Clinical trial on Ayurveda medicine
Recent papers in Clinical trial on Ayurveda medicine
Use of Ayurveda medicine in military populations and their family remains unclear in our country where Ayurveda practised more and originated. Therefore a study was proposed to find out the prevalence and pattern of Ayurveda medicine use... more
Ficus caricais the most popular member of the genus Ficus, and the family Moraceae. In the Mediterranean region it is so widely used, both fresh and dried, that it is called “the poor man’s food.” The dried fruits of F.... more
Tratamentos e Cuidados para Mulheres e Crianças Usando Sistema Indiano de Cura Natural "Ayurveda".
Con gusto te dictamos el curso de ayurveda online, para que no solo asimiles mejor los conceptos de este manual sino que además recibas tu programa personalizado de autocuidado ayurvédico. Búscanos en y en Facebook... more
In modern Era, physicians come across so many patients suffering from the disease Yuvanpidika. The incidence of Yuvanpidika is increasing day by day due to the fast lifestyle. In Sushrut samhita, Yuvanpidika is mentioned under Kshudra... more
Ayurveda, “The Science of Living”, it has been in existence since the beginning of time and has been giving the health solutions for various named and unnamed diseases, to the humankind since ages. Cancer is indirectly described in... more
Éléments de routine ayurvédique. Autonomie, rituel et ascèse, Les Éditions Chromatika, 2021 978-2-930517-82-7 ; pdf 978-2-930517-83-4 [ss presse] L’Ayurvéda propose une philosophie de vie qui articule un vaste système métaphysique (une... more
Maharishi Sushruta was the first to give a detail and separate
Women during their pregnancy and puerperium are advised to take Dhanwantaram gulika Gulika as a safety measure against giddiness, flatulence, nausea and dyspnea.Even without prescription pregnant women using Dhanwantharam Gulika/tab,... more
Metals like iron, copper are being used by humans since the prehistoric period. Tamra (copper) is used in the form of vessels, medicine in day to day life since centuries. During the medieval period, with the advent of Rasashastra, Tamra... more
Ocimum sanctum is an annual herb belonging to the mint family with 150 varieties worldwide. Ocimum sanctum emits a spicy scent when bruised. It is believed to purify expectorants, and called the “wonder... more
All articles published in IJAAM are peer-reviewed and can be downloaded, printed and distributed freely for non commercial purpose (see copyright notice below).
Citation is a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage. It makes reference to or refers to for illustration or proof. When we use the term cite we refer to the way that you note the source of your information.... more
Asian Medicines: Encounters, Translations and Transformations Asian medicines are engaged in complex global networks of actors: conservators who watch the changing supplies of wild plants in Asian mountains, medical botanists who study... more
This is the paper that I presented in the international conference held at Moscow on 1,2, April 2016. This is expected to give a broad idea about the ayurvedic approach towards ASD and related disorders. As it was presented for a... more
Herbal cosmetics have growing demand on the earth market and are a precious gift of nature. Herbal formulations continuously have attracted gigantic concentration on the grounds that of their good endeavor and comparatively lesser or nil... more
Ayurveda - the traditional medicine system of ancient India, which nourishes an individual’s physical strength and intelligence along with maintaining a wonderful balance with the environment. Deviant to its nature, it has now become an... more
Epidermal nevi are hamartomas that are characterized by hyperplasia of epidermis and adnexal structures. These nevi may be classifi ed into a number of distinct variants, which are based on clinical morphology, extent of involvement, and... more
Shilajit Gold is a unique combination of Shilajeet and Gold ash. Gold is a powerful rejuvenator that helps increase stamina, vigour and vitality.Shilajit gold mainly contains mono atomic gold or gold bhasma and shilajeet. Swarna Bhasma... more
"The clinical bacteria of multi-drug resistant to some antibiotics are considered a common problem in the world wide. Alternative antibacterial strategies are urgently needed, and thus this situation has led to a re-evaluation of the... more
No knowledge comes from the outside world or an imaginary supernatural paradise. No knowledge comes from some sort of divine entity, regardless of how effective they are. All knowledge, scientific or philosophical, ancient or modern,... more
Noticeable rise in the gynaecological disorders in India during the last few decades has drawn interest of all medical sciences to search for an effective alternative in the treatment of female reproductive tract disorders with minimal... more
Vipadikaharagritataila" was mentioned as the treatment for "Vipadika" and another four types of skin lesions under the treatment component of skin diseases in Ayurvedic text "Caraka Samhita". Though Vipadikahara ghrita taila is... more
Ayurveda refers to bronchial asthma as Tamaka Swasa and it is well explained in Charaka Samhita. It contributes several modalities of the treatment for Swasa roga( asthma). Among all modalities of treatment, polyherbal combinations are... more
Rise in number of infertile couple is a major concern worldwide. The number of couples turning to technologies and artificial methods like IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is increasing. More and more number of male and female are prone to... more
Diabetes is a severe metabolic disorder. From a global perspective, it is becoming a growing problem due to the ever-increasing numbers of patients. The WHO estimates the number of people with diabetes around 347 million people with... more
Ayurveda represents a dual approach for management of a disease namely samsodhana chikitsa (purificatory therapy) and Samsamana chikitsa (Pacificatory therapy). Even though purification is considered as the most important part of the... more
Ayurveda is basically a medical science but different branches of science were nurtured by it like biology, genetics, microbiology, clinical medicine, surgery, astronomy, pharmaceutics and metallurgy etc. In this traditional therapeutic... more
Recently, Sh. K. C. Tyagi, a Rajya Sabha MP, speaking in the House, protested against an Ayurvedic medicine, Putrajeevak Beej, on the ground that it promoted gender discrimination. Responding to the charge, Swami Ramdev, who is associated... more
Vitiligo (leukoderma) is a skin condition in which white patches appear on different parts of the body. It occurs where the Melanocyte cells which are responsible for skin coloration are destroyed. White patches may start appearing... more
Objectives: Ayurveda claims to be effective in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders by means of lifestyle and nutritional counseling. Design: In a randomized controlled study mothers with burnout were randomized into two groups:... more
Introduzione all'Ayurveda - L'Ayurveda, uno dei più antichi sistemi di medicina conosciuti, è stato considerato ora una branca dell'Atharva Veda, ora un Veda distinto-il 5° veda-più o meno contemporaneo agli altri. Veda è la scienza o... more
Arthava is a cyclical expression of female reproductive system in their reproductive age. To a good extent, normal cycles of arthava may be considered as indicative of good reproductive health. According to ayurvedic biology, the... more
According to Ayurveda, drinking of hot water as your daily routine helps you heal a vast number of health issues and diseases. Here are some quick notes on the benefits of sipping hot water
The effects of integrative medicine practices such as meditation and Ayurveda on human physiology are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to identify altered metabolomic profiles following an Ayurveda-based intervention. In... more
Epidermal nevi are hamartomas that are characterized by hyperplasia of epidermis and adnexal structures. These nevi may be classifi ed into a number of distinct variants, which are based on clinical morphology, extent of involvement, and... more
The fibroid is a common benign tumour of the female genital tract. Clinically uterine fibroids are commonly symptomless, but they may occur as a palpable mass, accompanied by bleeding, or pain or with symptoms secondary to compression of... more
This study aims to assess the efficacy and safety of two Ayurveda drug regimens for the treatment of uterine fibroids (UF) in a randomized single-blind clinical trial. 120 participants with UF (volume ≥ 2 cm3) were randomly allocated at a... more
Diabetes is a severe metabolic disorder. From a global perspective, it is becoming a growing problem due to the ever-increasing numbers of patients. The WHO estimates the number of people with diabetes around 347 million people with... more