This paper presents a notion for developing Organizational Decision Support Systems (ODSS). The lens used is to see ODSS as a specialization of Social Decision Support Systems (SDSS) and a generalization of Group Decision Support Systems... more
Collective behavior based on self-organization has been shown in group-living animals from insects to vertebrates. These findings have stimulated engineers to investigate approaches for the coordination of autonomous multirobot systems... more
Avaliacao do processo de tomada de decisao na determinacao de rotas em Acromyrmex subterraneus (Forel, 1893) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). O forrageamento e imprescindivel a sobrevivencia e reproducao dos animais, devendo ser entendido como... more
Written as a chapter in the Handbook of Development Economics, edited by Dani Rodrik and Mark Rosenzweig to be published by North Holland. We are grateful to Frederico Finan and Robert Putnam for providing us with their data to Mar a Ang... more
A well known and established model in communication policy in sociology and marketing is that of opinion leadership. Opinion leaders are actors in a society who are able to affect the behavior of other members of the society called... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
The purpose of this research was to examine the Apis dorsata distribution and nesting habits in urban Nagpur. According to the findings, there were about 75 nests in urban Nagpur. Among these 73 per cent were active nests and 21 per cent... more
Electronic institutions provide a computational analogue of human institutions to engineer open environments in which agents can interact in an autonomous way while complying with the norms of an institution. We survey the currently... more
Iván Barreda(a), Aurora García(a)(b), Nikolaos Georgantzís(a)(b) ¤ , Joaquín Andaluz(c), and Agustín Gil(c). LINEEX 11/00 Working Paper on Experimental Economics and Political Decision Making (a)Universitat Jaume I -Castellón (b)LINEEX... more
For agent-based modelling of collective phenomena individual agent behaviours can be modelled either from an agent-internal perspective, in the form of relations involving internal states of the agent, or from an agentexternal,... more
In this paper, we study the problem of collective decision-making over combinatorial domains. We focus on a particular social choice rule, namely Smith/Minimax. We introduce a distributed protocol for collective decision-making, which is... more
The median voter hypothesis has been central to an extensive literature on consequences of income distribution. For example, it has been proposed that greater inequality is associated with lower growth, because of the greater... more
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There is a great deal of plausibility to the standard view that if one is rational and it is clear at the time of action that a certain move, say M 1 , would serve one's concerns better than any other available move, then one will, as a... more
A well-known model in sociology and marketing is that of opinion leadership. Opinion leaders are actors who are able to affect the behavior of their followers. Hence, opinion leaders have some power over their followers, and they can... more
A well known and established model in communication policy in sociology and marketing is that of opinion leadership. Opinion leaders are actors in a society who are able to affect the behavior of other members of the society called... more
On March 28, 1991, Prime Minister Josef Antall delivered an important speech in front of the Atlantic Council, reaffirming his nation’s willingness to adhere to Euro-Atlantic values. He expressed gratitude to the Alliance for safeguarding... more
In group-living animals, aggregation favours interactions as well as information exchanges between individuals, and allows thus the emergence of complex collective behaviors. In previous works, a model of a self-enhanced aggregation was... more
We studied the formation of trail patterns by Argentine ants exploring an empty arena. Using a novel imaging and analysis technique we estimated pheromone concentrations at all spatial positions in the experimental arena and at different... more
Insect societies are often confronted with choices among several options such as food sources of different richness or potential nest sites with different qualities. The mechanisms by which a colony as a whole evaluates these situations... more
Self-amplification processes are at the origin of several collective decision phenomena in insect societies. Understanding these processes requires linking individual behavioral rules of insects to a choice dynamics at the colony level.... more
The median voter hypothesis has been central to an extensive literature on consequences of income distribution. For example, it has been proposed that greater inequality is associated with lower growth, because of the greater... more
A secure routing scheme for mobile wireless sensor networks such things as robots. For example, research into mobile WSNs are Robomote, 2 Emulab, 3 and ZebraNet. Challenges in mobile WSNs include deployment, localization,... more
Ce numéro spécial de la Revue Suisse d'Anthropologie Culturelle et Sociale souhaite prêter attention aux pratiques d'assemblées comme outil de décisions collectives au sein de groupes humains qui revendiquent des formes multiples... more
Les effectifs des enseignant-e-s-chercheur-e-s en sciences de l'éducation (discipline relativement récente) passent de 114 en 1978 à 668 en 2015 et cette augmentation s'accompagne d'un processus de féminisation. Pour autant, les carrières... more
This paper aimed to empirically describe the power imbalances issues in setting the minimum wage in Bandung Regency and West Bandung Regency. Formally, Regional Wage Council has been established based on equality. However, several power... more
is commonly considered an essential requirement for power measures; violation of local monotonicity or related postulates supposedly disqualifies an index as a valid yardstick for measuring power. This paper questions if such claims are... more
Classical power analysis does not involve preferences of players (parties). Classical power indices are constructed under assumption of equal probability of occurrence for each coalition. The paper contains a proposition of relaxation of... more
A secure routing scheme for mobile wireless sensor networks such things as robots. For example, research into mobile WSNs are Robomote, 2 Emulab, 3 and ZebraNet. 4 Challenges in mobile WSNs include deployment, localization,... more
This paper addresses a collective decision model based on interacting adaptive agents that learn from their experiences by a Hebbian learning mechanism. The decision making process makes use of emotionrelated valuing of decision options... more
This paper studies a model of how political parties use resources for campaigning to inform voters. We show existence of equilibrium under mild assumptions for an arbitrary number of parties. The main result is that if the parties are... more
IVIE working papers o®er in advance the results of economic research under way in order to encourage a discussion process before sending them to scienti¯c journals for their¯nal publication. * We want to thank M. Maschler and J. M.... more
We study how individuals divide themselves into coalitions and choose a public alternative for each coalition. When preferences have consecutive support and coalition feasible sets are positively population-responsive, the proposed... more
This paper addresses a collective decision model based on interacting adaptive agents that learn from their experiences by a Hebbian learning mechanism. The decision making process makes use of emotionrelated valuing of decision options... more
This paper addresses a collective decision model based on interacting adaptive agents that learn from their experiences by a Hebbian learning mechanism. The decision making process makes use of emotionrelated valuing of decision options... more
This paper discuses the virtual enterprise (VE) as an intercompany collaborative tool for knowledge management. This concept, based on the internet and state-of-the-art information technologies, can be seen as the foundation for a firm's... more
This paper explores the reasons why economic instruments of climate change are reluctantly applied and stresses the need for interdisciplinary research linking economic theory and empirical testing to deliberative political procedures. It... more
The aim of this study is to develop simplified tools and methods in collaboration with local stakeholders to facilitate collective decision-making. The project is based on a series of experiments carried out between farmers and... more
Hansmann (1996) points out that a surprisingly large number of nonprofit firms operate in developed economies, often in sectors where they compete with for-profit firms. In this paper, we shed new light on the viability of nonprofit firms... more
This paper addresses a collective decision model based on interacting adaptive agents that learn from their experiences by a Hebbian learning mechanism. The decision making process makes use of emotionrelated valuing of decision options... more
The combination of individual judgments on logically interconnected propositions into a collective decision on the same propositions is called judgment aggregation. Literature in social choice and political theory has claimed that... more
The exchange of topology information is a potential attack target in mobile ad-hoc networks. To provide an intrinsic security mechanism, it is possible to validate topology advertisements in the control plane against records of the path... more
In an earlier paper in this journal, we argued that current road safety programs and thinking are constructed within a paradigm that tends to accept existing cultural arrangements. The current paper is a sequel to the earlier one, and... more
Purpose-A distinguishing feature of the successful "post-Network Age" enterprise is its intrinsic entrepreneurial character that manifests itself in key organizational knowledge practices relating to organizational culture, processes,... more
In this paper, we study the problem of collective decision-making over combinatorial domains. We focus on a particular social choice rule, namely Smith/Minimax. We introduce a distributed protocol for collective decision-making, which is... more
This paper addresses the problem of collective decision making in the case where the agents' preferences are represented by CP-nets (Conditional Preference Networks). Most existing works either do not consider the computational issues, or... more