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This article traces the pictorial lineages of images collected in one of the two Thun-Hohenstein albums through comparative analyses of fight books produced in the German-speaking lands, and considers how the representational strategies... more
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryArms and Armor StudiesManuscript Studies
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPaleography
This article presents a manuscript that significantly enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series of hitherto unknown writings. Aside from this, it contains what is by some distance the oldest copy of the ›Legatus... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval LiteratureLate Middle AgesWomen's History
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionIndian PhilosophyPlato
The book THE DECIPHERING THE WHOLE TEXT OF THE VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT BY ALISA GLADYŠEVA. The linguistic basis of the text, index and analysis. Department of Spanish Philology, Vilnius University.The first print is a limited-edition,... more
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      HistoryBotanySpanishMedieval History
Appena tornato a Firenze [sc. da Padova, nell'aprile 1351] il Boccaccio si propose di donare al suo ospite, forse una copia della corrispondenza tra Dante e Giovanni del Virgilio, certo un esemplare della Commedia. E da uno scrittoio... more
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      Dante StudiesItalian StudiesRomance philologyTextual Criticism
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      HagiographyCodicologyDiplomatics (Medieval)Relics (Religion)
The colophons of the Armenian manuscripts take a special place with their original and rich information among the medieval Armenian written monuments. In the work we have attempted to thoroughly examine the components of the Armenian... more
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      Armenian StudiesManuscript StudiesCodicologyArmenian History
Considered one of the most important documents in the history of the transmission of the Qurʾān, the Sanʿāʾ palimpsest (Codex Sanʿāʾ 1) is remarkable because of its unique lower text (i.e., erased text), which differs from the... more
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      CodicologyQur'anic Manuscripts
Identificació del manuscrit més antic fins ara conegut de la Vita et passio sancti Desiderii de Sisebut, conservada en un passioner copiat a final del segle X pel sacerdot Isarn per a ús de la catedral de Vic i actualment servat només en... more
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      PaleographyCodicologyLatin PaleographyDiplomatics (Medieval)
The article by Denis Tsypkin is an editorial foreword for the current collection of articles and it provides brief overview of the five annual conferences “Expert Examination and Photography,” which were held from 2010 to 2014. The paper... more
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      Forensic ScienceManuscript StudiesPaleographyCodicology
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      Translation StudiesPaleographyCodicologyRenaissance literature
This article is focused on opinions that the literary historian and Custodian of the Prague Imperial-Royal University Library (now the National Library of the Czech Republic) Josef Truhlář (1840–1914) had on Manuscripts of Dvůr Králové... more
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      Manuscript StudiesCodicologyBohemia
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      HistoryArt HistoryManuscript StudiesCodicology
Script for video, which is part of the MOOC "Deciphering the secrets of medieval illuminated manuscripts", offered by the universities of Colorado (US) and Complutense (Spain) through... more
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      Manuscript StudiesCodicologyManuscripts (Medieval Studies)History of Books
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      Manuscript StudiesPetrarchMedieval Church HistoryCodicology
introduzione al volume che l'insegnamento del vocabolario della propria disciplina non è sempre la principale preoccupazione di un docente universitario, e che ciò vale anche per chi «insegna la paleografia e le materie correlate, quali... more
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      Book HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of the BookRare Books and Manuscripts
Dqs Mittelalter l0 (2005) 2: Produktive Kulturkonflikte frtihe vollplastische Skulptur vorhanden ist, zum anderen auch nicht klar ist, wie das Golgothakreuz wirklich aussah, d. h. ob es überhaupt mit einem Corpus Christi versehen war. Ob... more
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      Canon LawManuscript StudiesCodicology
L’article analyse un corpus de 122 manuscrits contenant le texte complet du Nouveau Testament latin. Ces manuscrits de format maniable constituent une production assez homogène du point de vue matériel et textuel et sont originaires de... more
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      CodicologyHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
Ðàíåå íà ïðèìåðå äèãðàôíîãî è ëèãàòóðíîãî íàïèñàíèÿ t áûëî óñòàíîâëåíî, ÷òî ïèñöû À, À, B è B Ñèíàéñêîé ïñàëòûðè áûëè êàíîíîöåíòðè÷íûìè (èñïðàâëÿëè ïðàâîïèñàíèå àíòèãðàôà, ñëåäóÿ ñîáñòâåííûì ïðàâèëàì), à ïèñöû B, B, C, C è D... more
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      Old Church SlavonicPaleographyCodicologyMedieval Balkans
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      PaleographyCodicologyMedieval manuscripts & early printed books; history of libraries; visual arts & digital mediaMedieval Libraries
Mультимедийная лекция, посвященная 1000-летию памяти Владимира Святого – Крестителя Руси († 1015), в Международном мультимедийном пресс-центре МИА «Россия сегодня» (Президентский зал) 4 Марта 2015 г. (17:00) в рамках нового... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesMedieval HistoryRussian
Questions about areas of controversy or conflict between the Christian faith and the academic discipline can (and sometimes do) assume an easy dichotomy between the two. One's dual commitments to "the Faith" and the guild are often seen... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyPractical theologySystematic Theology
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      ConservationCodicologyIndian ManuscriptsCollège De France
The purpose of the panel is to explore a specific aspect of the concept of originality in Indian knowledge systems, literature and the arts. We would like to discuss the relation of innovation and perpetuation of earlier forms and... more
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      BuddhismJainismIndian PhilosophyBuddhist Philosophy
In this study we will decipher the process by which the canonry of the Cathedral of Seville created a series of codices, enerically called Statute Books, in which were written the rules that governed the see until the fall of the Old... more
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      HistoryManuscript StudiesPaleographyCodicology
Чепіга І. П. Пересопницьке Євангеліє – унікальна пам'ятка української мови. С. 13–54; Гнатенко Л. А. Письмо Пересопницького Євангелія та графіко-орфографічні особливості пам’ятки. С. 55–73; Дубровіна Л. А., Гнатенко Л. А. Археографічний... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsCodicologyUkraine (History)Codicology of medieval manuscripts
L'ouvrage Lire le manuscrit médiéval, présenté dans une édition mise à jour, se propose de guider tous ceux qui étudient les sources médiévales à partir des documents originaux. Il s'attache plus particulièrement à la forme de livre... more
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      Medieval StudiesManuscript StudiesPaleographyCodicology
Er ist ein narr, der mir daz glaubt. 2
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      Late Middle AgesCodicologyCodicology of medieval manuscriptsRing
Pour le paléographe, il est plus commode de travailler avec des classifications nettes et des périodisations distinctes qu’en suivant une tradition confuse. Les styles d’écriture arménienne ne sont pas clairement définis, et il est commun... more
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      HistoryArmenian StudiesManuscripts and Early Printed BooksTextual Criticism
ISBN 978-99941-1-646-1 © Àðìÿíñêèé ãóìàíèòàðíûé âåñòíèê. Ìîñêâà-Åðåâàí-Ñòåïàíàêåðò. 2009 ã. Âñå ïðàâà çàùèùåíû. Ïðè ïåðåïå÷àòêå ìàòåðèàëîâ èëè öèòèðîâàíèè ññûëêà îáÿçàòåëüíà. Âàðäàí Ôåðåøåòÿí 156 PERSONALIA Íèêîëàé Àäîíö (1871-1942) Àêàä.... more
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      Armenian StudiesManuscript StudiesCodicologyChristian Iconography
V Katedrální knihovně v Ostřihomi se nachází antifonář (signatura: Ms. I. 313), v jehož dodatku se zachoval téměř celý latinský text jediného oficia napsaného na počest Jana Husa. I proto považujeme za důležitou součást příspěvku... more
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      Czech HistoryMedieval StudiesCodicologyCzech & Slovak Studies
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      Slavic LanguagesBalkan StudiesPaleographyCodicology
The manuscript of al-Ṣaḥīfa al-sajjādiyya that forms the basis of this facsimile edition was written by the Twelver scholar Ibrāhīm b. ʿAlī al-Kafʿamī (d. 905/ 1499-1500). The manuscript was kept in India for about three centuries and is... more
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      PrayerCodicologyIslamic StudiesArabic Manuscripts
The study of the Samaritan version of Saadya Gaon’s translation of the Pentateuch (the tafsīr), mainly based on MS London BL OR7562, shows that a Saadyan version in Arabic Characters was adopted by the Samaritans and adapted to the... more
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      Jewish StudiesSemitic languagesHebrew LanguageArabic Language and Linguistics
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      History of MedicineHistory of the BookRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript Studies
Discovering an unknown medieval library must count as one of the unexpected delights in the career of any medievalist. In the case of a group of Birgittine scholars, however, our recent joyful anticipation unfortunately all too quickly... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryMedieval History
In this paper an overview is given of all manuscripts in the Biblioteca Trivulziana that contain works by Francesco Filelfo, assessing their proximity to the author and, whenever possible, identifying their copyists. In particular, the... more
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      Latin LiteratureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismTextual Criticism
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      Medieval StudiesCodicologyItalian philologyHistory of Italian Language
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      Hebrew BibleTextual CriticismCodicologyHebrew Manuscripts
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      Manuscript StudiesPaleographyCodicologyLatin Paleography
Among the preserved Aristophanes’ codices veteres, there is the Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional Mss/4683, an important manuscript for its paleographical and philological value which shows how Aristophanes was read and commented in Byzantium,... more
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      AristophanesCodicologyByzantine StudiesTextual Transmission
Visuality, illustrations in th Hungarian manuscripts, 17th-19th c.
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      IconographyManuscript StudiesCodicologyHungarian Literature
The Grolier Codex (Codice Maya de Mexico, CMM) is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B.... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
Il volume ripercorre la storia delle principali forme librarie dall’antichità romana fino a oggi attraverso le innovazioni che si sono succedute nei supporti (legno, papiro, membrana, carta), nelle tipologie (tabula, rotolo, codice, libro... more
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      Book HistoryManuscript StudiesPaleographyCodicology
El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar y poner en valor un librete de cuentas del año 1453 perteneciente a la mayordomía de Fábrica de la catedral de Sevilla hallado en el Archivo Histórico de la Casa de Alba y hasta ahora inédito.... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic StudiesPaleographyCodicology
Lorsqu'il est question de codicologie quantitative, on pense le plus souvent qu'il s'agit d'une approche particuliére de la codicologie, réservée á l'étude des données strictement quantitatives; d'oil la nécessité d'avoir recours aux... more
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      Book HistoryCodicologyManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
This paper reports on the effect of using an interactive and child-initiated microcomputer program (Alpha) when teaching three groups of children fN = 30) reading and communications skills: (a) 11 children with autism fM chronological... more
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      Computer ScienceCommunicationEducationSpecial Education