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Neurofeedback is emerging as a promising technique that enables self-regulation of ongoing brain oscillations. However, despite a rise in empirical evidence attesting to its clinical benefits, a solid theoretical basis is still lacking on... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
Numerous studies have been published on the psychosis prodrome and have explored a wide array of its many aspects. However, the set of risk factors identified by these various efforts is not homogenous across studies. This could be due to... more
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      SchizophreniaCross-Cultural PsychologyCognitive NeuropsychologyCognitive Neuropsychiatry
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      NeurosciencePsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural Science
Background. Substance abuse is highly prevalent in schizophrenia and it has been associated with negative consequences on the course of the pathology. Regarding cognition, the prevailing literature has produced mixed results. Some groups... more
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      DepressionSchizophreniaWorking MemoryCognitive Neuropsychiatry
Aim: To provide normative values for the healthy ethnic Chinese Singaporean population and a large sample of patients with schizophrenia for the Continuous Performance Task-Identical Pairs (CPT-IP). Participants Data were collected on... more
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      NeuropsychologySchizophreniaCognitive NeuropsychiatryTranscultural Psychiatry
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      NeurosciencePsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
This preliminary study was performed to test the reliability and validity of the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS) as an assessment tool in a Japanese-language version (BACS-J). The subjects for the present study were... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceResearch DesignPsychometrics
system can selectively attend to the sensorimotor information input that it receives from naturomorphic system The sensorimotor input from the naturomorphic system may be in the form of visuomotor 'imagery' experienced as virtual reality,... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyCreativity--Knowledge Invention & Discovery
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    • Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
The present paper reviews the current literature on modern antidepressants’ effects on neurocognitive function. Today, it seems justified to state that SSRIs in general do not affect cognitive function. However, there exists some evidence... more
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      PsychiatryCognitive NeuropsychiatryNeuropsychiatryAntidepressants
Pour citer cet article : Graux J, et al. Les cénesthopathies : un trouble des émotions d'arrière plan. Regards croisés des sciences cognitives et de la phénoménologie. Encephale (2010), Résumé Les notions de cénesthésie et cénesthopathie... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSchizophreniaCognitionPhenomenology
La psychopathologie : une approche cognitive et neuropsychologique M. Van der Linden, Danion J.-M., Agniel, A. MARSEILLE : Edtns Solal, 2000, 389 pages.
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      NeuropsychologyPsychiatryCognitive Neuropsychiatry
The drive for a theoretical integration of psychotherapy arises out of is dissatisfaction with the inadequacy of single systems/theories. It has been suggested that there is a need for a 'meta-theory' that provides a framework to... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyPlay Therapy
Introduction. The Empathy Quotient (EQ) is a self-report questionnaire that was developed to measure the cognitive, affective, and behavioural aspects of empathy. We evaluated its cross-cultural validity in an Italian sample. Methods. A... more
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      CognitionSocial CognitionPrincipal Component AnalysisCognitive Neuropsychiatry
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      Cognitive NeuropsychiatryFace recognition (Psychology)LanguageSocial Perception
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      NeuropsychologyPhilosophySchizophreniaCognitive Neuropsychiatry
Qigong is a formidable art, part of Chinese medicine and Western cognitive neurology (cognitive neuroscience), to prevent and treat diseases, improve health, delay aging and enhance latent potential of human beings. It is focused on the... more
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      Chinese StudiesCognitive NeuropsychiatryAdult development and Aging (Psychology)Adult Development And Aging
Alderson-Day (2020) A linguistic approach to the psychosis continuum: (dis)similarities and (dis)continuities in how clinical and non-clinical voice-hearers talk about their voices,
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      Cognitive NeuropsychiatryPsychology and Cognitive SciencesMedical and Health Sciences
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      PsychologyCognitive NeuropsychiatryMedicinePsychology and Cognitive Sciences
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
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      Social PsychologyPsychiatrySchizophreniaCognitive Neuropsychiatry
Introduction. Inconsistencies in the relationship between dissociation and hypnosis may result from heterogeneity among highly suggestible individuals, in particular the existence of distinct highly suggestible subtypes that are of... more
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      IndividualityCognitionCognitive NeuropsychiatryImagination
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    • Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
Disturbances in social cognition are a core feature of schizophrenia. While most research in the field has focused on emotion perception, social knowledge, theory of mind, and attribution styles, the domain of social perception has... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatrySchizophreniaSocial Cognition
Introduction. -Increasing knowledge of the anatomical structures and cellular processes underlying psychiatric disorders may help bridge the gap between clinical signs and basic physiological processes. Accordingly, considerable insight... more
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      CognitionCognitive NeuropsychiatryElectroencephalographyNeurophysiology
Executive function and attention are highly complex cognitive constructs that typically reveal evidence of impairment in people with schizophrenia. Studies in this area have traditionally utilised abstract tests of cognitive function and... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
Persons with schizophrenia often appraise other individuals as threatening or persecutory. To evaluate social appraisal in schizophrenia, we probed brain networks with a task in which subjects judged whether or not they liked face stimuli... more
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      EmotionPsychosisNeuroimagingEmotional intelligence
Background Although cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is claimed to be effective in schizophrenia, major depression and bipolar disorder, there have been negative findings in well-conducted studies and meta-analyses have not fully... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
The "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" test (henceforth, Eyes test) is a simple but advanced... more
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      PsychiatryAutismPsychometricsSocial Cognition
A critique of the 2014 APA Division 30 Definition of Hypnosis
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
McGilchrist has written a book of breathtaking scope -a journey not just through the neurosciences but also philosophy, literature, the arts, archaeology and anthropology -in an attempt to answer whether the lateralisation of cerebral... more
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      Cognitive NeuropsychiatryFree WillCognitive NeuroscienceAgency
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      Cognitive NeuropsychiatryFactor analysisPhase SynchronizationLeft Hemisphere
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    • Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
High-functioning children with autism show a severe deficit in the development of pragmatics whereas their knowledge of syntax and morphology is relatively intact. In this study we investigated further their selective communication... more
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      Cognitive developmentCognitive NeuropsychiatrySpecific Language ImpairmentDomain Specificity
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
Self-harm, such as self-cutting, self-poisoning or jumping from height, regardless of intentions, is common among people with schizophrenia. We wished to investigate brain activations relating to self-harm, in order to test whether these... more
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      SchizophreniaSelf HarmPsychopathologyCognitive Neuropsychiatry
A positive definition of mental health is explored in terms of homeostasis and its "cognitive" dimension, equilibration. Consistent with this are contemporary perspectives (e.g. DSM-5) which describe mental disorder in terms of disruption... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural ScienceClinical Psychology
How is creativity related to health and mental illness? What is the relationship between the nature of the unconscious and the predisposition to both creativity and mental illness? These questions are explored with reference to research... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryNeurosciencePsychology
"The MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB) was developed to provide a reliable, valid, and standard battery for clinical trials on cognitive enhancers in schizophrenia. In this study we tested the applicability of the MCCB to... more
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      Cross-Cultural PsychologyCognitive NeuropsychologyCognitive NeuropsychiatryNeuropsychiatry
Since the dawn of time, men have used music to express and share emotions, Shamans, curators, therapists of every place and time, they have could not ignore the manifestations with which music has always influenced our cultures, our... more
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      Computational NeuroscienceCognitive NeuropsychiatryBehavioral NeuroscienceAnalytical Psychology
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      PersonalityPersonality DisordersBorderline Personality DisorderCognitive Neuropsychiatry
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      Mental HealthCognitionCultureCognitive Neuropsychiatry
Delusional beliefs have sometimes been considered as rational inferences from abnormal experiences. We explore this idea in more detail, making the following points. First, the abnormalities of cognition that initially prompt the... more
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      Philosophy of MindBayesianPhilosophy of PsychiatryCognitive Neuropsychology
A historical "dual systems" perspectives on dreaming is revisited. Some contemporary perspectives are outlined in which dreams are considered in terms of : virtual reality simulations; memory processing; a way of "thinking". Reference is... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
The organ of Corti, consisting of a layer of hair cells, that is long and thin, receives the vibrations transmitted in the fluid of the cochlea and transmits them, through their lower extremities which are in contact with the nerve... more
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      NeuroscienceDeep Brain StimulationAuditory PerceptionCognitive Neuropsychology
Introduction. Chronic schizophrenia patients have previously demonstrated performance deficits in contour integration tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether schizophrenia patients, spanning a range of illness... more
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      PerceptionSchizophreniaCognitionCognitive Neuropsychiatry
Over the past decades, delusions have become the subject of growing and productive research spanning clinical and cognitive neurosciences. Despite this, the nature of belief, which underpins the construct of delusions, has received little... more
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      PsychologyCognitive NeuropsychiatryBeliefSchema
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      CultureCognitive NeuropsychiatryDelusionsLearning
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      Visual attentionCognitionAustraliaCognitive Neuropsychiatry