High-speed laser-modulator transmitters fabricated using InGaAsP quantum-well intermixing exhibit negative chirp over a wavelength range of more than 30nm. Photocurrent spectroscopy is used to examine the multiple band edges in these... more
Here, we theoretically analyze spectra of weakly attenuated electromagnetic waves which may appear in a Fermi-liquid of charge carriers in quasi-two-dimensional (Q2D) layered conductors when an external magnetic field is applied... more
Bose-Einstein condensates confined in traps exhibit unique features which have been the object of extensive experimental and theoretical studies in the last few years. In this paper I will discuss some issues concerning the behaviour of... more
The Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of magnetoexcitonic polaritons in two-dimensional (2D) electron-hole system embedded in a semiconductor microcavity in a high magnetic field B is predicted. There are two physical realizations of 2D... more
A novel type of spaser with the net amplification of surface plasmons (SPs) in doped graphene nanoribbon is proposed. The plasmons in THz region can be generated in a dopped graphene nanoribbon due to nonradiative excitation by emitters... more
Bose-Einstein condensates confined in traps exhibit unique features which have been the object of extensive experimental and theoretical studies in the last few years. In this paper I will discuss some issues concerning the behaviour of... more
Experimental and theoretical evidence of plasmon-enhanced Kerr rotation in purely ferromagnetic membranes with sufficiently small dimensions to be out of extraordinary optical transmission conditions (45 nm pore diameter, 90nm lattice... more
We analyze theoretically the oscillations that the magnetoresistivity of twodimensional electron systems present when a high intensity direct current is applied. In the model presented here we suggest that a plasma wave is excited in the... more
We study the transport properties of the quantum Hall bilayers systems looking closely at the effect that disorder and electron-phonon interaction have on the interlayer tunnelling current in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field B .... more
Starting from thin film planar technology, we designed and fabricated a visible optical source that produces a localized bright spot with nanometric dimensions. The structure consists of exciting surface plasmons through the illumination... more
We calculate the nonlinear dipole and quadrupole moments induced at the second-harmonic ͑SH͒ frequency 2 in a small dielectric sphere by an inhomogeneous monochromatic electric field of frequency. We neglect finite-size effects and assume... more
We calculate the optical second harmonic ͑SH͒ radiation generated by small spheres made up of a homogeneous centrosymmetric material illuminated by inhomogeneous transverse and/or longitudinal electromagnetic fields. We obtain expressions... more
We present a formalism for calculating the absorption coefficient of a pair of coaxial tubules. A spatially nonlocal, dynamical self-consistent field theory is obtained by calculating the electrostatic potential produced by the charge... more
(0) c decreases as B −1/4 and increases with the spring constant of the parabolic trap. The Rabi splitting related to the creation of a magnetoexciton in a high magnetic field in graphene and QW is obtained. It is shown that Rabi... more
Large phase differences between transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) waves were investigated in plasmonic nanoslit arrays. The phase of the TE wave shifts ahead because of its low propagation constant. On the other hand,... more
We have studied the interaction of charged particles with single-walled metallic nanotubes by solving Poisson's equation with appropriate boundary conditions. Numerical results for the energy dispersion relations as a function of the wave... more
Highly ordered two-dimensional arrays of monodisperse coinage metal nanowires embedded in an alumina matrix have been prepared. When light is propagating in the direction of the long axis of the nanowire, plasmon-enhanced absorption and... more
Organic thin film based excitonic nanostructures are of a great interest in modern resonant nanophotonics as a promising alternative for plasmonic systems. Such nanostructures sustain propagating and localized surface exciton modes which... more
We have applied the quantum Monte Carlo method and tight-binding modeling to calculate the binding energy of biexcitons in semiconductor carbon nanotubes for a wide range of diameters and chiralities. For typical nanotube diameters we... more
Nanostructured metal surfaces comprised of periodically arranged spherical voids are grown by electrochemical deposition through a self-assembled template. Detailed measurements of the angleand orientation-dependent reflectivity reveal... more
We have presented here results of a low temperature transport study of polypyrrole nanowires having low electron densities, which shows characteristics of charge density waves observed in structurally ordered materials. The... more
Femtosecond laser excitation of bulk n-doped GaAs leads to coherent plasmon excitations that emit intense submillimeter wave radiation. We investigated the underlying plasmon dynamics in time-resolved experiments on the emitted THz... more
We give three methods for entangling quantum states in quantum dots. We do this by showing how to tailor the resonant energy (Förster-Dexter) transfer mechanisms and the biexciton binding energy in a quantum dot molecule. We calculate the... more
Monopoles and vortices are fundamental topological excitations that appear in physical systems spanning enormous scales of size and energy, from the vastness of the early universe to tiny laboratory droplets of nematic liquid crystals and... more
A novel type of spaser with the net amplification of surface plasmons (SPs) in doped graphene nanoribbon is proposed. The plasmons in THz region can be generated in a dopped graphene nanoribbon due to nonradiative excitation by emitters... more
Non-Abelian anyons can exist as point-like particles in two-dimensional systems, and have particle exchange statistics which are neither bosonic nor fermionic. Like in spin systems, the role of fusion (Heisenberg-like) interactions... more
We demonstrate the imaging capabilities of energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy at high energy resolution in the low energy-loss region, reporting the first direct image of a surface plasmon of an elongated gold nanoparticle... more
The excitation modes of electrons in symmetric, neutral jellium slabs are studied within the timedependent local density and related approximations, in the regime when there are several bound states below the Fermi level. Unlike most... more
Effective material parameters for metamaterials are usually extracted for a single thin layer only. We show that, in general, these parameters cannot directly be assigned to a multilayered ͑bulk͒ metamaterial. The principal issue is the... more
We have applied the quantum Monte Carlo method and tight-binding modeling to calculate the binding energy of biexcitons in semiconductor carbon nanotubes for a wide range of diameters and chiralities. For typical nanotube diameters we... more
Recently it has been predicted that “cylindrical” surface plasmons (CSP’s) on cylindrical interfaces of coaxial ring apertures produce a different form of extraordinary optical transmission that extends to ever increasing wavelengths as... more
The structure of the edge excitations of a quantum Hall droplet, confined in a double quantum well, is studied using a generalized version of the Wen-Stone chiral boson action. As the interwell tunneling t is increased, one finds a... more
By use of electron-energy-loss spectrometer with high-momentum resolution, we have measured a collective electronic excitation in a surface-state band on Si(1 1 1)± p 3 Â p 3-Ag. We have clari®ed that the energy dispersion is isotropic... more
As an efficient nanolens, we propose a self-similar linear chain of several metal nanospheres with progressively decreasing sizes and separations. To describe such systems, we develop the multipole spectral expansion method. Optically... more
Li, Stockman, and Bergman Reply: In their Comment [1], Li, Yang, and Xu (LYX) contend that, within their electrodynamic computation, the maximum enhancement is about 2 times smaller than in our original Letter [2], and with the... more
We study an optomechanical system in which the collective density excitations (Bogoliubov modes) of a Bose Einstein condensate (BEC) is coupled to a cavity field. We show that the optical force changes the frequency and the damping... more
We propose a scheme to transfer the quantum state of light fields to the collective density excitations of a Bose Einstein condensate (BEC) in a cavity. This scheme allows to entangle two BECs in a double cavity setup by transferring the... more
For a long time, people believe that all possible states of matter are described by Landau symmetry-breaking theory. Recently we found that string-net condensation provide a mechanism to produce states of matter beyond the... more
We investigate the insertion of holes in conjugated polymers bearing polarons. We use a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model modified to include electron-electron interactions via an extended Hubbard Hamiltonian, a Brazovskii-Kirova symmetry... more
We explore the behavior of collective nuclear excitations under a multi-parameter deformation of the Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian matrix elements have the form P (|H ij |) ∝ 1/ |H ij | exp(−|H ij |/V), with a parametric correlation of the... more
Plasmonic systems are known for their distinct nonlinear optical properties when compared to purely dielectric materials. Although it is well accepted that the enhanced nonlinear processes in plasmonicdielectric compounds are related to... more
As an efficient nanolens, we propose a self-similar linear chain of several metal nanospheres with progressively decreasing sizes and separations. To describe such systems, we develop the multipole spectral expansion method. Optically... more
Li, Stockman, and Bergman Reply: In their Comment [1], Li, Yang, and Xu (LYX) contend that, within their electrodynamic computation, the maximum enhancement is about 2 times smaller than in our original Letter [2], and with the... more
We examine whether single molecule sensitivity in surface-enhanced Raman scattering ͑SERS͒ can be explained in the framework of classical electromagnetic theory. The influence of colloid particle shape and size, composition ͑Ag or Au͒ and... more
In this study, a standing wave in an optical nanocavity with Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) constitutes a one-dimensional optical lattice potential in the presence of a finite two bodies atomic interaction. We report that the interaction... more
Bilayer quantum Hall states support a flow of nearly dissipationless staggered current which can only decay through collective channels. We study the dominant finite-temperature dissipation mechanism which in narrow bars is driven by... more
In this work we present a model and a method to study integer quantum Hall (IQH) systems. Making use of the Landau levels structure we divide these two dimensional systems into a set of interacting one dimensional gases, one for each... more