Cognitive Framing

118 papers
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Cognitive framing refers to the process by which individuals interpret and understand information based on the context or perspective in which it is presented. It influences decision-making and perception by highlighting certain aspects of a situation while downplaying others, thereby shaping attitudes and behaviors.
This study investigates the use of environmental metaphors in shaping public perception and enhancing engagement with ecological issues in Pakistani media. Metaphors play a critical role in framing complex environmental concepts in... more
Events are temporal "figures", which can be defined as identifiable segments in time, bounded by beginnings and endings. But the functions and importance of these two boundaries differ. We argue that beginnings loom larger than endings by... more
Previous research has focused on what internal and external cues influence metacognitive judgment, but has failed to thoroughly explore the impact of the question itself. Framing is known to influence judgments such as product quality... more
Being able to assess one's own learning rate is essential for optimal learning. Can students accurately assess their learning rate, and is the timing of judgments of improvement important? In this experiment, students were to estimate... more
Traditional economic theory presents the problem of consumer utility/well-being maximization as a preference over labor/leisure mix (Nicholson & Snyder, 2012). Behavioral economists have not yet addressed the maximization of well-being... more
We performed three experiments to examine the effects of repeated study-judgment-test sessions on metacognitive monitoring, and to see if better students (those with higher SAT scores) outperform low-SAT students. In all experiments, mean... more
This paper describes the investigation of meanings and collectively shared social knowledge contents of the German expression Willkommenskultur. It uses an approach based on discourse linguistics within the framework of a linguistic... more
, 1947), humans should have stable preferences that do not vary with context (i.e., the relative preference between A and B should not change when a new option C is made available) or with task framing (the preference between A and B... more
This article examines the determinants of public support for the use of military force. It puts forward a Framing Theory of Policy Objectives (FTPO), which contends that public support for military engagements depends on the public's... more
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit entstand im Wintersemester 2016/17 an der philosophischen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel. Ausgangspunkt war das diffuse Gefühl von Herabsetzung und Negativität, das in der öffentlichen... more
The 2015 Paris Agreement has fueled debates about how the international bureaucrats driving international organizations' engagement with climate adaptation ought to address adaptation challenges. While previous research has predominantly... more
The formation of attitudes or preferences for alternatives that consist of rapid numerical sequences has been suggested to reflect either a summation or an averaging principle. Previous studies indicate the presence of two mechanisms,... more
Die wissens-bzw. frame-semantische Analyse der Ausdrücke, wie sie im untersuchten Diskursausschnitt in Pressetexten gebraucht werden, zeigt: Steht der Ausdruck Geflüchtete r in einem engen konzeptuellen wie sprachlichen Verhältnis zu dem... more
Die Analyse zeigt: Steht der Ausdruck Geflüchtete r in einem engen konzeptuellen wie sprachlichen Verhältnis zu dem zwar nicht unproblematisierbaren, jedoch zukunftsorientierten sowie konstruktiven Themenkomplex der Integration,... more
Predicting what we will remember and forget is crucial for daily functioning. We were interested in whether evaluating something as likely to be remembered or forgotten leads to enhanced memory for both forms of information relative to... more
Gegenstand der Dissertation ist die Untersuchung der Fragestellung,welchen Einfluss das meist implizit zu Grunde liegende Begriffsverständnis auf die inhaltliche Erschließung von Texten hat. Ausgehend von der Überlegung, dass... more
Self-efficacy constructs could predict students’ practices and affect in learning the sciences. Researchers have pointed at such constructs as predictors of students’ mathematics achievement and performance. Self-efficacy was also studied... more
Background and Aim: The process of theoretical approaches in explaining crime throughout the history is indicative of various interpretations of crime. In 1980s, in the light of French and German schools of thought, the post-modern... more
Background and Aim: The process of theoretical approaches in explaining crime throughout the history is indicative of various interpretations of crime. In 1980s, in the light of French and German schools of thought, the post-modern... more
Problem-solving and posing are skills at the center of mathematics education and mathematical thinking. However, little is still known about the affective aspects of problem-posing. This study aimed to determine the level of prospective... more
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This article, constructed as an update and extension of the doctoral dissertation of José Enrique Garriga Picó, explores the political status of Puerto Rico, employing rational-choice and spatial analysis. It revisits historical debates,... more
This article aims to advance a theory of the semantic status of ethnic epithets able to account for the relationship between the denotation and connotation of these terms. The more common approaches to the topic are considered and some of... more
This study compares the effects of governance mechanisms on relationship continuity in the aftermath of exchange interruptions in interfirm relationships. We propose that cooperative relationships can be renewed by matching governance... more
Explaining the persistence of multiple interpretations of the same historical event has been an ongoing question in the philosophy of history. In this paper I illustrate two possible answers and argue that neither offers a satisfactory... more
The views expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Center for a New Economy (CNE) or its sponsors. We are responsible for any errors that may remain. The views expressed herein are... more
Das Corona-Virus hatte nicht nur auf die Gesundheit, die Politik, die Wirtschaft, die Bildung, die Berufswelt und das gesellschaftliche Leben Einfluss, sondern prägte auch die Sprachen der ganzen Welt, denn die Pandemie führte zur... more
Aufgrund der emotionalen Struktur des Menschen als soziales Wesen ist anzunehmen, dass sprachliche Phänomene wie Kosenamen (und auch Schimpfwörter) von allen Sprachgemeinschaften unsrer Erde verwendet werden und somit als kulturell... more
We analyze behavior of an experiment on the centipede game played in the reduced normal form. In this game two players decide simultaneously when to split a pie which increases over time. The subjects repeat this game 100 times against... more
The development of syntheses, models and guidelines will be an iterative process. The starting point will be an assessment of the appropriateness and an identification of gaps and limits in current CSO governance theory as explored and... more
The emergence and proliferation of network forms of organization has sparked interest and debate in organization studies. We have learned much about the effects of networks but our understanding of how they are formed, how they change,... more
Affects are intuitively accepted as having a role in the key stages that determine success in problem-solving (PS) and problem-posing (PP). Two disjoint groups of prospective mathematics teachers with similar background and competences... more
In reaction to its militarist past, Germany has created a strong culture of peace, including solid educational and institutional supports for maintaining popular attitudes critical of war and military operations. Germany has been... more
Based on the negativity bias in person perception, we argue that behavioral decisions related to condom use are influenced by the social images that an individual has of people who do not use condoms, but that they are not influenced by... more
Man?s deep-rooted tendency to maintain and reinforce a positive self-image makes man inclined to uncritically accept desirable information (the confirmation bias) as well as to criticize and reject undesirable information (the... more
With the increasing availability of smart environments and IoT devices, end-users who might lack specific technical skills are more and more often confronted with configuration tasks. In this paper, we present a prototype we have built to... more
Aiming at granting wide access to their contents, online information providers often choose not to have registered users, and therefore must give up personalization. In this paper, we focus on the case of non-personalized news recommender... more
Descartes is considered to be the founder of modern rationalism. This is a clear statement which, however, does not show the manner in which rationalism as such appeared in the history of science, taking into account the turmoil of the... more
Aiming at granting wide access to their contents, online information providers often choose not to have registered users, and therefore must give up personalization. In this paper, we focus on the case of non-personalized news recommender... more
Aiming at granting wide access to their contents, online information providers often choose not to have registered users, and therefore must give up personalization. In this paper, we focus on the case of non-personalized news recommender... more
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This article examines the determinants of public support for the use of military force. It puts forward a Framing Theory of Policy Objectives (FTPO), which contends that public support for military engagements depends on the public's... more
It is often necessary to selectively attend to important information, at the expense of less important information, especially if you know you cannot remember large amounts of information. The present study examined how younger and older... more
We combine insights from economics and psychology to understand how firms strategically plan to extend and terminate their contractual relationships. In many economic respects, provisions that allow a buyer to terminate a project early... more
Recent empirical studies of philosophers by Eric Schwitzgebel and others have seriously called into question whether professional ethicists have any useful expertise with thought experiments, given that their intuitions appear to be no... more