Cognitive agent programming frameworks facilitate the development of intelligent virtual agents. By adding a computational model of emotion to such a framework, one can program agents capable of using and reasoning over emotions.... more
This paper describes a computational cognitive model of human language processing under development in the ACT-R cognitive architecture. The paper begins with the context for the research, followed by a discussion of the primary... more
The aim of this work has been to explore the use of video conferencing technology to expand the peer network for students who use communication aids. Evidence indicates that users of communication aids often have a different mix of... more
To those brought up in a logic-based tradition there seems to be a simple and clear definition of proof. But this is largely a 20 th century invention; many earlier proofs had a different nature. We will look particularly at the faulty... more
present a social cognitive model of self-regulated writing. We offer four caveats concerning Zimmerman's and Risemberg's model. First, self-regulation is a field containing multiple theoretical perspectives, and descriptions considerably... more
An ecological-cognitive fimnework of analysis and a modeltracing amhitecture are presented and used in the analysis cf data recorded flom users browsing a large document collection. The usem interacted with the Scatter/Gather browser,... more
In this chapter, we describe our research and development efforts relating to eliciting, representing, and analyzing how individuals and small groups conceptualize complex problems. The methods described herein have all been developed and... more
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Clinical Psychology. important determinants of women's HIV risk. This research... more
Background and Objectives: There are two lines of research examining the role of cognition in depression. One line of research focuses on risk for depression, and shows that a negative cognitive style interacts with stressful life events... more
In this paper, an explanatory program understander that can analyse student solutions for programming assignments is described. The approach uses a number of reverse engineering techniques and is grounded on a cognitive model of... more
Research indicates that chronically-ill patients' beliefs about their illness predict self-care behaviors and outcomes (Hampson
The DARWARS Tactical Language Training System (TLTS) helps learners acquire basic communicative skills in foreign languages and cultures. Learners practice their communication skills in a simulated village, where they must develop rapport... more
Approach motivation consists of the active, engaged pursuit of one's goals. The purpose of the present three studies (N ϭ 258) was to examine whether approach motivation could be cognitively modeled, thereby providing process-based... more
Despite the importance of cognitive control in many cognitive tasks involving uncertainty, the computational mechanisms of cognitive control in response to uncertainty remain unclear. In this study, we develop biologically realistic... more
Ця стаття являє собою всебічний розгляд концепту ЕМПАТІЯ (лексикалізованого словом "емпатія") у сучасному англійському дискурсі. Мета дослідження подвійна: а) отримати розуміння того, як концепт ЕМПАТІЯ (як динамічна когнітивна... more
Recent neurocognitive studies of visual word recognition provide information about neuronal networks correlated with processes involved in lexical access and their time course (e.g., [Holcomb, Ph.J., Grainger J. and O'Rourke, T. ( ). An... more
The automated negotiation topic plays an important role in e-commerce research. However, despite considerable work on automated negotiation, few research efforts have aimed at software engineering facilities such a reuse and flexibility.... more
The automated negotiation topic plays an important role in e-commerce research. However, despite considerable work on automated negotiation, few research efforts have aimed at software engineering facilities such a reuse and flexibility.... more
Working with leading experts in the field of cognitive neuroscience and computational intelligence, SNL has developed a computational architecture that represents neurocognitive mechanisms associated with how humans remember experiences... more
Research shows that most agent-based collaborations suffer from lack of flexibility. This is due to the fact that most agent-based applications assume pre-defined knowledge of agents' capabilities and/or neglect basic cognitive and... more
This is the second in a series of five papers describing the information, decision, and action in crew context (IDAC) model for human reliability analysis. An example application of this modeling technique is also discussed in this... more
This paper presents a model-based human error taxonomy and data collection. The underlying model, IDA (described in two companion papers), is a cognitive model of behavior developed for analysis of the actions of nuclear power plant... more
Educational software applications may be more effective if they can adapt their teaching strategies to the needs of individual students. Individualisation may be achieved through student modelling, which is the main practice for... more
We present computational experiments on language segmentation using a general information-theoretic cognitive model. We present a method which uses the statistical regularities of language to segment a continuous stream of symbols into... more
A person applies her knowledge when she performs a cognitive task. The representation of a person's knowledge of a task is accessible from a cognitive task analysis. The think -aloud method is useful for carrying out a cognitive task... more
Recently, there has been a profound resurgence interest in expanding the effectiveness of human machine systems. The motivation for this interest stems not only from the growing realization that better designed systemstailored to augment... more
In the past twenty or so years the scientific community has made impressive advancements in the modeling and simulation of general human cognition. This progress has led to the beginnings of wide-spread applications and use. In fact, we... more
The automated negotiation topic plays an important role in e-commerce research. However, despite considerable work on automated negotiation, few research efforts have aimed at software engineering facilities such a reuse and flexibility.... more
This paper presents experiments on using ChatGPT4 and Google Bard to create ACT-R and Soar models. The study involves two simulated cognitive tasks, where ChatGPT4 and Google Bard (Large Language Models, LLMs) serve as conversational... more
Senturk worked on the project as an ETS summer intern during June and July. Our subject matter expert consultants were invaluable in working through the issues of standards, claims, and evidence that underlie the project, and in offering... more
In the behavioural animation field of research, the simulation of populated virtual cities requires that agents are able to navigate autonomously through their environment. It is of interest to tend to the most realistic human-like... more
Jugendliche zeigen riskantes Gesundheitsverhalten als Strategie zur Bewältigung von Entwicklungsaufgaben (Pinquart & Silbereisen, 2004). Sozialkognitive Modelle zur Erklärung und Prädiktion von Gesundheitsverhalten betrachten menschliches... more
How to best sequence instruction in a collection of basic facts is a problem often faced by intelligent tutoring systems. To solve this problem, the following work details two tests of a system to provide drill practice (test trials with... more
Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a chronic condition that disrupts mental health, family dynamics, and social functioning, often requiring family involvement for effective treatment. This paper explores how family... more
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of... more
In cognitive science, the dynamical systems theory (DST) has recently been advocated as an approach to cognitive modeling that is better suited to the dynamics of cognitive processes than the symbolic/computational approaches are. Often,... more
The computational agent model presented in this paper generates prior and retrospective ownership states for an action based on principles from recent neurological theories. A prior ownership state is affected by prediction of the effects... more
In this paper an agent-based ambient agent architecture is presented based on monitoring human's interaction with his or her environment and performing cognitive analysis of the causes of observed or predicted behaviour. Within this agent... more
This study investigated the relationship between self-appraisals of performance, symptom severity and post-event rumination in social phobia, and evaluated the effect of treatment on these variables. A socially phobic group and a... more
Emotions are an integral part of human decision making. It follows that emotions should take part in the decision process towards the design of more realistic artificial agents. Three psychological models for emotions are examined and a... more
This paper proposes a transformation of the Cognitive Walkthrough (CW), a theory-based usability inspection method that has proven useful in designing applications that support use by exploration. The new Cognitive Walkthrough for the Web... more
The aim of this paper is to understand the human mind functions such that we can simulate them into a computational model for making cognitive systems more intelligent. We then present this model with formulae using a top-down approach.... more
Previous studies on program comprehension were carried out largely in the context of procedural languages. Our purpose is to develop and evaluate a cognitive model of object-oriented (OO) program understanding. Our model is based on the... more