The question of who exactly is responsible for an organization's actions cannot be too carefully considered, as a clear understanding of this point is crucial from ethical, moral, managerial, and public perspectives. This article... more
How are we to think about our responsibility, both individually and collectively, in relation to revolution? How might recent conversations among philosophers help us think through questions of this sort, and where might we need to do... more
This article considers whether the idea of collective responsibility is relevant to the problems of morality and whether it is amenable to conceptualization in moral philosophy. It examines the discussion of collective moral... more
Gypsies have been a persecuted minority for more than five centuries. Our paper examines how exposing Spaniard participants to information according to which they personally, or their ingroup collectively, discriminate against the Gypsy... more
International customary law provides the bulk of guidance in determining criminal responsibility for systemic atrocities with a nexus to armed conflict. Id. 8 Ratner and Abrams, supra note 6 at 160. 9 Juan Mendez "argues that the most... more
International customary law provides the bulk of guidance in determining criminal responsibility for systemic atrocities with a nexus to armed conflict. Id. 8 Ratner and Abrams, supra note 6 at 160. 9 Juan Mendez "argues that the most... more
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Cet article a été téléchargé sur le site de la revue Ithaque : Pour plus de détails sur les dates de parution et comment soumettre un article, veuillez consulter le site de la revue :
In my personal narrative below, I discuss the challenges and opportunities of leading activist work in two public four‑year comprehensive universities both as a faculty member doing service for the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)... more
Kellersmann, Bettina: Die gemeinsame, aber differenzierte Verantwortlichkeit von Industriestaaten und Entwicklungsländern für den Schutz der globalen Umwelt, Berlin 2000.
This paper implements a novel approach to analyzing the degree of Collective Cognitive Responsibility (CCR) in a Knowledge Building community, based on socioeconomic and scientometric measures. After engaging in Knowledge Forum (KF)... more
Professor Lawrence Solan for inviting me to the stimulating interdisciplinary conference on corporate misbehavior held at Brooklyn Law School on November 12, 2004, and to contribute a paper on relevant ideas of my own to the associated... more
The article analyzes existing classifi cations of types of invalidity in law. Based on the results of the analysis, it should be concluded that invalidity in law is objectifi ed in the inability of certain legal phenomena (deeds, acts of... more
The concept of a civilizationally transformed state envisions a new governance paradigm that emphasizes moral values, collective responsibility, and compassion over traditional ideas of sovereignty and legality. This model emerges from... more
Isayvani Naicker explores Africa's cosmovision of Ubuntu, which offers as its starting point that humanity is deeply linked to nature through the life of the community. In order to elaborate the usefulness of Ubuntu as a vision for... more
This Special Issue brings together five articles from different disciplines. It aims to contribute to the emergent critical voices in research about collective trauma and collective healing by introducing novel perspectives and inviting... more
який мав статус міжнародного суду над військово-політичної верхівкою нацистської Німеччини-відомого як Нюрнберзький процес. Хоча то був перший приклад міжнародного суду над керівниками держави, тоді йшлося про індивідуальну... more
The recent identification of over 1,500 unmarked graves of Indigenous children on the grounds of residential schools across so-called Canada has raised pressing questions about intergenerational responsibility for colonial violence. This... more
This article delves into the religious conflict that transpired in Ambon from 1999 to 2004, with a specific focus on elucidating the formation of collective memory as a pivotal mechanism for fostering post-conflict reconciliation.... more
This is an encyclopedia entry written for the Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. It provides an overview of the concept of and literature surrounding "group agency" from the perspective of analytic philosophy. It... more
Although academic work on conspiracy theory has taken off in the last two decades, both in other disciplines as well as in epistemology, the similarities between global sceptical scenarios and global conspiracy theories have not been the... more
Theories of intergenerational obligations usually take the shape of theories of distributive (social) justice. The complexities involved in intergenerational obligations force theorists to simplify. In this article I unpack two popular... more
In National Responsibility and Global Justice, David Miller defends the view that a member of a nation can be collectively responsible for an outcome despite the fact that: (i) she did not control it; (ii) she actively opposed those of... more
is the author of a number of articles on governance and international politics, including the crisis in Kosovo in 1999, the resurgence of the extreme Right in Europe, implications of mass terrorism for the Caribbean Community, and the... more
the article explores the contested meanings of Fascism and collective guilt in postwar Italy. a large body of recent scholarship suggests that the myth of the Italiani brava gente served to suspend questions of collective responsibility... more
This edited collection presents a selection of papers from the 2012 conference of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET), an international network of scholars and practitioners who seek to understand... more
attention, the issue of responsibility gaps and my arguments here are not limited to them. I am concerned with the sorts of emerging military technologies that threaten to open responsibility gaps, and as has been persuasively argued by... more
This essay takes a cursory look at one of the problems in moral philosophy, which possibility or existence has been a subject of a long-standing debate among moral philosophers: the idea of moral responsibility. It has been simply... more
This chapter presents an examination of the portrayal of HIV/AIDS as social suffering in media representations. It elucidates how cultural representations, social experiences, and political processes shape public perceptions of HIV/AIDS,... more
In the spring of 2013, a racially controversial incident occurred on the Washington University Campus. The incident raised questions about the racial tolerance of the university community as well as exactly who should be held responsible... more
Euro-American exclusivity has mostly been responsible for eclipsing the universalizing appeal of trauma studies. In a bid to cater for trauma accounts of the Global South, the present study attempts to look into the trauma of people... more
Scientists have the epistemic responsibility of producing knowledge. They also have the social responsibility of aligning their research with the needs and values of various societal stakeholders. Individual scientists may be left with no... more
Studies to teach student-writers the rhetorical flexibility needed to navigate a post-pandemic world. She holds a PhD in English Studies (2016) and a Graduate Certificate in Women's and Gender Studies (2016) from Illinois State... more
A more correct concept of "collective ordeal" is proposed instead of the often incorrectly used term "collective responsibility". The definition of collective ordeal is given and examples of situations that may be incorrectly described by... more
The question on guilt that Jaspers poses to the Germans was not only valid after the Holocaust, it can be raised to other peoples who must answer for the crimes committed by the state which act on behalf of the people that gave support to... more
This Special Issue brings together five articles from different disciplines. It aims to contribute to the emergent critical voices in research about collective trauma and collective healing by introducing novel perspectives and inviting... more
In this article, we show how pathways to justice and reconciliation pertaining to the transatlantic slavery should begin with collective healing processes. To illustrate this conclusion, we first employ a four-fold conceptual framework... more
În articolul "Logic of Catastrophe — Deeper Logic of Reality," Jovan Babić de la Universitatea din Belgrad analizează pandemia de coronavirus, argumentând că aceasta este o catastrofă, nu doar o criză. El explică faptul că astfel de... more
It is argued that political realists have framed internationalized relations by way of an implicit appeal to what is called the 'agent-exclusion principle.' The agent-exclusion principle holds that in cases where agency is nested, agency... more
A growing number of technologies are currently being developed to improve and distribute thinking and decision-making. Rapid progress in brain-to-brain interfacing and swarming technologies promises to transform how we think about... more