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      Social MovementEnvironmental JusticeBangladeshCollective Obligation
In this paper I discuss a number of different relationships between two kinds of (moral) obligation: those which have individuals as their subject, and those which have groups of individuals as their subject. I use the name collective... more
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      SupervenienceCollective Obligation
According to Wringe 2006 we have good reasons for accepting the existence of Global Collective Obligations - in other words, collective obligations which fall on the world’s population as a whole. One such reason is that the existence of... more
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    • Collective Obligation
There are a number of reasons for accepting the existence of Global Collective Obligations - in other words, collective obligations which fall on the world’s population as a whole. One such reason - outlined in Wringe 2005 - is that... more
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      Political PhilosophyCollective ActionCollective Obligation
There is good reason to think that moral responsibility as accountability is tied to the violation of moral demands. This lends intuitive support to Type-Symmetry in the collective realm: A type of responsibility entails the violation or... more
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      Collective ActionCollective ResponsibilityCollective Moral ResponsibilityMoral Responsibility
Many harms require collective solutions. Think, for instance, of rescuing a drowning swimmer by forming a human chain. This is a collective harm that can be prevented only if several individuals contribute. It is futile to try and prevent... more
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      Collective ResponsibilityRedundancyCollective ObligationFeasibility
Stephanie Collins’ Group Duties offers interesting new arguments and brings together numerous interconnected issues that have hitherto been treated separately. My critical commentary focuses on two particularly original and central claims... more
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      Collective ActionCollective ResponsibilityCollective ObligationObligations
There appears to be a conflict between autonomy and solidarity which rests on the belief that solidarity requires that individuals renounce at least some fundamental aspects of autonomy. Solidarity, as a means to bringing about... more
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      Political PhilosophyAutonomySolidarityCollective Obligation
Individualists claim that collective obligations are reducible to the individual obligations of the collective’s members. Collectivists deny this. We set out to discover who is right by way of a deontic logic of collective action that... more
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      Social OntologyDeontic LogicCollective ResponsibilityCollective Obligation
In this paper, I argue that a well-known objection to subsistence rights developed by Onora O'Neill - namely, that such rights would generate obligations without an obligation-bearer, can be answered if we take such rights to impose an... more
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      Social and Political Theories of Justice & Human RightsCollective ObligationOnora O'NeillCollective Obligations
Does the norm against harm extend to probable harms and to collective harms? This has been questioned because the harm that someone risks might not materialize, and because a contribution to a collective harm can as such be harmless.... more
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      Ethics of RiskCollective Moral ResponsibilityMoral ResponsibilityRedundancy
In this paper I develop an account of member obligation: the obligations that fall on the members of an obligated collective in virtue of that collective obligation. I use this account to argue that unorganized collections of individuals... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryCollective ActionGlobal Justice
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      Political PhilosophyMoral PhilosophyCollective ObligationCollective Agency