Cognitive Dissonance
Recent papers in Cognitive Dissonance
Which domains in life produce the greatest potential for regret, and what features of those life domains explain why? Using archival and laboratory evidence, the authors show that greater perceived opportunity within life domains evokes... more
Clinical psychology has developed into many theories enhancing different parts or dynamics of the psyche. The common link is that these theories are all dealing with intrapsychic conflict (IPC). Yet in psychotherapy, patients may have... more
A substantial minority of patients with terminal illness hold unrealistically hopeful beliefs about the severity of their disease or the nature of its treatment, considering therapy as curative rather than palliative. We propose that this... more
The costs of defects and quality issues in construction can be significant for stakeholders and can include societal consequences. The aim is to address how failures and defects are produced and handled in the social practices of... more
Building on the work of Lavy and van den Hout (Lavy, E. H., & van den Hout, M. A. (1994a). Cognitive avoidance and attentional bias: Causal relationships. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 18 (2) 179-191; Lavy, E. H., & van den Hout, M. A.... more
Using Cognitive Dissonance to Encourage Water Conservation] ... CHRIS ANN DICKERSON Graduate School of Public Policy University of California at Berkeley ... RUTH THIBODEAU, ELLIOT ARONSON,' AND DAYNA MILLER University of... more
Thirty-four female patients who underwent rhinoplasty were followed through assessment of postsurgical satisfaction (pss), perception of subjective improvement, objective improvement (surgeon's ratings), and objective post-surgical nasal... more
A business professor gives a candid account of his long and often difficult process of personal change and development in South Africa – and how he beat the system.
This article provides an early account to document Swedens strategy to the COVID-19 pandemic and critically examines the countrys crisis response during the first six months of 2020. Sweden stood out internationally with a hands-off... more
Stimuli that resemble humans, but are not perfectly human-like, are disliked compared to distinctly human and non-human stimuli. Accounts of this "Uncanny Valley" effect often focus on how changes in human resemblance can evoke... more
The consonance constraint-satisfaction model, which has simulated the major paradigms of classical cognitive dissonance theory, is here extended to deal with more contemporary findings concerning self-affirmation phenomena in dissonance... more
In diesem Aufsatz wird untersucht, wie Tiernutzung und Fleischkonsum zu einer umstrittenen Praxis werden konnten. Erst eine Analyse der Genese dieser moralischen Problematisierung ermöglicht ein Verständnis der komplexen soziokulturellen... more
During the past 20 years, increasing numbers of academic studies, industry studies, and public opinion polls have assessed relative levels of public learning from news media and public perceptions of U.S. news media's accuracy,... more
En el marco de la Pasantía en Escuelas Especiales del área, docentes y estudiantes atendemos niños, niñas y adolescentes derivados por la institución educativa. Se busca que los estudiantes tengan un acercamiento a la psicopatología que... more
According to system justification theory, people are motivated to preserve the belief that existing social arrangements are fair, legitimate, justifiable, and necessary. The strongest form of this hypothesis, which draws on the logic of... more
Aim: To estimate the prevalence of tobacco smoking among physiotherapy and nursing students at the University of the Balearic Islands in Spain and to describe their perceptions, attitude and behaviour towards smoking and towards the... more
ObjectiveNegative body image, a common problem among college-age women in the United States, strongly correlates with low self-esteem, disturbed eating behavior, and eating disorders. Psychoeducational programs have inconsistently shown... more
With age and the onset of the elderly, people are more prone to mental disorders including feeling of loneliness, anxiety, and depression, due to numerous losses such as loss of spouse, relatives, friends, occupation, social and economic... more
Issu de la dissonance cognitive, le paradigme de l'hypocrisie induite illustre le principe suivant : dire une chose et en faire une autre, et vice-versa. L'écart perçu entre la norme et ses comportements passés contrenormatifs éveille un... more
Настоящото изследване цели да проследи връзката между когнитивния и емоционален подходи, позиционирайки ги в контекста на социалната психология с посока промяна на нагласите. Теоретичното представяне има за задача да инструментализира... more
This study was designed as an initial test of whether an experiential learning intervention, based on cognitive dissonance theory, would increase college-student smokers' intentions to quit smoking. One hundred forty-four college smokers... more
E d d i e H a r m o n -J o n e s University of Arizona J a c k W. B r e h m University of Kansas J e f f G r e e n b e r g , L i n d a S i m o n , a n d D a v i d E. N e l s o n University of Arizona
In a field experiment on water conservation, we aroused dissonance in patrons of the campus recreation facility by making them feel hypocritical about their showering habits. Using a 2 × 2 factorial design, we manipulated subjects... more
Cognitive dissonance has been definitively shown to alter beliefs or perceptions of an individual. The present experiment was designed to test the effects of cognitive dissonance on interpersonal perception and reassertion. Using an... more
People are often more confident than accurate. Past accounts of this overconfidence effect have focused on social-cognitive mechanisms, such as the biasing effects of judgmental heuristics and the faulty integration of relevant... more
What does it mean to be an American? In Europe and elsewhere, it has been the prolonged association between the populous and the land that has constructed national identities. In Scotland, there are Scots, in Poland, there are Poles, in... more
Human cognition is often biased, from judgments of the time of impact of approaching objects all the way through to estimations of social outcomes in the future. We propose these effects and a host of others may all be understood from an... more
Using data on individual perceptions of deserved pay for workers in six British local labour markets, this paper tests the implicit proposition of cognitive dissonance theory that workers who express themselves as being overpaid should... more
Two experiments were conducted to disentangle reciprocal relationships between multichannel retailers' offline and online brand images. Results support the cross-channel effect of prior offline brand image on online brand beliefs (biased... more
Previous studies have shown great disagreement and debate over the concept of attitude, in the attempts to define as well as measure it. There have been many theories proposed to explain attitude change process, a complex social,... more
While studies have consistently observed an association between pornography use and depressive symptoms, data limitations have precluded understanding the nature of this relationship. Drawing on data from a representative panel study of... more
Denial of responsibility as a mode of dissonance reduction and the conditions under which it is likely to occur were explored in 3 experiments. Two experiments tested and supported the hypothesis that following a counterattitudinal... more
This essay is slated to appear in the festschrift for Alan Culpepper in Brill's Biblical Interpretation Series (2018), Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond, edited by Mikeal Parsons, Elizabeth Stuthers Malbon, and myself. This essay... more
This is the Draft Table of Contents for my forthcoming book (Lexington--hopefully December 2016): Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. I post it here to give my readers--for whom I'm tremendously... more
Clinical psychology has developed into many theories enhancing different parts or dynamics of the psyche. The common link is that these theories are all dealing with intrapsychic conflict (IPC). Yet in psychotherapy, patients may have... more
This article discusses the implementation of a media literacy program in a college classroom in the form of an extended critique and analysis of Disney's The Little Mermaid. Students' decoding of Disney's messages and their resistance to... more
Internet pornography use (IPU) remains a controversial topic within sexual behavior research fields. Whereas some people report feeling dysregulated in their use of pornography, mental health and medical communities are divided as to... more
The purpose of this study is to discover the extent to which consumers are aware of air filling in food packaging, the extent to which deceptive packaging and slack filling – which often result from package downsizing – lead to cognitive... more
Purpose – The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between impulse buying and post-purchase regret in the context of grocery products which requires low involvement. Design / Methodology/ Approach – Exploratory analysis using... more