ObjectivesTo compare the performance of a validated automatic computer-aided risk of mortality (CARM) score versus medical judgement in predicting the risk of in-hospital mortality for patients following emergency medical... more
The study sought to assess the test performance characteristics of clinical judgement in the evaluation of stable blunt chest trauma patients compared with chest radiography (CXR) in the determination of significant intra-thoracic injury.... more
The construction of a screening scale for states of anxiety and depression among primary health care (PHC) patients is described. Most of the scale items were selected from a pool of items chosen from two international screening scales... more
Background Coercion is no longer a valuable practice in conveying good care in French psychiatry. However, the paradoxical consequence of this new consensus is to lock psychiatric practice into a double bind: psychiatric coercion is... more
Background: Research suggests that diagnostic procedures for Autism Spectrum Disorder are not consistent across practice and that diagnostic rates can be affected by contextual and social drivers. The purpose of this review was to... more
Given the recent debates between Giorgi, van Manen, Smith, Morley, and Zahavi with regard to whether or not Husserl's reflective method - with its epoché and reductions - makes sense as a foundation for empirical psychological research, I... more
This manual was written as a distillation of our training, our experience and our practice as forensic psychiatrists. Between us we have worked in four different countries so we hope that the structured professional judgement instruments... more
Acknowledgements This manual was written as a distillation of our training, our experience and our practice as forensic psychiatrists. Between us we have worked in four different countries so we hope that the structured professional... more
Objectives:Structured professional judgement is now the most widely accepted approach to clinical risk assessment and risk management. The Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Manual (S-RAMM) is a new structured professional judgement... more
Background: Estimation of the correct depth of insertion of a tracheal tube (TT) in children is extremely important. Insertion of an excessive length may result in endobronchial intubation while an inadequate length of insertion may lead... more
Aims and objectives. To consider the validity and reliability of risk assessment scales for pressure ulcers.Background. Pressure ulcers are a major problem worldwide. They cause morbidity and lead to mortality. Risk assessment scales... more
The reference standard in studies on delirium assessment tools is usually based on the clinical judgment of only one delirium expert and may be concise, unstandardized, or not specified at all. This multicenter study investigated the... more
Arousal status of patient in correlation with anaesthetic effect is the vital consideration for an anaesthesiologist. Recent anaesthesia has proposed hi-tech solutions to deal with it. This review throws a light on practical and realistic... more
A337 satisfaction domains exhibited the strongest signifi cant results amongst all three tests. However, while the convenience domain exhibited strongly signifi cant measurement equivalence for the CTT, it only exhibited signifi cant... more
Background: Neuro-ophthalmological emergencies require prompt assessment and management to avoid vision or life-threatening sequelae. The decision to perform a neuroimaging procedure is currently based on the clinical judgement of the... more
The development and evaluation of a brief risk screening instrument for the psychiatric inpatient setting This paper reports on the development and evaluation of a risk screening instrument (RSI) intended for use by nursing sta on general... more
Anna-Marie Welman, thank you for all the phone calls and help. Annamarie du Preez, without your diligent searches and help in the library the research would not have seen the light, thank you. Cecilna Grobler, there is no adequate manner... more
Background: Research suggests that diagnostic procedures for Autism Spectrum Disorder are not consistent across practice and that diagnostic rates can be affected by contextual and social drivers. The purpose of this review was to... more
Clinical evolution in patients affected by community acquired pneumonia varies from a mild and low risk infectious disease to an extremely severe, life threatening disease. Commonly, immunocompetent adults without co-morbidities or severe... more
While research generally demonstrates the efficacy of attachment-based interventions for supporting families and children, less is known about the constituent elements of these interventions and their effects. Existing tools for... more
A retrospective review of 1900 road accident victims attending the emergency departments of two Melbourne hospitals was undertaken fo identify lnjuy Severi@ Score levels which could distinguish between nlinor, moderate, severe and... more
Clinical judgement of airway inflammation versus sputum cell counts in patients with asthma. K.
Three groups of ten professional psychologists were provided with differing types of information about an actual counseling client: one group received minimal, or stereotype, information about the client (Stereotype Group); a second group... more
Summary: The Lasater Clinical Judgement Rubric (LCJR) is frequently used in clinical judgement assessment in education, but there are few clinical studies to illustrate its validity or identify predictors of clinical judgement scores.... more
Background: The accuracy of General Practitioners' (GPs') clinical judgement for diagnosing dementia is uncertain. Aim: Investigate the accuracy of GPs' clinical judgement for the diagnosis of dementia. Design and Se ing: Diagnostic test... more
A 4-year-old border collie who participates in agility, is presented to you for poor performance and consistently missing weave polls. You find pain with manipulation of the shoulder joint and suspect medial shoulder instability. How do... more
Aims. To review, discuss and compare nursing and midwifery regulatory and professional bodies' scope of practice and associated decision-making frameworks. Background. Scope of practice in professional nursing and midwifery is an evolving... more
Background: Patients' satisfaction is a useful measure to provide an indicator of quality in healthcare and thus needs to be measured frequently. The aim of the study was to analyse and compare the level of satisfaction of patients... more
Patients' satisfaction is a useful measure to provide an indicator of quality in healthcare and thus needs to be measured frequently. The aim of the study was to analyse and compare the level of satisfaction of patients attending the... more
This work measured how accurately the outcome of brace treatment can be predicted, using only information available at the start of treatment. The prediction accuracies of human experts and a fuzzy computer model were measured and compared.
show that pre-encountered data and knowing the patient are important factors. Expert nurses mobilise their knowledge to discriminate between pain-related agitation and agitation caused by other factors by generating hypothesis. They... more
Aims. To review, discuss and compare nursing and midwifery regulatory and professional bodies' scope of practice and associated decision-making frameworks. Background. Scope of practice in professional nursing and midwifery is an evolving... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
The present research aimed to investigate the effects of attribution on expert clinical judgment in comparison to semi-experts and lay-people. Two research questions were addressed. Firstly, would experts be less subject to attributional... more
L'objectif de la formation est d'identifier les procédures de conversions de l’expérience clinique et non clinique en repères théoriques pour améliorer le jugement clinique. La séance 1 montre comment modéliser un jugement clinique en... more
Research on human judgment has now extended well beyond the issue of the clinician versus the actuary. To the detriment of psychology, the application of the judgment findings to clinical diagnosis and treatment has not grown accordingly.... more
One of the responsibilities of a consultant is to identify the clinical competence of trainees by observing them at work. The attributes of clinical competence in anaesthesia were defined by interviewing a group of consultants and... more
Objective The Paediatric Admission Guidance in the Emergency Department (PAGE) score is an assessment tool currently in development that helps predict hospital admission using components including patient characteristics, vital signs... more
Patient monitoring on low acuity general hospital wards is currently based largely on intermittent observations and measurements of simple variables, such as blood pressure and temperature, by nursing staff. Often several hours can pass... more
Rationale: To analyze if body mass index (BMI) was related to 5-yr mortality and if mortality predicting capacity of BMI differed if calculated by current height (CH) or by middle age height (MH), in old males. Methods: 512 men of the... more
This manual was written as a distillation of our training, our experience and our practice as forensic psychiatrists. Between us we have worked in four different countries so we hope that the structured professional judgement instruments... more
Background and methods: Abdominal trauma poses a diagnostic challenge to most trauma surgeons. This study evaluates a clinical scoring system in 476 blunt abdominal trauma patients treated by the author over a period of 92 months.... more
Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has become the gold standard treatment for gallstone disease. Though mostly safe occasionally it can be difficult due to various problems faced during surgical procedure. Anticipation of... more
A contextual perspective of clinical judgement in couples and family therapy: is the bridge too far?
This paper reviews the clinical judgement literature and discusses its applicability to the practice of couples and family therapy. Key findings and conceptual foundations are highlighted. A contextual perspective is advocated to guide... more
A contextual perspective of clinical judgement in couples and family therapy: is the bridge too far?
This paper reviews the clinical judgement literature and discusses its applicability to the practice of couples and family therapy. Key findings and conceptual foundations are highlighted. A contextual perspective is advocated to guide... more