Recent papers in Coleoptera
The results of the investigation of archeoentomological materials from Wrzenica (NW Poland) are presented. 209 specimens belonging to Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) were noted: 202 of Oryctes nasicornis, 5 Dorcus parallelipipedus, 1 ... more
Laboulbeniales are obligate ectoparasitic ascomycetes occurring on Arthropoda, mostly insects. Since the 1950s almost no research on Laboulbeniales has been done in the Netherlands. This study presents a preliminary list of Laboulbeniales... more
This paper provides a comprehensive catalogue of the New Zealand members of the family Zopheridae Solier (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea) in an effort to stabilize the nomenclature preceding extensive revisionary taxonomy within the group. A... more
This review considers factors affecting the flight capacity of carabid beetles and the implications of flight for carabids. Studies from the Dutch polders in particular show that young populations of carabids consist predominantly of... more
The western Palaearctic species of the Pterostichus nigrita species complex are revised. Four species, P. nigrita (Paykull), P. rhaeticus Heer, P. fuscicornis (Reiche & Saulcy) and P. carri sp. n. (from the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco)... more
Saproxylic beetles are a functional group of Coleoptera that depend on wood decay and therefore play an important role in decomposition processes and thus for recycling nutrients in natural ecosystems. There is the European Red List of... more
ABSTRACT: In the present paper a new species of Calodema Gory & Laporte 1838 from Arfak mountains of West New Guinea is described as new: Calodema annae sp. nov. The adult female’s genitalia of Calodema genus are depicted for the first... more
A new species of aquatic firefly belonging to Luciola Laporte is described and illustrated based on external morphology of both males and females, and the genitalia of males. Luciola aquatilis sp. nov., a common firefly in Thailand was... more
Barševskis A., Lazdāns D. 2010. Catalogue of Ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of Latvia. Acta Biol. Universit. Daugavpil., 10 (2): 89 -100.
Necrobia rufipes is a cosmopolitan insect pest that attacks food products of vegetable and animal origin. The occurrence of biological agents in industrialized pet animal foods causes physical and chemical damage as well as changes in... more
In the case of many forensically important insects an interval preceding appearance of an insect stage on a corpse (called the pre-appearance interval or PAI) is strongly temperature-dependent. Accordingly, it was proposed to estimate PAI... more
T Ta ax xo on no om mi ia a e e A An ná ál li is se e C Cl la ad dí ís st ti ic ca a d de e O Ol li ig go oc co or ry yn nu us s C Ch he ev vr ro ol la at t, , 1 18 83 36 6 s se en ns su u A Al lv va ar re en ng ga a ( (1 19 99 94 4) ) (... more
The Andes represent one of the most important eco-regions of the world, fostering an enormous number of taxa associated with different altitudinal gradients. In the past two decades, there has been an increase in the description of... more
El siguiente apunte corresponde a un trabajo individual realizado para la materia Entomología de la Escuela Argentina de Naturalistas, que se dicta de manera intensiva en Concordia, Entre Ríos, República Argentina. El trabajo, que... more
The saproxylic beetles in the families Mycteridae, Boridae, Pythidae, Pyrochroidae, and Salpingidae of the Maritime Provinces of Canada are surveyed and new provincial records are reported. Boros unicolor Say is newly recorded in New... more
Coleoptera were collected from the Gosforth Park Nature Reserve in 2008, and to a lesser extent in 2009, using pitfall traps, an aerial interception trap, beating and sweeping of vegetation and by hand searching. A total of 221 species... more
Confirmation of Cantharolethrus homoderoides KRIESCHE in Nicaragua. (Coleoptera: Lucanidae).
Paper by MAES J.M., van den BERGHE E. & MOLINA N.D. (2017)
Paper by MAES J.M., van den BERGHE E. & MOLINA N.D. (2017)
Bibliographies are lists which convey idenfication information of different publications like books, papers and articles on specific subjects in a certain order. They are prepared with the intention to provide those who conduct studies... more
The present work was carried out to create taxonomic study to the members of order Coleoptera with forensic importance. Twenty nine species under twenty one genera and nine families were collected from decaying carcasses (Rabbits & Guinea... more
pubblicazione realizzata nell'ambito dell'accordo quadro "per una più organica collaborazione in tema di conservazione della biodiversità", sottoscritto da Ministero dell'ambiente e della tutela del territorio e del Mare e Federazione... more
The paper consists of data on six Cerambyx species preserved in the collections of the Natural History Museum from Sibiu. The main interest is represented by the presence of Cerambyx cerdo Linnaeus, 1758, a protected species in Europe.... more
Advances on the study of cactophagous beetles in San Luis Potosí,
México; Pedro Nájera; Xerophilia Vol.4, No. 2 (13), | ISSN 2285-3987: p.p.: 5–18
México; Pedro Nájera; Xerophilia Vol.4, No. 2 (13), | ISSN 2285-3987: p.p.: 5–18
Turkey constitutes an biogeographical bridge that connects Europe, Asia and Africa. Publications on its insect fauna began almost 180 years ago. To date, no studies have summarized the data in the massive body of publications compiled on... more
A checklist of the soil-dwelling microphthalmic and anophthalmic weevils of the world is presented. A total of 485 species in 85 genera are recognised, distributed over eight subfamilies and 26 tribes. The subfamilies are arranged in the... more
A list of some interesting beetles in the “Lama Forest” in the Romagna slope of the Casentine Forests, Mt. Falterona and Campigna National Park is provided. Five species are recorded for the first time from the National Park; moreover six... more
An introduction and overview of Cantharidae (soldier beetles) in Chinese.
The article is the review of the fauna and distribution of the species of genus Omophron Latr. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) found in the Palearctic. It presents the list of the species, in which every species of the genus Omophron Latr. found... more
Guía ilustrada para la identificación de familias de insectos.
Coleoptera) INTRODUZIONE Il presente contriЬuto fa seguito а quelli dedicati alla Coleotterofauna del Bosco di Policoro, Massiccio del РоШnо е Proтontorio del Gargano е riguarda un altro dei territori naturaiisticaтente piu interessanti... more
In the year of 2008, the Project Entomofauna of Turkey was begun privately. The main aim was to compile the hitherto recorded taxa of pterygot insects in Turkey. For this purpose, 24 pterygot orders in Turkey, their family, genus and... more
The Western Hemisphere genus Pseudomorpha Kirby 1825 was last revised by Notman in 1925 based on only a few known species (22) and paltry few specimens (73); other authors have added an additional six species represented by 53 additional... more
The discovery of some saproxylic beetle species in the park of the Rocca Medici del Vascello (San Giovanni in Croce, Cremona province, Lombardy) is reported. Two of these species are listed in the annexes of the Habitats Directive... more
Duvalius genus (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) cave dwelling beetles "Les Duvalius et leur complexe évolutif" espèces françaises, italiennes & parasites Les comptes-rendus du Laboratoire d'entomologie Faune hypogée et endogée ISSN... more
This study is based upon material from subfamilies Aphodiinae and Scarabaeinae of the family Scarabaeidae collected from different localities of Turkey between 1966 and 2013. The study resulted in recording for Turkish fauna of 20 species... more
Se realizó un estudio de los elatéridos de Guerrero. Se registraron siete subfamilias, 12 tribus, 24 géneros y 62 especies. Las subfamilias más diversas fueron Agrypninae, Elaterinae y Cardiophorinae. Los géneros con mayor riqueza... more
The conservation of beetles that depend on dying or dead wood (i.e. saproxylic), has received a great deal of attention in many parts of the world in recent years. Human activities such as urbanization and logging, and their results, e.g.... more