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Several recent studies have shown that deficits of visual temporal processing are associated with poor mathematical skills in school-aged children. Here, we replicate and extend this finding in a large sample (n = 958) of... more
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      Cognitive AbilitiesDevelopmental DisordersCognitive Abilities (Psychology)Magnocellular Visual Pathway
† Deceased.
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      NeuroscienceCognitive PsychologyVisual CortexObject-Based Attention
Visual processing by 10-year-old children diagnosed on the basis of standardised tests as having developmental 'clumsiness' syndrome, and by a control group of children without motor difficulties, was tested using three different... more
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      Visual perceptionMotor ControlDevelopmental Coordination DisorderChild
† Deceased.
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      NeuroscienceCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceVisual Cortex