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      Information SystemsEngineeringEcological EngineeringEvolutionary Biology
The present review discusses validity aspects of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) on the basis of meta-analyses of studies on the psychometric properties. Shortcomings of the BDI are its high item difficulty, lack of representative... more
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      Cognitive SciencePsychopathologyBeck Depression InventoryPsychometric Properties
Step Test (ESST), and Illinois Agility Test (IAT) have been used to assess agility in athletes and nonathletes; however, the reliability and validity of these tests have not been established. The purpose of this study was to establish the... more
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      MovementUnited StatesYoung AdultClinical Sciences
Les auteurs présentent les concepts de Stress et de Coping et leur approche dimensionnelle en Psychologie de la santé. Ils représentent un modèle heuristique pour les recherches empiriques en Psychiatrie clinique.
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With the recent resurgence in popularity of trait theories of leadership, it is timely to consider the genetic determination of the multiple factors comprising the leadership construct. Individual differences in personality traits have... more
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      Cognitive SciencePersonalityLeadershipBehavior Genetics
Low back pain is an extremely common problem that most people experience at some point in their life. While substantial heterogeneity exists among low back pain epidemiological studies limiting the ability to compare and pool data,... more
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      EpidemiologyGlobal HealthLife StyleLow back pain
Background It has been generally believed that the four main causes of melasma are pregnancy, hormonal contraception, family history and sun exposure; however, there are few published comprehensive studies that confirm these assertions.... more
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      Family historyPregnancyHormonesClinical Sciences
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsDentistryEmergency Medicine
A mass-casualty respiratory failure event where patients exceed available ventilators has spurred several proposed solutions. One proposal is use of a single ventilator to support 4 patients. A ventilator was modified to allow attachment... more
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      Clinical SciencesPatient SimulationRespiratory CareTidal volume
Study Design. The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) has become one of the principal condition-specific outcome measures used in the management of spinal disorders. This review is based on publications using the ODI identified from the... more
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      Intervertebral discIntervertebral disc degenerationClinical SciencesSacrum
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      Occupational HealthEnvironmental MonitoringNoise Induced Hearing LossHearing
Diagnosing attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in patients with substance use disorder (SUD) is a complicated process in which a screening tool may be useful. We analyzed the ASRS-v1.1 validity in patients with SUD,... more
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      PsychometricsProspective studiesClinical SciencesQuestionnaires
In recent years, deficits in emotion regulation have been studied as a putative maintaining factor and promising treatment target in a broad range of mental disorders. This article aims to provide an integrative review of the latest... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAnxiety DisordersMental Health
Understanding violence against women is as complex as its process. As a perusal of literature shows that most of the explanations were contextually and culturally based, this review attempts to analyze the issue of violence against women... more
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      Domestic ViolenceResearch MethodologyHuman RightsSocial Problems
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      CognitionMild Cognitive ImpairmentHong KongQuebec
Background: Insomnia is a prevalent health complaint that is often dif®cult to evaluate reliably. There is an important need for brief and valid assessment tools to assist practitioners in the clinical evaluation of insomnia complaints.
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      PsychologyAssessmentEvaluationSleep Medicine
Initiated as part of the ongoing deliberation about the nosological structure of DSM, this review aims to evaluate whether the anxiety disorders share features of responding that define them and make them distinct from depressive... more
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersDepressionFear
The findings and conclusions represent the consensus views of its 15 authors, none of whom received either direct or indirect support for their participation from the sponsoring organizations or any other organization that might represent... more
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      PsychologyPublic HealthClinical SciencesPublic health systems and services research
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychiatryPsychotherapy
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive ScienceNursing
of the target gene relative to some reference group The two most commonly used methods to analyze data from such as an untreated control or a sample at time zero real-time, quantitative PCR experiments are absolute quantificain a... more
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      AlgorithmsGene expressionMethodsCell line
We have two ways of knowing. Our mind knows forms, things, both subtle and gross. Faces, hands, buildings, trees, math formulas, mind knows subject and the mind knows otherness. The mind knows dualities, the mind knows me and you, us and... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
Problematic Internet use or excessive Internet use is characterized by excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges, or behaviors regarding computer use, and Internet access that leads to impairment or distress. Cross-sectional... more
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      Anxiety DisordersSocial behaviorYoung AdultClinical Sciences
Symmetry is believed to be a hallmark of appealing faces. However, this does not imply that the most aesthetically pleasing proportions are necessary those that arise from the simple division of the face into thirds or fifths. Based on... more
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      NeurosurgeryForecastingNanotechnologyClinical Sciences
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      Manual TherapyTibiaClinical SciencesMuscle contraction
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
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    • Clinical Sciences
This study was a first attempt to examine the psychometric properties of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in Dutch youths. A large sample of
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      PsychologyPsychometricsEvaluationTest Validation
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      NursingMedical InformaticsTeachingLearning
Background-Exercise capacity is inversely related to mortality risk in healthy individuals and those with cardiovascular diseases. This evidence is based largely on white populations, with little information available for blacks.
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      MortalityCardiovascular diseaseAfrican AmericanUnited States
In December of 2014, an anonymous working group under the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a draft of the first-ever federal recommendations regarding male circumcision. In accordance with the... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of ReligionClinical Psychology
A new family of rehabilitation techniques, termed Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy or CI Therapy, has been developed that controlled experiments have shown is effective in producing large improvements in limb use in the real-world... more
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      RehabilitationTraumatic Brain InjuryMagnetoencephalographyTranscranial Magnetic Stimulation
Oral-facial-digital type I (OFDI) syndrome is a male-lethal X-linked dominant developmental disorder belonging to the heterogeneous group of oral-facial-digital syndromes (OFDS). OFDI is characterized by malformations of the face, oral... more
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      GeneticsCleft PalateAdolescentHuman
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      Manual TherapyClinical Sciences
La fibrosis quística (FQ) es una enfermedad autosómica recesiva causada por mutaciones en el gen localizado en el brazo largo del cromosoma 7 que codifica la proteína reguladora de la conductancia transmembrana (RTFQ). En realidad se... more
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      AlgorithmsCystic FibrosisForecastingResearch
La hepatitis tóxica por el consumo de productos Herbalife ® es una afección poco documentada y con gran impacto en la población debido a su amplio consumo. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 63 años con diagnóstico probable de hepatitis... more
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      BiopsyDietary SupplementsClinical SciencesEphedra
Purpose: We present a comprehensive account of clitoral anatomy, including its component structures, neurovascular supply, relationship to adjacent structures (the urethra, vagina and vestibular glands, and connective tissue supports),... more
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      UrologyHistory of MedicineMagnetic Resonance ImagingImmunohistochemistry
Objective: To develop a reliable and valid child and parent self-report instrument to screen children with anxiety disorders. Method: An 85-item questionnaire was administered to 341 outpatient children and adolescents and 300 parents.... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAnxiety DisordersPsychometrics
Self-efficacy beliefs in people with chronic pain have been assessed either by reference to confidence in ability to perform specific tasks or to confidence in performing more generalised constructs like coping with pain. Both approaches... more
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      PsychometricsPainChronic PainAdolescent
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceTime SeriesSwallowing
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersDepressionTreatment Outcome
Stretching is usually performed before exercise in an attempt to enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. Most stretching techniques (static, ballistic, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) are effective in increasing... more
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      Injury PreventionClinical Sciences
"Introduction: Occupation is the core concept of the occupational therapy profession and its underlying philosophy, and has long been the primary topic of concern for occupational scientists. As a result, occupation has been... more
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      Occupational TherapyJob SatisfactionRisk assessmentHolistic Health
Occupational therapists believe that there is a relationship between occupation, health and well-being but there is little evidence in the occupational therapy literature to support this belief. This paper describes the results of a... more
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      Evidence Based PracticeHealthPsychological Well BeingWork Ethic
P ostural misalignment of head on trunk (e.g., forward head posture) is associated with complaints of pain in the neck and shoulder region 1-5 and temporomandibular joint dysfunction 6,7 , but is also observed in asymptomatic individuals... more
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      ManualClinical SciencesManipulative/Manual Therapy
Twenty Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients (mean age 69.9 years) and 24 normal individuals’ (mean age 63.8) both ears were investigated by brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and pure tone audiometry (PTA). There were no... more
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      EvaluationHearing disordersExplorationStatistical Significance
The purpose of this exploratory study is to better understand the current dynamics of the Malaysian market for smartphone and the usage behaviors of consumers. This paper presents the result of a survey on the trend of smartphone from the... more
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      ManagementEcological EngineeringOptical EngineeringBiochemistry
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      PainQuality of lifeErectile dysfunctionPain Management