College Admissions

244 papers
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College admissions is the process by which educational institutions evaluate and select students for enrollment. This process typically involves the assessment of academic records, standardized test scores, personal statements, and letters of recommendation to determine a candidate's suitability for admission.
or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume,... more
In response to data indicating that states having fewer post-secondary enrollees in two-year colleges had higher baccalaureate attainment, a study was undertaken to examine the possibility that a major state commitment to community... more
Affirmative action policies are oftentimes pitted against the need of universities to maintain meritocratic standards in enrollment. The current study tackles this institutional dilemma against the standard of student attrition. It does... more
Bagaimana rasanya menjadi mahasiswa termuda di kelas, menghadapi ekspektasi tinggi, dan tetap berusaha menunjukkan potensi diri? Tulisan ini mengungkap perjalanan unik dan penuh tantangan saat memulai perkuliahan di usia yang belum banyak... more
I have worked in higher education for more than 25 years. Yet as my daughter explores her college options, I have considered higher education and how institutions present themselves from a new lens — as an “undercover applicant.”
This chapter describes the development and use of aptitude testing in healthcare selection. First, the historical context of aptitude tests is outlined. This is followed by a detailed exploration of what aptitude tests measure, including... more
Research Director's Commentary Since I began publicly archiving reports produced as part of my Practicing Anthropology course, I have found it useful to provide brief commentary on the strength of the research and data presentation. The... more
When measuring Blacks and whites with equal Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores, Blacks tend to do better than whites on the toughest questions, a veteran test researcher claims. The assertion by Roy O. Freedle, a former researcher for... more
This study explores stakeholders' perceptions and use of AI in university admissions using a conceptual model. The model suggests that AI expertise mediates the relationship between various factors (positions, experience, perceived... more
Many of us in the college counseling profession are fortunate to have numerous occasions to positively impact students' lives, but too often, we are humbled by the many missed opportunities throughout the years that have undoubtedly... more
The paper submitted that despite the strong need and desire to attend high schools with better peers, there exist mixed evidence on whether doing this improves academic performance or outcomes. The paper estimated the cognitive returns... more
Pioneer Institute is an independent, non-partisan, privately funded research organization that seeks to improve the quality of life in Massachusetts through civic discourse and intellectually rigorous, data-driven public policy solutions... more
I received my June-August 2024 issue of Brown Alumni Magazine, and I cursorily turned the pages as usual. But then an article, "Affirmative Action for Rich Kids," by Noble Brigham '24 and Jack Brook '19 caught my attention. They write:... more
• Background: This exploratory writing analytics study uses argumentative writing samples from two performance contexts-standardized writing assessments and university English course writing assignments-to compare (1) linguistic features... more
Research Alliance publications are made possible by the support of a generous group of funders who underwrite the Research Alliance's core operations, including flexible research capacity, communications, and public engagement efforts.
Research Alliance publications are made possible by the support of a generous group of funders who underwrite the Research Alliance's core operations, including flexible research capacity, communications, and public engagement efforts.
We consider a framework in which the optimal admissions policy of a purely academicquality oriented college implements preferential treatment in favor of the student from the deprived socioeconomic background which maximizes the... more
The aim of this study was to investigate pre-service teachers' perceptions of personality characteristics which are significant in terms of teaching profession. The sample consisted of 418 students at Yıldız Technical University. Data... more
This paper examines student incentives when faced with a college admissions policy which pursues student body diversity. The effect of a diversify-conscious admissions policy critically depends on the design of the policy. If the... more
Sau despre un picut, foarte foarte foarte picut din culisele admiterii la facultate in SUA.
Purpose-In the aftermath of the Supreme Court's 2023 decision to effectively end race-conscious admissions practices across the nation, this paper highlights the law's commitment to whiteness and antiblackness, invites us to mourn and to... more
The Supreme Court's ruling in the 2013 Fisher v. University of Texas decision 1 largely ratified the 2003 Grutter decision in the previous case relevant to affirmative action (affirmative action) in college admissions. 2 Grutter had... more
Background/ContextResearchers have examined a number of admission-enhancing strategies utilized by students to strengthen their college applications. These academic and nonacademic strategies represent a range of opportunities... more
• Background: This study advances a sociocognitive approach to modeling complex communication tasks. Using an integrative perspective of linguistic, cultural, and substantive (LCS) patterns, we provide a framework for understanding the... more
Nearly 25% of incoming UT-Austin students are unable to get their first two choices for a college major. Historically, these students have been given an extensive list of all potential majors from which to choose. Many students simply... more
This paper examines student incentives when faced with a college admissions policy which pursues student body diversity. The effect of a diversify-conscious admissions policy critically depends on the design of the policy. If the... more
We demonstrate that improving graduation rates does not cause more students to graduate or increase student success. The underlying presumptions are spurious and misleading, as no causal connection exists between graduation rates and the... more
We demonstrate that improving graduation rates does not cause more students to graduate or increase student success. The underlying presumptions are spurious and misleading, as no causal connection exists between graduation rates and the... more
Background/ContextResearchers have examined a number of admission-enhancing strategies utilized by students to strengthen their college applications. These academic and nonacademic strategies represent a range of opportunities... more
Empirical studies have concluded that rural students experience lower rates of college enrollment and degree completion compared to their nonrural peers, but this literature needs to be expanded and updated for a continually changing... more
Latinos are the most rapidly growing population group in the Unites States and now account for the Nation’s largest minority group. This creates a significant opportunity to move forward and grow into more than a typical stereotype. This... more
Using an Opportunity to Learn (OTL) framework, this study examines the college preparatory experiences of Latina high and non-high achievers at an urban Latina/o majority high school. Findings indicate that students relied almost... more
Elite college admissions exemplify processes of social closure in which status-group conflict, organizational self-interest, the strategic use of cultural ideals of merit, and broader social trends and contingent historical events... more
Utilizing a critical raceclass theory of education, OiYan A. Poon and colleagues analyze interviews with Asian Americans who have publicly advocated for or against affirmative action and acknowledged how their understandings of racial... more
Affirmative action policies are oftentimes pitted against the need of universities to maintain meritocratic standards in enrollment. The current study tackles this institutional dilemma against the standard of student attrition. It does... more
This report would not have been possible without the help of UTR partners and participants, who, for almost a decade, have supported our evaluation efforts. The cast-deans, faculty, program directors and staff, data teams, mentors,... more
We study how admission policies in higher education affect enrollment decisions of men and women and the decision to apply to STEM programs. More specifically, we investigate how an increase in the relative acceptance probability for STEM... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Eğitim Fakültelerine öğrenci seçiminde kullanılmak üzere yeni bir mülakat model önerisi ortaya koymaktır. Model önerisinin ortaya konmaya çalışan bu araştırma nitel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmada ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi... more
Paradoxes: California's experience with reverse transfer students. In B. Townsend (Ed.). The transfer swirl: Trends and issues New Directions for Community Colleges. Number 106.. California is a state of interesting paradoxes. This... more
Ithaka S+R provides research and strategic guidance to help the academic and cultural communities serve the public good and navigate economic, demographic, and technological change. Ithaka S+R is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit... more
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