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Postmodernism argues that historical reality is constructed by historians and the written documents they study, and that historical truth is shaped by and reflects the perspective of the historian. Conclusions are subjective and... more
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      HistoryGerman HistoryHistoriographyHistory and Memory
Горан Давидовић, Милош Тимотијевић, Затамњена прошлост : историја равногораца чачанског краја. Књ. 3, Агонија и слом : ратне 1944. и 1945. године (Чачак : Међуопштински историјски архив ; Краљево : Народни музеј, 2004 (Чачак : Графика... more
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      HistoryBalkan HistoryCold WarSerbian
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      Albanian StudiesUrban PlanningCold WarAlbania
La remilitarización de la Diplomacia norteamericana hunde sus raíces en circunstancias previas al 11 de Septiembre, de hecho, las grandes bazas estratégicas para la post Guerra Fría fueron definidas durante la Administración de Bush padre... more
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      Cold WarMass mediaConceptual DevelopmentPerception Management
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      ArchitectureFrench StudiesCold WarUrbanism
In the period immediately following the Second World War, as tensions between the two superpowers began to surface, Greek policy makers concentrated their efforts on two goals of vital importance for their nation’s survival: securing... more
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      NATOCold WarModern GreeceHistory of the Mediterranean
Despite their other theoretical differences, virtually all scholars of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) agree that the organization's members share an almost religious commitment to the norm of non-intervention. This... more
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      International RelationsSoutheast Asian StudiesSovereigntyCold War
This paper analyzes the prehistory of the War on Terror to explore how the meanings counterterrorists attributed to “terrorism” in the 1990s. A Tom Clancy novel, Rainbow Six, read in the context American cultural shifts in the 1990s... more
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      TerrorismPopular CulturePolitical ScienceWeapons of Mass Destruction
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      Cold WarAmerican art/ Art of the United StatesItalyVenice
Millions of Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion are met with open arms in Europe. This has not always been the case for people forced to leave their homes. This rare showing of solidarity sparked a debate on the EU’s responses to... more
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      Refugee StudiesGeopoliticsCold WarForeign Policy
International conference. Trieste, Novembre, 13-15 2014 This conference aims at analyzing the history of Italy’s nuclear energy policies during the Cold War, by placing the Italian case in a comparative perspective and highlighting the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsItalian StudiesComparative History
The Gouzenko Affair is referred to as the event that started the Cold War. This article draws on recently declassified documents that shed new light on Britain’s role in this affair, particularly that of the Foreign Office and the British... more
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      American HistoryCanadian StudiesBritish HistoryCanadian History
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      ReligionMusicologyKorean StudiesCold War
El sábado 12 de junio de 1971, la hija del ex presidente estadounidense Richard Nixon, Patricia, celebraba nupcias con su prometido Edward Finch Cox. Todo apuntaba a que el siguiente día, 13 de junio, la prensa dedicaría un amplio espacio... more
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      International RelationsWhistleblowingCold WarWikileaks
LSE IDEAS is an Institute of Global Affairs Centre that acts as the School's foreign policy think tank.
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesEuropean integration
This working papers series presents a broad range of research in post-1945 Polish studies gathered under the common title 'Post-1945 Poland: Modernities, Transformations and Evolving Identities'. It contains edited versions of papers... more
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      Eastern European StudiesSocial SciencesInterdisciplinarityCold War
The United States pursuing the realist prescription during the cold war helped maintain the balance of power and thus 'peace' among the competing great powers. In the post-cold war era it divorced some of realist assumptions-most... more
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      International RelationsCold WarChinaHegemony
This publication is the fruit of a one-of-a-kind conference, which took place in Palermo, Italy, in 2012. The conference brought together veteran diplomats from Albania, China, Italy, Poland, Romania, and the United Kingdom, and paired... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsCold WarEuropean Foreign Policy
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      Cold WarModern Middle East HistoryBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )Anglo-American Relations
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      Cold WarWorld HistorySoviet Union (History)
Publisher's blurb: Incorporating important recent scholarship, this popular supplement combines a comprehensive essay on the history of McCarthyism with compelling documents that trace the course of anti-Communist furor in the U.S. The... more
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      Cold WarCold War history
Almanya her iki dünya savaşını kaybetmesine, büyük bir yıkım yaşamasına ve işgal edilmesine, savaş sonrası bölünmesine, Soğuk Savaş’ın kısıtlamalarına maruz kalmasına ve 1990’daki birleşmeye kadar tam bağımsızlığını elde edememesine... more
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      Cold WarGerman Foreign PolicyGermanyGerman Unification 1989-1990
The objective of this post-graduate thesis work is to analyses “The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe” (CFE) which has been accepted as the most extensive and successful conventional disarmament treaty of the world disarmament... more
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      Cold WarCold War historyNATO-Russian RelationsCFE
The paper will focus on Imagine, one of the most famous songs written by John Lennon used to communicate to people the support for an anti-war campaign movement. The writer will discuss the song lyrics and try to show how Lennon perfectly... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionPeace and Conflict StudiesWar Studies
From the volume Introduction: "Leonardo Campus’ chapter explores the Italian political perspectives on the crisis, using new documents from Italian, US and British archives, as well as interviews. The divisive nature and the desire... more
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      Political PartiesItalian (European History)Italian StudiesNuclear Weapons
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      Cold WarHistory EducationModern TurkeyHistory Teacher
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      American HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistoryEuropean Studies
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      Soviet HistoryCold WarRussian PoliticsWorld History
Welcome to the "Ways In" section of this Macat analysis. This is an introductory section, summarising the most important points of this work in one 10-minute read. Macat's Analyses are definitive studies of the most important books and... more
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      History of IdeasCold WarPost Cold War EraSoviet Union (History)
In the first half of 1944, tens of thousand Ukrainians left their country together with the withdrawing German occupiers in order to avoid confrontation with the approaching Red Army and the Soviet authorities. Between the summer of 1941... more
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      German StudiesGerman HistoryGenocide StudiesCold War
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      Ottoman HistoryIntelligence StudiesCold WarAmerican Foreign Policy
This paper is a review of the book: John J. Mearsheimer, The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2018). Mearsheimer observes that in the aftermath of the Cold War, the U.S.... more
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      LiberalismCold WarLiberal DemocracyMearsheimer
CIA’s political warfare and US war crimes.
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      Cold WarWar CrimesMafiaWatergate
AFTER the optimism which followed the falling of the Berlin Wall, one has found out that the alternative to Cold War wasn't the Global Peace. Regional conflicts have grown stronger, becoming more intense than ever. At several levels,... more
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      Social NetworksPolitical ScienceSocial InteractionCold War
This article offers a theoretical approach to evaluate political friendship, and to test this approach by focusing on two well documented and supposed friendships: those of Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand, and George H.W. Bush and... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesInternational Relations
The period of the eighties is the main subject of my story. The aim is to analyze the crisis in the functioning of the Belgian State and society, which culminated at the end of 1985, and to provide background facts. This is a crisis that... more
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      Cold WarRegionalismExtreme RightAnti-communism
The thesis examines the Eisenhower administration’s decisions to use space for intelligence and military purposes. By examining significant National Security Council (NSC) documents, including reports and meeting notes, the thesis... more
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      Military IntelligenceCold WarSpace SecurityArms Control and Disarmament
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      Polish HistoryCold WarSecurity StudiesPoland
With the Soviet Union, you did get the sense that they were operating on a model that we could comprehend in terms of, they don't want to be blown up, we don't want to be blown up, so you do game theory and calculate ways to contain.
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesLiteratureCultural Cold War
In the preparatory meetings for the 2015 Review Conference (RevCon) of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), the nuclear abolition or disarmament movement has urgently reiterated the demand that nuclear-weapon states (NWS) must live... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsDeterrenceNonproliferation TreatiesCold War
Accounts of the relationships between states and terrorist organizations in the Cold War era have long been shaped by speculation, a lack of primary sources and even conspiracy theories. In the last few years, however, things have evolved... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismCold War and CultureCold War
Companion book for the NATO Archives exhibition on the artworks gifted by NATO member states to decorate NATO Headquarters at Porte Dauphine, Paris (1960-1967)
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtCold War and CultureNATO
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryCold WarUS-Latin American RelationsPanama
in: 1943: China at the Crossroads (Cornell East Asia Series, 2015)
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      Soviet HistoryCold WarXinjiangChina
Als dichotome Spaltung der Welt drang der Kalte Krieg auch in Gesellschaften ein, die nicht direkt in die „heißen“ Kriege des internationalen Dauerkonflikts verwickelt waren. Dort entfaltete er seine Virulenz und Persistenz dadurch, dass... more
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      European HistoryCold War and CultureCultural Cold WarCold War
With the ending of the Cold War, the US Department of Energy is responsible for the remediation of
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      GeologyScience PolicyCold WarEnvironmental Management
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      International RelationsCritical GeopoliticsGeopoliticsSociology of Knowledge
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      HistoriographyCultural Cold WarCold WarIdeology
Terrorism is mostly recognised as being a "method", which generally is conceptualised as a guerrilla or otherwise non-legitimised act of violent force by non-recognised armed combatants, generally groups (Bosi, 2006; Bosi, 2012; Shanahan,... more
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      CriminologyCold WarPolitical Violence and TerrorismColonialism
The Greek Civil War officially ended in 1949 with the defeat of the communists; however, the battle over the interpretation of the conflict, its consequences, and the manner of remembering it is ongoing. In this context, we focus on the... more
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      European StudiesRefugee StudiesCold WarModern Greece