Collective Intelligence
Recent papers in Collective Intelligence
The importance of monitoring information that serves to assist in decision-making and to anticipate changes has been increasingly recognized in the organizational context because of the growing complexity of the environment. However, the... more
The aim of the research is to analyse how digitalization and the opportunities of new media effect film industry and audience by analysing some specific examples of films which are supported financially by crowds. As Mc Luhan and Harold... more
Musicians' drive to be productive on the Internet led to the development of practices that can inform popular music education. Expanding the concept of popular music education to include online participatory culture practices provides... more
This book, the first in American history to be subjected to prior government censorship began making news even before it was written. From the time it was no more than an outline to the present, the Central Intelligence Agency has been... more
Many animal species live as a group and must therefore move as such. Several authors have suggested that the mechanisms underlying collective movements in primate species appear to rely on complex cognitive skills, given their high level... more
Concerning political and social reform of Korean society after the ‘Candle revolution’ and impeachment of a president, the civil society and the political sphere show different approaches to the problem. The people (or citizens) assembled... more
Science ouverte/Open science : Regards croisés sur la transmission de la science, ses engagements, ses innovations et ses risques
The subject of the presented comparative case study is the phenomenon of collective intelligence (CI) in the online public sphere. Intelligence that appears in online communities is understood as a form of a distributed ability, which... more
Understanding what motivates participation in online innovation communities is now a high priority given the recent interest in crowdsourcing as an approach to increasing diversity and creativity in innovation. This article reports on... more
The popular Samoan adage 'o le ala i le pule o le tautua' (the pathway to leadership is through service) is commonly understood by Samoans around the world as an important life value. Writings about tautua (service) have chronicled... more
Social visualization systems have emerged to support collective intelligence-driven analysis of a growing influx of open data. As with many other online systems, social signals (e.g., forums, polls) are commonly integrated to drive use.... more
Using only simple rules for local interactions, groups of agents can form self-organizing super-organisms or “flocks” that show global emergent behavior. When agents are also extended with memory and goals the resulting flock not only... more
This essay reflects on the rhythmic and performatic dimension of the archipelago in order to use it as a heuristic tool to understand the “intelligence” of the Smart City. Recognising the “smart ideology” which has brought to the actual... more
Resumo -Diante do aumento na utilização dos guidelines (diretrizes clínicas), um grande esforço faz-se necessário para sua elaboração com qualidade e a possibilidade de torná-las compartilháveis entre diferentes instituições e utilizáveis... more
By looking at collective intelligence (CI) through four distinct lenses, this paper draws on recent research in organizational design, evolutionary economics, cognitive sciences, knowledge ecology and political economy to built a twin... more
Today, the development of territories relies largely on collective intelligence. The following comments aim to highlight the existence of a specific mode of regulation of collective action, strategic territorial management. One of its... more
This paper shows how the two virtues of collective intelligence – cognitive diversity and large crowds – turn into perils in crowdsourced policymaking. That is because of a conflict between the logic of the crowds and the logic of... more
Toronto School of Communication Theory is not only a success story, but it is a vision and practice of how to create and build the country's intellectual future. For decades, scholars at Canada's leading university have contributed to the... more
Die Konvergenz von mobilen Medien, Sensornetzwerken, digitalen Datenvisualisierungen und den Anwendungen des Social Web hat dazu geführt, dass sich Erfahrungen des Urbanen in einem radikalen Wandel befinden. Die Stadt der Zukunft... more
Designing wisdom through the Web: The passion of ranking 1 Civilization rests on the fact that we all benefit from knowledge we do not possess
Пользователи (фанаты) и медиа – два полюса, которые не могут существовать друг без друга. Читатель фанатских текстов не просто участвует в интерпретации продукта массовой культуры, он продолжает эту цепочку сотворений и создает новые... more
The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational Politics Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and... more
In this paper, the phenomenon of virtual idol Hatsune Miku will be analyzed in the context of critical theory, emerging technologies, and theory of digital art practices. The first part focuses on the phenomenon of the virtual celebrity... more
Admittedly this is a presumptuous title that should never be used when reporting on individual research advances. Wisdom is just not a scientific concept. In this case, though, we are reporting on recent developments on the web that lead... more
This study explores the effectiveness of a game-based mobile learning model for children living in underdeveloped regions with significant contextual variations. Data for this study came from a total of 210 children between the ages of... more
In an effort to carve a distinct place for social facts without lapsing into a holistic ontology, John Greenwood has sought to define social phenomena solely in terms of the attitudes held by the actor(s) in question. I argue that his... more
Abstract In school systems the innovative paradigm described in this book means that adult- child ratios in classrooms can be reduced effectively to 5:1 (a learning group is made up of ten students with two guiding adults), as available... more
Par cette proposition, nous voudrions interroger deux actes que l'on pense rarement ensemble ; l'acte d'éduquer de la recherche en éducation et celui de gouverner propre aux décisions politiques. Nous nous proposons d'étudier ces deux... more
The proposition Extended Semantic Network is an innovative tool for Knowledge Representation and Ontology construction, which not only infers meanings but looks for sets of associations between nodes as opposed to the present method of... more
L'approche Big Data induit d'importants risques pour les territoires et, par extension, pour nos sociétés. La « norme statistique » et la croyance aveugle dans les algorithmes peut, comme nous tentons de l'analyser dans cet article,... more
Through various platforms enabled by Web 2.0 technologies, citizens can collectively create public information, provide service, and take part in policy processes. Pushed by the Open Government Directive of the Obama administration,... more
Spy Book a spy should read
Abstract: This study explores the leadership actions-oriented behavior of school principals in Finland. Actions-orientated behavior enables the leader to appropriately articulate relations and task orientation to meet the immediate... more
With the United States becoming a maritime nation, massive budget deficits, and increased Congressional Oversight, many question the validity and necessity of equipment, programs, and even entire agencies as a whole. The Defense... more
The four sections of this essay that serve as contexts for outlining the meaning, conditions and practices of “collective awakening” are: What Brings Me to We; Collective Buddha; Wisdom-Driven Enterprise; and Awakening to a Wiser Society.... more
En este artículo se intenta contribuir a la comprensión de los colectivos mediáticos siguiendo la línea de trabajo iniciada por Eliseo Verón y continuada por Mario Carlón. En primera instancia, se sintetizan las propiedades con que Verón... more
A ascensão da cibercultura (cultura digital), um resultado da convergência entre a socialidade contemporânea e as tecnologias de informação e comunicação microeletrônicas digitais (TICs), baseadas no ciberespaço, como um paradigma social,... more
A new trend that will change the dynamics of the intelligence industry? In the Knowledge Age, traditional intelligence organisations have been disenfranchised from holding the monopoly over their core intelligence function: forewarning.... more
This text is a result of the reading of the thesis submitted as a doctoral thesis by John Croft, in 1988. Here, my intention was make brief analysis if this huge work to understand the source of Dragon Dreaming, the principal object of my... more
En el presente artículo se analizan diferentes estrategias de diseño urbano basadas en el enfoque bottom-up (diseño “de abajo hacia arriba”), describiendo sus principales fundamentos y métodos de trabajo, y demostrando su potencial como... more
Organizing a classroom into small collaborative learning groups involves pairing students and configuring desks into three small clusters of 3-5 pairs of adjoining desks. This carefully considered arrangement greatly improves coordinating... more
Marketers are trying to find new ways to communicate with their customers and adapt rapidly changing consumer behavior which requires implementing new communication techniques. One of these techniques, brand storytelling is evolving to... more