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The pricing of medicines and health products ranks among the most hotly debated topics in health policy, generating controversy in richer and poorer markets alike. Creating the right pricing structure for pharmaceuticals and other... more
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      Panel DataUludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim FakültesiCointegration
The purpose of this paper is to measure the risks posed by the COVID-19 outbreak on financial market indicators, which caused uncertainty and fear all over the world. In the paper, the Fourier KPSS unit root test, which helps to measure... more
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      CausalityFinancial MarketsFourier TransformationsCointegration
The main purpose of this research paper is to explore and understand the nature of association and the possible existence of a short run and long run relationship between US Dollar, EURO, British Pound and Japanese Yen. To find out the... more
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In this paper we propose a simple method of testing for cointegration in models that allow for multiple shifts in the long-run relationship. The procedure consists of carrying out conventional residual-based tests with standardized... more
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      EconomicsMonte CarloApplied Economics LettersRegime change
Recent cross-country empirical evidence indicates that the money-prices relationship depends on the level of inflation. This relationship is close to proportional for high inflation economies, but weakens when mean inflation is lower.... more
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      VAR modelsInflationCointegrationE
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      EconomicsConsumptionLow FrequencyLong Memory
and sharing with colleagues.
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      Time SeriesPublic HealthHealth PolicyApplied Economics
Several industrialized countries have signed the Kyoto Protocol, promising to reduce greenhouse gasses 8 (GHG) emissions. To reduce or mitigate such emissions several policies including reducing energy con-9 sumption, increasing energy... more
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      EconometricsEconomic GrowthEconomic DevelopmentEnergy Consumption
Using panel data, this paper tests whether public and private capital have a positive and significant effect on aggregate output and labor productivity for Mexico during the 1960-2001 period. The richer information set made possible by... more
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      EconomicsPanel DataPublic CapitalWorking Papers
This paper examines the impact of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games on the Greek economy. Using a small aggregate macroeconometric model we find evidence to support the view that the Olympics is an event that could successfully boost the... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsForecastingApplied Economics
This paper investigates the relationship between human capital and economic growth in Pakistan with aggregate time series data. Estimated with the Johansen (1991) approach, the fitted model indicates a critical role for human capital in... more
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      Economic GrowthHuman CapitalCointegration
This paper examined the demand for broad money and its long run stability in Ghana. Multivariate time series approach was used. Since all the variables are integrated of order one, Johansen's cointegration approach is used to... more
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      Monetary EconomicsDemand for MoneyStationarity testsCointegration
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      Time SeriesEconomic GrowthEnergy PolicyCausality
This working paper gathers three projects of articles which have as a same subject inflation expectations and their use within the framework of monetary policy. It appeared convenient to synthesize them in the form of three parts of only... more
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      Monetary PolicyInflation expectationsCointegrationInterest Rate
Currently, Botswana is one of high income economies in Africa. Since independence in 1966, the government has put emphasis on the development of human capital through education and skills development of the citizens. The country has... more
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      Public EconomicsHigher EducationGovernmentUnemployment
The paper examines the long-run relation and short-run dynamics between electricity prices and three fossil fuel pricescoal, natural gas and crude oilusing annual data for the U.S. for 1960-2007. The results suggest (1) a stable long-run... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsTime SeriesCarbon
Money, inflation and output are tested for stationarity, and found to be integrated of order one. We apply the Johansen procedure for cointegration to test for the rank of the matrix of cointegration relations (one), to test for the weak... more
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      Demand for MoneyApplied EconomicsTransitionInflation
This study examines the nature of the linkages between stock market prices and exchange rates in six advanced economies, namely the US, the UK, Canada, Japan, the euro area, and Switzerland, using data on the banking crisis between 2007... more
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      LawStock MarketFinancial AnalysisEuro Area
In this paper long run structural relationship for freight transport demand is derived for railways in India using annual time series data for 1960±1995. Some of the recent developments in multivariate dynamic econometric time series... more
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      Time SeriesForecastingUrban And Regional PlanningPrice Elasticity
This Discussion Paper is issued within the framework of IZA's research area Mobility and Flexibility of Labor. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the institute. Research disseminated by IZA may include... more
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      Applied EconomicsProfitabilityMinimum WageCointegration
The aim of the study is the relationship between foreign direct investments, exports and economic growth. The analysis of this study included E7 (Emerging 7) the so-called developing countries are Turkey, Mexico, China, India, Brazil,... more
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      EconometricsApplied EconometricsEconomic GrowthForeign Direct Investment
The aim of this paper is to compare the relative performance of several tests for the null hypothesis of cointegration, in terms of size and power in finite samples. This is carried out using Monte Carlo simulations for a range of... more
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      EconometricsMonte Carlo SimulationMonte CarloCointegration
This paper calculates Theil's entropy index to measure the extent of productivity differences across 92 countries for the period from 1970 to 2003. While there is evidence of increasing differences in productivity across these countries,... more
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      EconomicsForeign Direct InvestmentEntropyDeveloping Country
Tax policy is among the most common and relevant instruments in the toolkit of policy-makers when thinking about promoting growth, yet there is not compelling evidence regarding its effect in Tunisia. Using a variety of approaches, we... more
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      GrowthCointegrationVector Error Correction Model
Economists have investigated the relationship between output and export in order to explain economic growth for long years. Numerous studies have found very close correspondence between the growth of output and export. It is commonly... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInternational EconomicsEconometrics
This study aims at identifying the factors of aggregate and disaggregate crime categories in Japan over the period 1964-2009. All crime categories are related to police outlays, police numbers, unemployment, divorce and urbanization... more
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      EconometricsTime SeriesApplied EconomicsCointegration
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      EconomicsAgriculturePepperRisk Management
Bu çalışmada, eğitim harcamaları ve sağlık-sosyal hizmet harcamaları ile GSYH arasındaki uzun dönem ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. 1998Q1-2016Q2 dönemi verileri çoklu yapısal kırılmaları dikkate alan Maki (2012) eşbütünleşme testi... more
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      Economic GrowthTurkeyHuman CapitalLong Term Conditions
The goal of this paper is to model the impact of oil prices on Vietnam's stock prices. We use daily data for the period 2000-2008 and include the nominal exchange rate as an additional determinant of stock prices. We find that stock... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsTime SeriesVietnam
In this paper we present an equilibrium model of commodity spot (s t ) and futures (f t ) prices, with finite elasticity of arbitrage services and convenience yields. By explicitly incorporating and modelling endogenously the convenience... more
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      EconometricsDecompositionLinear ElasticityPrice Discovery
Abstract- Aggregate annual production of made tea in India is empirically analyzed in this study using time series analysis techniques. Important factors affecting tea production are identified and modeled using Vector Autoregressive... more
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This paper investigates the causal links between budget deficit (BD) and other macroeconomic variables such as Consumer Price Index (CPI), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) for Greece, during the... more
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      CointegrationExchange RatesBudget deficitsVariance decomposition
The article empirically investigated economic growth as a function of foreign direct investment and exports in South Africa. The article applied the autoregressive distributed lag model, known as the ARDL bounds testing approach to... more
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      BusinessEngineeringEconomicsEconomic Growth
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      ImmigrationCausalityApplied EconomicsPanel Data
The article attempts to delve the comprehensive understanding between trade balance and currency depreciation by incorporating the absorption and monetary approaches, including the Marshal Lerner condition. In doing so, the Ng-Perron test... more
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      CointegrationTrade Balance
The study examines the relationship between unemployment and property crimes for Pakistan covering the period of 1975 to 2008. The Johansen cointegratiom methodology along with Granger causality through VEC is applied to the annual time... more
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      CausalityGranger causalityCointegrationTime Series Data
The aim of this paper is to investigate, for the first time, the performance of trading strategies based on the combination of technical trading rules and fundamental analysis in the sale and purchase market for dry bulk ships. Using a... more
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      Applied MathematicsTrading StrategiesCointegrationPerformance Test
This paper examines the patterns of dynamic linkages among national stock prices of six major international stock markets with particular reference to what impact the development of global markets (or the globalization phenomenon) had... more
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      Time SeriesStock MarketGlobal FinanceVector Autoregression
In this paper we examine the long-run relationship between gold and oil spot and futures markets. We draw on the conceptual framework that when oil price rises, it creates inflationary pressures, which instigate investments in gold as a... more
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Purpose -This study aims to investigate the dynamic relationships between oil price shocks and Indian stock market. Design/methodology/approach -The study used daily data for the period starting from January 2001 to March 2013. In this... more
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      EconometricsMacroeconomicsStock MarketCointegration
Punimi permban nje regresion te shumfishte me te dhena cross sectional per ndikimin e insittucioneve ne te ardhurat per fryme ne Afrike dhe trajtim te serive kohore ne lidhje me kriptovalutat Ethereum, Ethereum Classic dhe Bitcoin.
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      Time series analysisError AnalysisCointegrationMultiple Linear Regression
We present a detailed study of portfolio optimisation based on cointegration, a statistical tool that here exploits a long-run equilibrium relationship between stock prices and an index price. We compare the theoretical and empirical... more
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      Hedge FundsPerformance AnalysisStatistical ArbitrageMutual Fund
This research estimated dynamic supply and demand equations for the U.S. softwood lumber using two-stage least squares. Long-run and ECM equations were derived from the estimated coefficients. Empirical data included monthly observations... more
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      Time SeriesForest EconomicsPrice ElasticityElasticity
ÖZET: Geleneksel finans beklenen fayda ve rasyonel tercih olmak üzere iki temel varsayıma dayalı olarak gelişim göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte bu varsayımların yeterince gerçekçi olmadığı ileri sürülerek yoğun bir şekilde eleştirilmiştir.... more
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      Behavioral FinanceFinancial developmentStock MarketsBehavioral Finance (Business)
Fiscal policy, which entails an appropriate alignment in government revenue and expenditure, is of crucial importance in promoting price stability and sustainable growth in output, income and employment. It is one of the macroeconomic... more
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      MacroeconomicsCointegrationGovernment expenditureExamination
ABSTRACT Workers' remittance is one of the major sources of foreign exchange earnings for Bangladesh in recent years. It accounted for 12% of GDP in 2009 and has colossal socio-economic implications for the country. However, the... more
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      Applied EconomicsDutch DiseaseCointegrationError Correction Model
The main purpose of this study is to find out the longrun of relationship between inflation and economic growth in Bangladesh over the period 1978 to 2010. A stationarity test was carried out using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and... more
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      Development EconomicsFinancial EconomicsEconomic GrowthBangladesh
Özet Özellikle 1980'li yılların sonlarında Türkiye'de döviz kontrolünün kaldırılmasından sonra, döviz kurlarında aşırı dalgalanmalar gözlemlenmiştir. Son dönemlerde yaşanan döviz kurundaki dalgalanmalar sonucu, döviz kurunu etkileyen... more
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      TurkeyCointegrationInterest RatesExchange Rates