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Personal AI assistants are now nearly ubiquitous. Every leading smartphone operating system comes with a personal AI assistant that promises to help you with basic cognitive tasks: searching, planning, messaging, scheduling and so on.... more
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      RoboticsCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceArtificial Intelligence
The complementary properties and functions of cognitive artifacts and other external resources are integrated into the human cognitive system to varying degrees. The goal of this paper is to develop some of the tools to conceptualize this... more
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      Human Computer InteractionPhilosophy of TechnologyDistributed CognitionSituated Cognition
During the last decades, many cognitive architectures (CAs) have been realized adopting different assumptions about the organization and the representation of their knowledge level. Some of them (e.g. SOAR [35]) adopt a classical symbolic... more
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      RoboticsCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
EN/[PT]: The objects of analysis in this article are digital picturebooks, which may be called e-picturebooks. This research contributes to a definition of e-picturebook as a distinct storytelling experience from printed picturebook,... more
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      Children's LiteratureCognitionDistributed CognitionStorytelling
The goal of this paper is to develop a systematic taxonomy of cognitive artifacts, i.e., human-made, physical objects that functionally contribute to performing a cognitive task. First, I identify the target domain by conceptualizing the... more
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      Human Computer InteractionPhilosophy of TechnologyDesignCognition
PT/[EN]: A invenção de dispositivos computacionais portáteis, como tablets e smartphones, influenciou o desenvolvimento de experiências digitais de leitura com recursos ainda mais diversos que os e-books (livros digitais) produzidos para... more
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      Cognitive SciencePicture BooksStorytellingDigital Storytelling
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      History of IdeasCreativity studiesArtCreativity--Knowledge Invention & Discovery
What are the possible varieties of cognition-artifact relations, and which dimensions are relevant for exploring these varieties? This question is answered in two steps. First, three levels of functional and informational integration... more
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      Information TechnologyPhilosophy of TechnologyTrustCognition
In this paper I explore systematically the relationship between Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and their human users from a phenomenological and cognitive perspective. First, I functionally decompose BCI systems and develop a typology... more
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      Human Computer InteractionPhilosophy of TechnologyTrustDistributed Cognition
En este trabajo examinamos la noción de “artefacto cognitivo” y su posible aplicación a la técnica animal. Aunque poco se ha dicho acerca de la técnica de los animales no-humanos, los estudios de caso centrados en la capacidad de uso y... more
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      Cognitive ArtifactsPhilosophy of Animal Minds
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      Analogy (Cognitive Psychology)Cognitive archaeologyCognitive TechnologiesCognitive Artifacts
In this article we present an advanced version of Dual-PECCS, a cognitively-inspired knowledge representation and reasoning system aimed at extending the capabilities of artificial systems in conceptual categorization tasks. It combines... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceInformation Retrieval
It is widely assumed that there is a natural, prelinguistic conceptual domain of time whose linguistic organization is universally structured via metaphoric mapping from the lexicon and grammar of space and motion. We challenge this... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorSpace and Time (Philosophy)Anthropology of TimeCultural linguistics
It is widely assumed that there is a natural, prelinguistic conceptual domain of time whose linguistic organization is universally structured via metaphoric mapping from the lexicon and grammar of space and motion. We challenge this... more
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      PragmaticsConceptual MetaphorLanguageSpace and Time (Philosophy)
A criatividade artistica pode ser observada como uma propriedade da manipulacao de artefatos cognitivos. Mais especificamente, esta distribuida atraves de artefatos cognitivos, como oportunidades para a emergencia de entidades e processos... more
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      Dance StudiesCreativityDistributed CognitionCreative Process
In this paper, we focus on the development of geometric cognition. We argue that to understand how geometric cognition has been constituted, one must appreciate not only individual cognitive factors, such as phylogenetically ancient and... more
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      Diagrammatic ReasoningMathematical CognitionCognitive ArtifactsEpistemology of Mathematics
Time is at once familiar and mysterious, its status in the physical universe being uncertain and contested. Time seems to be fundamental to both biology and to the world of human experience. It seems certain that human beings in all... more
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      History Of Body, Time And SpaceSpace and Time (Philosophy)Anthropology of TimeCognitive Artifacts
An almost ubiquitous demand for design competence currently manifests itself, outside of the classical disciplinary boundaries. Within future markets, which will increasingly and decisively be driven by the currency of attention, design... more
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      Design TheoryObject Oriented OntologyOntology of ArtifactsCognitive Artifacts
Existing accounts of cognitive artefacts are a useful starting point for developing the emerging notion of situated affectivity. Starting from a recent taxonomy of cognitive artefacts, I propose a taxonomy of material affective scaffolds... more
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      Affect/EmotionCognitive Artifacts4E Cognition
Memories of our personal past are the building blocks of our narrative identity. So, when we depend on objects and other people to remember and construct our personal past, our narrative identity is distributed across our embodied brains... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyPhilosophy of TechnologySelf and IdentityDistributed Cognition
Modeling the relationship between cognitive artifacts and rationality is the central issue with which this paper is concerned. In the research on cognitive artifacts, two models of the relationship between cognition and artifacts can be... more
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      Distributed CognitionProblem solving (Education)Extended MindBounded Rationality
Abstract—Studies of patient safety have identified gaps in cur-rent work including the need for research about communication and information sharing among healthcare providers. They have also encouraged the use of decision support tools... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyPatient Safety
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      Cognitive ScienceNeuroethics (Philosophy)Cognitive Artifacts
Perceptual content can vary on both a factual and on a perspectival dimension. In this article, we apply this distinction to the content of public representations. By public representations we mean representations that are publicly... more
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      Cognitive ArtifactsPerspectival Perceptual Content
The objective of this article is to take into account the functioning of representational cognitive tools, and in particular of notations and visualizations in mathematics. In order to explain their functioning, formulas in algebra and... more
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsCognitive ArtifactsNotation
Penultimate version of the paper published in special issue of Pragmatics and Cognition 2013, 3(21), p. 469-484 Bridging the gap between writing and cognition: materiality of written vehicles reconsidered Marcin Trybulec ABSTRACT: A part... more
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      EpistemologySituated CognitionExtended MindCommunication Theory
Lines are mysterious. They are drawn by the hand, they are seen by the eye, they appear in the world. Lines are what the hands draw, what the eyes see, and what the page represents. Lines form forms. Simple regular visual/spatial forms... more
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      Computer ScienceSketchesVisual CommunicationAbstraction
The paper poses the question of how the use of external artifacts contributes to the stabilization of meaning and thought. On the basis of the private language argument and the problem of objective meaning, I argue that Wittgenstein's... more
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      WritingWittgensteinPrivate Language ArgumentMetalinguistic awareness and knowledge
A disseminação, na última década, de dispositivos computacionais portáteis, como tablets e smartphones, influenciou o desenvolvimento de experiências de storytelling digitais como os e-picturebooks, experiências com recursos ainda mais... more
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      Children's LiteratureStorytellingDigital StorytellingPicturebooks
We are investigating information analysis as a kind of problem solving in which teams are presented with a collection of facts regarding people, places and events, and then identify underlying connections, patterns, and plans in order to... more
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      Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)Small group ProcessesCognitive Artifacts
This article looks at some of the metaphysical properties of cognitive artifacts. It first identifies and demarcates the target domain by conceptualizing this class of artifacts as a functional kind. Building on the work of Beth Preston,... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyDistributed CognitionSituated CognitionExtended Mind
Neste artigo apresento sucintamente alguns dos pressupostos das discussões sobre identidade pessoal, em especial a tese da identidade pessoal de John Locke. Após a contextualização, exploro alguns desdobramentos da tese original lockeana,... more
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      Philosophy of MindSelf and IdentityNarrativeTechnologies of the Self
Attempts to account for the significance of materiality for cognition should pay special attention to the vehicle in which meaning and information are embedded. Distributed cog-nition pays surprisingly little attention to conceptualizing... more
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      Distributed CognitionEmbodied CognitionExtended MindRepresentation
The aim of this paper is to substantiate the thesis that contemporary linguistic philosophy has not been consistent enough in researching the relations between language, speech and writing. Speech and writing are two distinct ways of... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePragmatics, Philosophy of Language and communicationCognitive ToolsAustin
A criatividade artística pode ser observada como uma propriedade da manipulação de artefatos cognitivos. Mais especificamente, está distribuída através de artefatos cognitivos, como oportunidades para a emergência de entidades e processos... more
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      Dance StudiesCreativityDistributed CognitionCreative Process
"A suspension in space, a hiccup of weightlessness before a violent plunge, a pursuit of entropy against the pull of the equilibrium, a game against gravity: a swing is not merely a playground item but a complex phenomenon/experience with... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCreativityCognitionCreativity and Consciousness