Flow in developed laminar conditions is... more
Heat flux is passed through the tube wall with natural convection in a tube wall of developed laminar flow. Tubes are used to find the best case with the minimum enthalpy and entropy generation. Process of heat flux pass is simulated with... more
In this article, Entropy generation and enthalpy are investigated on the pipe wall in developed laminar flow for 7 cases. Variation of entropy generation and enthalpy are shown along the radius. Entropy generation and enthalpy along the... more
Convection flow is passed in a pipe wall possessing radiation-convection, in order to find the best case with at least enthalpy and minimum entropy generation, through pipe wall having radiant flow. Flow in developed laminar conditions is... more
Drag coefficient independent on bubble diameter is required to ease design sieve trays or bubble column, through simulation of computational fluid dynamic. In this paper, the drag coefficients, independent or dependent on the diameter,... more
In this study, the effects of initial pH (5 − 7), temperature (30 − 38 ◦C) and incubation time (12 − 48 h), as well as yeast extract and free linoleic acid concentrations, respectively (0 – 4 %) and (0 − 400 µL), on the co-production of... more
While Embracing Change achieves its goal in exploring alternatives to research writing assignments, the book's brief introduction fails to introduce the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy, which many chapters reference. Given the... more
This paper presents and analyses the effectiveness of electronic resources in Krantiveer Vasantrao Naik Arts, Commerce and Science College Nashik, Maharashtra (India). On the basis of users’ satisfaction is evaluated. A survey method was... more
The survey investigates the users' opinions about the information resources available in the college libraries of Dakshina Kannada. A total of 266 population of postgraduate students and faculty members were selected from 18-degree... more
This study aims to investigate the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in college libraries within the Chirang district. The rapid advancements in technology have brought about significant changes in the way libraries... more
Xan Arch and Isaac Gilman create a necessary, at times difficult to discuss, piece of writing that should be used by academic libraries across the nation. Academic Library Services for First Generation Students brings forth the question... more
Using citation data from Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 1996–2004, this research replicates Meyer and Spencer's analysis of other-field citations to Library and Information Science (LIS) journals from 1972 to 1994. After 1994, JCR... more
Studying ADA accessibility at library websites of top universities selected from the U.S. News and World Report, the authors used WAVE and AChecker to assess data in compliance with WCAG 2.0 standards. Almost 8 out of 10 public university... more
Academic libraries invest thousands of dollars in assistive technologies (AT) for enhancing the delivery of information services to disabled patrons. However, offering AT might not result in their use by the patrons who need them, thereby... more
Academic libraries invest thousands of dollars in assistive technologies (AT) for enhancing the delivery of information services to disabled patrons. However, offering AT might not result in their use by the patrons who need them, thereby... more
Although authors have done validation or comparison studies of Web-based and paper-and-pencil surveys for different samples, few have published such studies for library patrons. After publishing its previous Web-based library satisfaction... more
How to become information literate teacher researchers and model information literacy for student researchers Information literacy is one of the major areas emphasized by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education... more
2019-nCoV, this tiny crowned virus, which was first spread from Wuhan, China, killed thousands of peoples in China, Italy, Iran, and Spain, in a very short period of time. Now, it reaches to most countries all around the world, and thus,... more
This reflective essay explores the interwoven nature of personal identity, lived experiences, and the pursuit of social justice within higher education. The author, a Black cisgender male, recounts his experiences with systemic racism... more
The new ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education is an opportunity for IL instructors to ask themselves whether their current approaches to instruction are meeting the higher goals of IL education. Instructors might... more
In the present study, Arundo donax L was used as a low-cost biosorbent for the uptake of basic dye crystal violet (CV) from aqueous media. Systematic batch mode studies of adsorption of crystal violet (CV) on Arundo donax were carried out... more
focusing on interlibrary lending data for those materials published in Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) and those materials published with a foreign imprint. The analysis generated by this study sheds light on the resource sharing... more
To evaluate the current state of resource sharing and cooperative collection development, this paper examines the relationship between less commonly taught language collections (LCTL) and ILL services. The study examined multiple years of... more
Oberlin College's strength in science and mathematics is discussed by its president, along with the state of these fields in the United States and the contributions that liberal arts colleges can make. Of concern nationwide are declining... more
For-profit schools constitute the fastest-growing sector of higher education institutions in the United States.1 Yet accompanying the phenomenal growth of these proprietary colleges and universities has been considerable controversy over... more
Interlibrary loan managers of a consortial group of large academic libraries presented a comprehensive report of their collective activities to their library directors to provide a better picture of their libraries’ resource-sharing... more
This paper aims to discuss the libraries' role in environmental sustainability. It is important to preserve the environment as worldwide production and consumption patterns are destroying nature at persistent and dangerously high rates.... more
various chapters as a source of inspiration. The most effective instruction is one that you're comfortable delivering, and it's hard to imagine that most users would not adapt what's presented to their own styles, preferences, and... more
This paper presents the results of a survey completed by academic librarians at United States colleges and universities identified on the website, a project of the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of... more
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a topic of interest among information technology innovators. As AI is refined, practical uses of the technology to improve the transfer of information are increasingly investigated, developed,... more
A team at the University of California, Merced, collaborated to evaluate the value of integrating information literacy into introductory composition courses through a curriculum developed by librarians and writing faculty. Using a... more
This usability study investigates how instructors in a university setting integrate resources into their Learning Management System (LMS) course shells and explores barriers and incentives for doing so. Findings suggest that obstacles... more
This usability study investigates how instructors in a university setting integrate resources into their Learning Management System (LMS) course shells and explores barriers and incentives for doing so. Findings suggest that obstacles... more
In troductio n ROSEMARY RUHIG DuMONT WIDESPREAD IN THE role of women in librarianship is a prod-INTEREST uct of the 1970s. In the early seventies, both the Supreme Court and Congress took steps to ensure equality of opportunity in the... more