Collaborative Ethnography

228 papers
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Collaborative ethnography is a qualitative research approach that involves researchers and participants working together to co-create knowledge about a cultural or social phenomenon. This method emphasizes mutual engagement, shared authority, and the integration of diverse perspectives, aiming to produce richer, more nuanced understandings of the studied community.
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Our main objective is to analyze the different ways in which people involved in the Mexican intercultural education subsystem conceive interculturality. This subsystem is still emerging and we refer to the specific case of Veracruz. We... more
Miłosierdzie wobec osób uzależnionych. Garść refleksji kapelana oddziału odwykowego w kontekście Wielkiego Jubileuszu Miłosierdzia Miłosierdzie ma wiele twarzy. Chcę wspomnieć o dwóch jego istotnych elementach. Pierwszym jest... more
Czesław Tumielewicz Urodzony w 1942 w Lidzie. Profesor ASP Gdańsk, Pracownia Podstaw Grafiki Warsztatowej. Malarz i grafik. W 1945 w efekcie repatriacji znalazł się w małej wsi poznańskiej. Potem był Szamocin, następnie Wyrzysk i... more
The history and cultural heritage of the Tonga tribe are rich and compelling, filled with resilience, challenges, and remarkable contributions. This book delves into the depths of their story, shedding light on their past, present, and... more
Coastal land loss driven by erosion and subsidence, and amplified by climate change, has forced the abandonment and resettlement of the remote Louisiana Indigenous community of Isle de Jean Charles. This relocation, to a relatively... more
During the first phase of confinement, initiatives focused on the sound dimension of the coronavirus popped up, starting with the perception of the changing soundscape. On a digital level, through web platforms and sound capture... more
Perché un seminario transdisciplinare sui concetti del lessico democratico? La democrazia si è affermata come forma di governo caratteristica del mondo occidentale a partire dall'età moderna. Considerare questo regime politico come una... more
Nad drzwiami na strych czernieje krzyż, od świecy. Zaklęcie babci Zofii Jarguszowej strzeże przed duchem strychowego wisielca. 12 przez 8. Trzy pokoje, dwa przedpokoje, kuchnia, alkowa, dwa balkony, na jednym żołnierski płaszcz dziadka... more
Nad drzwiami na strych czernieje krzyż, od świecy. Zaklęcie babci Zofii Jarguszowej strzeże przed duchem strychowego wisielca. 12 przez 8. Trzy pokoje, dwa przedpokoje, kuchnia, alkowa, dwa balkony, na jednym żołnierski płaszcz dziadka... more
El colonialismo de colonos que se llevó a cabo en Uruguay y los procesos implicados en la constitución del Estado nación involucraron masacres, despojos, represiones y control de los pueblos originarios que habitaban el territorio. Las... more
Tyrimų apie vaikus reikšmingumą pripažįsta daugelio skirtingų mokslų sričių atstovai, tačiau ne visada tiriamų vaikų požiūris įtraukiamas į tyrimus. Tradiciškai konkrečios vaikų patirties suvokimas buvo formuojamas remiantis suaugusiųjų,... more
The article provides a critical analysis of the complex relationship between ethics and anthropological research by focusing on the international literature and the ethical codes of the most important anthropological associations.... more
The text presents a short reconstruction of the development of a specific interest towards the social problems of the contemporary society, in the history of anthropology. Anthropological research showed frequently, from its origins, a... more
Los procesos de recuperación de memorias mapuche están atravesados por exigencias hegemónicas de pureza, que provocan disputas en torno a cómo nombrar e interpelar a quienes tienen ancestros de ese pueblo, pero no se identifican... more
Tibetan medicine, also known as Sowa Rigpa, is a profound and valuable traditional medicine system that has a rich history and cultural significance. Developed under the influence of Vajrayana Buddhism and from the accumulated knowledge... more
Challenges in the ethnographic study of participatory processes in childhood: voices and games Abstract This article aims to contribute to knowledge about the processes of participation of children in the public sphere, with speci昀椀city... more
Big collaborative projects are today common in social sciences. These projects imply the collection of large data stored and shared by collaborators and with funders. As increasingly discussed by anthropologists, sociologists and other... more
This essay presents the collaboration I started with the Johnson Academy. A non-governmental organisation dedicated to accompanying children and young people in fragile environments, with the objective to develop film content and... more
Críticamente, los niños, al construir su entorno cultural, participan en el mismo tipo de actividades, despliegan el mismo tipo de relaciones de poder, autoridad y estatus, y recurren a momentos cargados de significado como lo hacen los... more
This article is a report on an ongoing research project investigating the ethnographic collection brought by Ørjan Olsen from Tyva to Norway in 1914. The paper focuses only on a part of the collection—the ritual paraphernalia. The set... more
This case study reports and reflects upon a project using Collaborative Event Ethnography (CEE) as, simultaneously, a research and teaching method. Through training workshops and a day of interviews and participant observation at the... more
Nuestro tiempo redondo: una experiencia de co-construcción del conocimiento como herramienta para la revalorización de los saberes locales y camino hacia el Buen Vivir"
Big collaborative projects are today common in social sciences. These projects imply the collection of large data stored and shared by collaborators and with funders. As increasingly discussed by anthropologists, sociologists and other... more
Co-authors: Gavin Weston, Natalie Djohari, Alexandra Urdea, Elena Liber, Lowri Evans Antiques Roadshow Events are held in historic locations across the United Kingdom. On site, experts evaluate objects brought in by... more
Resumen Desde el comienzo de los procesos de conquista y colonización de los pueblos indígenas en Argentina, la Iglesia Católica desempeñó un rol crucial, destinando gran parte de sus esfuerzos evangelizadores hacia los niños y niñas de... more
La población charrúa del Uruguay se viene organizando desde finales de los años 1980 en búsqueda de reconocimiento estatal y de reconstrucción de su identidad indígena. Pese a ello, el Estado continúa negando el reconocimiento oficial de... more
A collaborative article about the state of childhood studies in Colombia by Alba Lucy Guerrero, Anny Bertoli, Camilo Bácares Jara, Clara Inés Carreño , Diana Marcela Aristizábal García, Dora Lilia Marín-Díaz, Ernesto Durán Strauch, Giangi... more
Rozmowa z Karolem Radziszewskim, artystą, twórcą Queer Archives Institute i czasopisma "DIK Fagazine".
Artículos libres Resumen: En este artículo se propone un análisis de los usos políticos de las tecnologías audiovisuales por los colectivos indígenas de cine entre los guaraníes de Argentina y Brasil y cómo construyen el territorio a... more
Review (s) of: Claremont Cameos: Women Teachers and the Building of Social Capital in Australia, by Lynne Hunt and Janina Trotman, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia; 2002, plb; 288 pp; illus.; end notes; Appendix; soft cover.
Molti studi e ricerche, a livello internazionale, già da diversi anni, evidenziano come il fabbisogno di capacità professionali, competenze e qualifiche aumenterà in modo significativo per ogni tipo e a ogni livello di occupazione: è... more
Doing Oral History engages students as co-researchers in a community- engaged oral history project begun in 2011. Supported by a research partnership between a faculty member, a university oral history center, and a non-profit archive,... more
When you work on a book, there are stories within stories that come to you, and-you can't help it-they pull you in. That's how we found ourselves in front of a two-story white stucco building in Hollygrove on Live Oak Street. It took us a... more
ESCAPES è un Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale (PRIN 2022), sostenuto dal PNRR e finanziato dall’Unione Europea – Next Generation EU, che ha lo scopo di analizzare la sostenibilità del lavoro remotizzato per lavoratrici e... more
How do you unbuild a city? Sara Safransky's wideranging book about land and property in postindustrial Detroit begins by examining the premise of this question, a question that has vexed many city planners looking to resolve the problem... more
Kathleen (born Kweyetemp) Petyarre, one of Australia's foremost living Indigenous artists, was born between 1931 and 1940 on her family's vast desert estate, Atnangker, located almost three hundred kilometres north east of Alice Springs... more