Coal preparation
Recent papers in Coal preparation
Heat transfer simulation within heating furnaces is of great significance for prediction and control of the performance of furnaces. In this paper, a set of models is proposed to solve heat transfer problems in a loaded furnace.... more
A combination of semicoking followed by a permanent roll magnetic separator (PERMROLL) has been used for the upgrading of a Turkish low-rank lignitic coal. The lignite samples were subjected to a low temperature carbonization process at... more
In line with the objectives to reduce dependency on foreign energy resources and increase the share of domestic coal in energy supply, significant developments took place in Turkey's coal sector in recent years. As a result of recent... more
Altın zenginleştirme, gümüş zenginleştirme, bakır zenginleştirme, demir zenginleştirme, antimuan zenginleştirme, molibden zenginleştirme, Alüminyum zenginleştirme, nikel zenginleştirme, otoklav liçi, tank liçi, yığın liçi, gravite ile... more
Laporan ini merupakan laporan Prakerin (Praktek Kerja Industri) yang dilakukan siswa SMKN 1 Bontang di PT. Carsurin Cabang Bontang pada tahun 2013. Dimana dalam laporan ini berisi rangkuman kegiatan siswa selama menjalani Prakerin di PT.... more
Direct liquefaction of low-rank Malaysian coal from the Mukah Balingian (MB) area was successfully carried out in a 1000 ml high-temperature (360–450°C) high-pressure (4–13 MPa) batch-wise reactor system using tetralin as hydrogen donor... more
Turkish Coal Enterprises since 1979. The lignite which has an average heat value of 2000 kcal/kg is produced to feed Orhaneli 1x210 MW Thermal Power Plant. Having low heat value of lignite coal, has difficulties in acquiring the... more
Beneficiation potential of a high ash (36%) medium coking coal to a low ash (12%) level is investigated. Characterization studies indicated that the coal must be processed after reducing the size to 1.18 mm in order to accomplish... more
The objective of solid-liquid separation in thickeners in coal preparation plants is to obtain both a clear supernatant liquid with a low turbidity for reuse and a dense slurry. It is important for the smooth operation of the plant to... more
Kömürlerin üretildikleri gibi doğrudan kullanımlarını engelleyen en önemli safsızlıklardan biri nemdir. Nem, kömürün kalorifik değerini düşürür, nakliye giderlerini arttırır. Ayrıca, koklaştırma, gazlaştırma ve sıvılaştırma gibi... more
Blood flow in the large systemic arteries is modeled using one-dimensional equations derived from the axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations for flow in compliant and tapering vessels. The arterial tree is truncated after the first few... more
Heat transfer simulation within heating furnaces is of great significance for prediction and control of the performance of furnaces. In this paper, a set of models is proposed to solve heat transfer problems in a loaded furnace.... more
The objective of the book is to demonstrate the up-to-date Polish and intemational experience in the area of thin coal seam mining. The implementation of the plow technology in Poland is done by young engineers for whom the automated... more
Seventeen Albanian brown coals were analyzed in detail and their properties were compared on both a national and regional bases. The measurements made were moisture, proximate and ultimate analyses, sulfur forms, bituminous matter, humic... more
The use of low-rank coals as an energy source may cause environmental problems. Washability of a Turkish lignite sample was evaluated by conventional methods with sink-and-float tests and a Reichert spiral. Also, the fine size fractions... more
The publication presents the assumptions of the unification process of machines and equipment produced by Jastrzębskie Zakłady Remontowe Sp. z o. o. and operating at the coal mines of the JSW Capital Group. It outlines a solution adopted... more
On-line ash monitors have been in use for many years in coal industry. Their operation is usually based on the scattering or the absorption of incident gamma radiation, and the derived ash value is the result of a time-averaged... more
Heat transfer simulation within heating furnaces is of great significance for prediction and control of the performance of furnaces. In this paper, a set of models is proposed to solve heat transfer problems in a loaded furnace.... more
A variety of low rank coals have been treated by mechanical thermal 10 expression (MTE). Under identical conditions, the percentage water removal decreased in proportion to the water content of the raw coals. Water removal was significant... more
The rapid increase in thermal power generating capacity in Brazil has resulted in the production of huge quantities of brown coal of high ash content. Current estimates indicate that coal ash production in Brazil is likely to reach 4... more
As per the definition in the Słownik Języka Polskiego (“Dictionary of the Polish Language”), unification means the homogenization of something, reducing it to one form or standard, or combining various elements into one whole,... more
Coal properties are inherently variable even within a single coal seam due to reasons such as coalification history and mining method. Since nonconsistent coal characteristics negatively affect the efficiency and production cost of power... more
22 locations in two coal preparation plants in India were evaluated in regard to their vibration characteristics and probable effects on the health of the operators and supervisors of those plants. In some cases notwithstanding the... more
Mayer's potential energy theory is one of the most widely accepted theories describing jigging. While it represented a substantial contribution to jig theory, the potential energy theory can not be applied... more
Low-rank coal (LRC) drying processes are generally categorized by operating temperature, drying environment, and type of feed or product. Within these broad categories, drying processes differ further according to the type of drying... more
Heat transfer simulation within heating furnaces is of great significance for prediction and control of the performance of furnaces. In this paper, a set of models is proposed to solve heat transfer problems in a loaded furnace.... more
Numerical simulation and experimental validations of the growth and departure of multiple merging bubbles and associated heat transfer on a horizontal heated surface during pool boiling under variable gravity conditions have been... more
... 19392690801925813 Zhanyou Huang a , Manoj Mohanty b * , Hasan Sevim c , Ajay Mahajan b & ... AM Mahajan and MK Mohanty , Performance Optimization of a Coal Preparation Plant Using ... The authors also greatly appreciate the... more