Recent papers in Cloud
Cloud computing plays a critical role in modern society and enables a range of applications from infrastructure to social media. Such system must cope with varying load and evolving usage reflecting societies' interaction and dependency... more
An intrusive bioptical probe provides radial profiles of the PDF (Probability Density Function) of the bubble, the cloud and the emulsion phases behaviors in a fluidized bed of GeldartA particles. The fluidizing velocity ranges between... more
Cloud servers is a platform for enabling convenient, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable server resources (memory, networks, storage, cpu, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with... more
In last two decades continues increase of comput-ational power and recent advance in the web technology cause to provide large amounts of data. That needs large scale data processing mechanism to handle this volume of data. MapReduce is a... more
A main challenge for service providers is managing service-level agreements (SLAs) with their customers while satisfying their business objectives, such as maximizing profits. Most current systems fail to consider business objectives and... more
Hadoop Ecosystem is generally considered as a platform or a framework which solves Big Data issues. Read here to know the basics of Hadoop ecosystem and advantages of migrating Hadoop Ecosystem in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
The Cloud Computing concept offers dynamically scalable resources provisioned as a service over the Internet. Economic benefits are the main driver for the Cloud, since it promises the reduction of capital expenditure (CapEx) and... more
Cloud Computing is being projected by the major cloud services provider IT companies such as IBM, Google, Yahoo, Amazon and others as fifth utility where clients will have access for processing those applications and or software projects... more
Service Oriented architecture is a methodology which gives the brief idea about the services that how the services can help to the organization which are independent with each other. One organization can take advantageous of these... more
A Cloud Computing system is intended to improve and automate the controlling single point operations. By using a single point of control, this goal is accomplished through the elimination of duplicate entry and the contribution of data... more
The cloud is the best method used for the utilization and organization of data. The cloud provides many resources for us via the internet. There are many technologies used in cloud computing systems; each one uses a different kind of... more
Cloud computing provides IT services to users worldwide, Data centers in Clouds consume large amount of Energy leading to highly effective costs. Therefore green energy computing is solution for decreasing operational costs. This survey... more
Este estudo tem como objetivo explorar como a computação em nuvem (CN) está sendo desenvolvida no contexto acadêmico brasileiro. Para isso foi construída uma revisão da literatura buscando artigos, dissertações e teses acerca do tema com... more
There is a growing requirement for Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure to ensure low response time to provision latency-sensitive real-time applications such as health monitoring, disaster management, and smart homes. Fog computing... more
— The ever-increasing amount of personal or sensitive data stored in a cloud data storage needs to be protected, since losing it is a very serious problem. As their popularity increases, cloud storage is becoming an option for user in... more
In this paper, we propose an intelligent and secure internet of things approach for the healthcare system that monitors the patient heart rate in real-time and from any place. Thanks to the agent, the proposed system can predict the... more
OpenNebula Means Openness, Excellence, Cooperation and Innovation resource pooling, and dynamic provisioning. Using this Develop a simplest, powerful, highly-scalable and adaptable solution for building and managing virtualized data... more
Amazon Web Services Practice Lab Guide. Absolute beginners can try this lab practice guide. Topics Covered in this Lab Guide are below Table of Contents | Page Number About Author 5 Services we provide to our customers 6... more
In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become well known. It has attracted much attention thanks to its powerful application in different fields. Currently, billions of IoT devices are connected. The massive rise in the number... more
Cloud computing has recently emerged as a new paradigm for hosting and delivering services over the Internet. Cloud computing is attractive to business owners as it eliminates the requirement for users to plan ahead for provisioning, and... more
Cloud computing is growing significantly day by day, and has created a shift in the IT industry. It brings several advantages to consumers by delivering computing as a service, such as self-service, on-demand, broad network access, rapid... more
Human physique have an unsteady bio-medical formation attached with various joints even a normal issue in the lower joints harmfully affects the management of standing position. The projected system includes an observing circuit which is... more
Cloud computing provides a flexible and convenient way for data sharing, which brings various benefits for both the society and individuals. But there exists a natural resistance for users to directly outsource the shared data to the... more
Billing in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a complex task that is often compromised due to lack of various interactions (Consumer, Provider, Budget Manager, Agent and Online Payment) simultaneously along with necessary features like... more
Serverless computing has rapidly grown following the launch of Amazon's Lambda platform. Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) a key enabler of serverless computing allows an application to be decomposed into simple, standalone functions that are... more
The distributed computing is done on many systems to solve a large scale problem. The growing of high-speed broadband networks in developed and developing countries, the continual increase in computing power, and the rapid growth of the... more
I.T. industry keeps on looking for high processing power, the reason behind the introduction of multi-core processors. Cloud computing is also to adopting multi-core processors.
Cloud computing is envisioned as the next generation architecture for IT Enterprises, and has proliferated itself due to the advantages it provides.Cloud computing provides solutions for carrying out efficient, scalable and low cost... more
This paper studies a fourth emerging service model of cloud computing, Business Process as a Service (BPaaS). BPaaS is generating hype but it is under researched with a lack of clarity regarding how BPaaS differentiates itself from other... more
Resource scheduling in cloud is a challenging job and the scheduling of appropriate resources to cloud workloads depends on the QoS requirements of cloud applications. In cloud environment, heterogene-ity, uncertainty and dispersion of... more
The Internet is an existing thing, always changing and growing. New applications and businesses are created endlessly. Besides to developing Internet, technology is changing the backdrop. Broadband connectivity is becoming cheap and... more
Cloud computing is commonly used to represent any work done on a computer, mobile or any device, where the data and possibly the application being used do not reside on the device but rather on an unspecified device elsewhere on the... more
Advancement in information and communication technology (ICT) has given rise to explosion of data in every field of operations. Working with the enormous volume of data (or Big Data, as it is popularly known as) for extraction of useful... more
Cloud computing is rapidly gaining traction in business. It offers businesses online services on demand (such as Gmail, iCloud and Salesforce) and allows them to cut costs on hardware and IT support. This is the first paper in business... more
Cloud computing is a style of computing in which massively scalable IT-enabled capabilities are delivered ‗as a service' to multiple customers using internet technologies. This clears that the cloud computing is a business rather than a... more
Construction projects involve multidisciplinary and multi-actor collaborations that generate massive amounts of data over their lifecycle. Data are often sensitive, and embody rights, ownership and intellectual property of the creator.... more
Cloud computing is a fast emerging paradigm for computing; that promises a greener, scalable, cost effective alternative to utilizing IT resources. Cloud solutions facilitate faster implementation of innovative ideas, thereby leveraging... more
The advent of Cloud Computing has altered the IT landscape. Hardware, software and the technical expertise required to provide and maintain IT services have been aggregated in the Data Centre. This has given rise to a new IT delivery... more