This cross-sectional analytical study was carried out to determine the frequency of frailty in patients on haemodialysis and to identify predictive clinical parameters. Patients were selected using convenience sampling. Exclusion criteria... more
The purpose of this cross sectional study was to determine the frequency of under-collected 24 hours urinary samples. Diabetic patients who visited our clinic from June 2012 to November 2012 were explained the procedure for collection... more
More than 50% of patients with non-Shiga toxin-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome (non-Stx-HUS) progress to ESRD. Kidney transplant failure for disease recurrence is common; hence, whether renal transplantation is appropriate in this... more
Background. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) occurs in different molecular forms in serum: free PSA (fPSA) and complexed PSA (cPSA), the sum of which corresponds to total PSA (tPSA). In addition to tPSA, percent fPSA is widely used in the... more
El hematoma subdural crónico constituye una enfermedad frecuente en la práctica neuroquirúrgica cotidiana. Su diagnóstico se realiza actualmente de forma temprana en la mayoría de los pacientes, a partir de la introducción de las modernas... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Hematoma subdural crónico calcificado. Reporte de un caso Calcified chronic subdural hematoma. A case report
A 22-year-old male smoker presented with intermittent right flank pain lasting over a year. He had a history of atrophied left kidney and gout. Physical exam revealed mild right renal angle tenderness. Outcome: Initial imaging, pointed to... more
The global burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is rapidly increasing with a projection of becoming the 5th most common cause of years of life lost globally by 2040. Aggravatingly, CKD is a major cause of catastrophic health... more
Urine pH in renal calcium stone formers who do and do not increase stone phosphate content with time
Background. Calcium phosphate (CaP) renal stones appear to be increasing in prevalence, and are caused by high urine CaP supersaturation, which arises from genetic hypercalciuria and high urine pH. Renal damage from stones or procedures,... more
La constipación severa o las complicaciones del megacolon chagásico fueron clásicamente de resolución quirúrgica. Numerosos estudios fueron hechos, como así también muchas técnicas quirúrgicas fueron descritas para el abordaje de esta... more
Se realizo un estudio con el fin de conocer la incidencia de la crisis hipertensiva, las características clínicas de los enfermos y el manejo en el servicio de urgencias del Hospital Obrero Nº 2 de la CNS Cochabamba para, recomendar... more
Renal biopsy(RB) is necessary for the diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy guidance of native kidney diseases. Few studies have compared outcomes of RB procedures. We compared the efficiency and safety of five biopsy procedures. Number of... more
Rituximab is an efficient and safe treatment in adults with steroid-dependent minimal change disease
Development of steroid dependency in patients with nephrotic syndrome may require a long-term multi-drug therapy at risk of drug toxicity and renal failure. Rituximab treatment reduces the steroid dosage and the need for immunosuppressive... more
Objetivo: Describir la producción científica peruana que sobre diabetes mellitus 2 (DM) y nefropatía diabética (NFD) se ha escrito en la literatura médica. Material y métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica no sistemática de la... more
Patients on chronic maintenance dialysis have an alarmingly high mortality of approximately 15-20%. This rate is mainly due to cardiovascular comorbidity and, secondarily in part to the increasing prevalence of changes in blood pressure.... more
Hyperuricemia is a condition of increased uric acid levels in the blood that can trigger various complications, such as gout and nephropathy. Allopurinol is a pharmacological agent that is widely used to inhibit the xanthine oxidase... more
Hyperuricemia is a condition of increased uric acid levels in the blood that can trigger various complications, such as gout and nephropathy. Allopurinol is a pharmacological agent that is widely used to inhibit the xanthine oxidase... more
Acute granulomatous tubulointerstitial nephritis (GTIN) is a rare finding in renal biopsy. Differential diagnosis is facilitated when GTIN is associated with granulomatous bilateral anterior uveitis (GBAU). Nevertheless, differentiation... more
Los cambios que se producen como respuesta al estrés se dividen en “adaptaciones centrales” y “adaptaciones periféricas”; dentro de estas últimas se encuentran los cambios del sistema cardiovascular (el incremento del pulso y la tensión... more
Background: Few studies have explored dialysis patients' perspectives on dialysis decision-making and end-of-lifecare (EoLC) preferences. We surveyed a racially diverse cohort of maintenance dialysis patients in the Cleveland, OH, USA,... more
Significance Statement National and international guidelines recommend supportive approaches to AKI management, but organizational strategies to improve delivery of AKI care have not previously been tested in multicenter randomized... more
29.2% of the nurses felt competent in discussing fertility, 8.3% had sufficient knowledge about fertility, and 75.7% needed to expand their knowledge. More knowledge and competence were associated with providing fertility health care (p <... more
Esta investigacion se efectuo para ampliar el conocimiento sobre los agentes etiologicos de la uretritis masculina en Asuncion; se baso en una revision retrospectiva de las fichas clinicas de 619 pacientes que acudieron con propositos... more
Hoy día existen muchos criterios sobre las características clinicoepidemiológicas y quirúrgicas de las neoplasias primarias del segmento hepatobiliopancreático, lo cual constituye un verdadero problema científico, por las tasas elevadas... more
The blood and drainage cultures are suggested for early diagnosis of bloodstream infection (BSI), which are time consuming and laborious. Nasal colonization of bacteria is one of the modalities, occasionally can predict BSI. We... more
This article is being published in Kidney International and reprinted concurrently in several journals. The articles cover identical concepts and wording, but vary in minor stylistic and spelling changes, detail, and length of manuscript... more
Ferric citrate is an approved phosphate binder for use in patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis. Clinical trials demonstrated that ferric citrate controlled serum phosphorus levels and increased iron stores. The aim of this... more
Цель: оценить влияние терапии блокаторами ренин-ангиотензин-альдостероновой системы на уровень альдостерона крови у больных хронической сердечной недостаточностью (ХСН) с сохраненной фракцией выброса (ФВ) левого желудочка (лЖ). Материал и... more
Diagnóstico y tratamiento farmacológico de la insuficiencia cardiaca crónica. Una revisión necesaria
La realizacion de multiples ensayos clinicos y estudios multicentricos en Cardiologia, ha permitido reunir un enorme numero de evidencias clinicas, que han modificado de forma radical el diagnostico y tratamiento del sindrome de... more
La hernia lumbar es un defecto poco frecuente de la pared posterior del abdomen, representa menos del 1% de todas las hernias de la pared abdominal. Este tipo de hernia es más frecuente en un solo lado y sobre todo, en los hombres de... more
Introduction: the laser therapy is a therapeutical option to treat vascular malformations. Objective: this study was done with the objectives:, to characterize the sample socialdemographically, to classify lesions topographically, to... more
El plasmocitoma de la mama es muy infrecuente y en la mayoria de los casos aparece asociado a mieloma multiple. Se describe una paciente de 42 anos de edad con diagnostico conocido de plasmocitoma solitario del cuello asociado a mieloma... more
Open Access Original Article
RESUMEN Fundamento: la insuficiencia renal crónica es la pérdida gradual, progresiva e irreversible de las funciones renales. Las fórmulas más empleadas para su diagnóstico son las de Cockcroft-Gault y la Modificación de Dieta en la... more
Introduction: a descriptive study was conducted to characterize the patterns of encephalic lesions found in patients with HIV/AIDS during the period 2008-2011. Methods: the sample was composed of 53 patients. Sociodemographic, clinical,... more
How to cite this article: Diab A, Anthony P, Berryman H, Diab K. Acute Kidney Injury due to spontaneous Atheroembolic disease, superimposed on diabetic nephropathy, with no recent vascular or cardiac intervention, presented as Rapidly... more
IntroductIon Nesfatin-1, which was discovered in 2006, consists of an 82-amino acid polypeptide. It has an active core that has an anorexigenic effect, which is the mid-fragment that consists of 29 amino acids, through which it regulates... more
transcraneal (DTC) es una técnica de ultrasonido no invasiva que permite evaluar la velocidad y dirección del flujo sanguíneo en los segmentos proximales de las principales arterias cerebrales. Se utiliza principalmente en la evaluación y... more
transcraneal (DTC) es una técnica de ultrasonido no invasiva que permite evaluar la velocidad y dirección del flujo sanguíneo en los segmentos proximales de las principales arterias cerebrales. Se utiliza principalmente en la evaluación y... more
Youth, which is forgiven everything, forgives itself nothing: age, which forgives itself everything, is forgiven nothing. -George Bernard Shaw The proportion of older people in the general population is steadily increasing worldwide, with... more
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead M arch 13, 2008, heralds the third annual World Kidney Day (WKD), an event that will be... more
Background: There is enough evidence to suggest that vancomycin increases the risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) but the exact mechanism is not well understood. This study aims to understand the incidence of vancomycin-associated acute... more
Objective and design: Hightone external muscle stimulation (HTEMS) ameliorates pain and discomfort of patients with polyneuropathy. Since some patients reported about an urge to urinate during these treatments, the potential effects of... more
Chronic Kidney Disease affects approximately 10% of the world's adult population: it is within the top 20 causes of death worldwide, and its impact on patients and their families can be devastating. World Kidney Day and International... more
Ischemic stroke in children may occur in the arterial area, most of them in the carotid zone. The sinovenous obstructions, whose diagnosis requires proper rates of suspicion and imaging diagnostic techniques capable of detecting them are... more
A series of 126 adult patients with a serologically confirmed diagnosis of nephropathia epidemica (NE) were studied during the acute phase of the disease. In 86 cases, renal biopsy was performed. The severity of renal failure correlated... more