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Clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) have been hailed for their potential to reduce medical errors 1 and increase health care quality and efficiency. 2 At the same time, evidence-based medicine has been widely promoted as a means of... more
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      EngineeringEvidence Based MedicineHealth CareBest practice
Computerized clinical decision support (CDS) aims to aid decision making of health care providers and the public by providing easily accessible health-related information at the point and time it is needed. natural language processing... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingDecision MakingBiomedical informaticsBiomedical
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      Decision MakingHealth InformaticsPhilosophy of MedicineWorkflow
Objectives: To investigate the effect of a computer based clinical decision support system and a risk chart on absolute cardiovascular risk, blood pressure, and prescribing of cardiovascular drugs in hypertensive patients. Design: ...
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      British medical historyClinical Decision Support System
Computer-based clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) have been promoted for their potential to improve quality of health care. However, given the limited range of clinical settings in which they have been tested, such systems must be... more
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      OrthopedicsThromboembolismAnticoagulantsRisk factors
Purpose. To analyse the impact of computer-based patient record systems (CBPRS) on medical practice, quality of care, and user and patient satisfaction.
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      Research DesignConsumer BehaviorQualitative ResearchQuality of Care
Context: Physicians in the United States are only slowly adopting information technology (IT) tools, despite studies demonstrating their clinical benefits. More is known about IT use within institutional settings than by individual... more
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      Information SystemsDemographyInformation TechnologyTechnology
Artifact detection (AD) techniques minimize the impact of artifacts on physiologic data acquired in critical care units (CCU) by assessing quality of data prior to clinical event detection (CED) and parameter derivation (PD). This... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringClinical Decision SupportClinical Decision Support SystemArtifact Detection
Representation of clinical practice guidelines in a computer-interpretable format is a critical issue for guideline development, implementation and evaluation. We studied eleven types of guideline representation models that can be used to... more
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      EngineeringProgramming LanguagesArtificial IntelligenceMedical Informatics
Population aging has been occurring as a global phenomenon with heterogeneous consequences in both developed and developing countries. Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD), have high prevalence in the elderly... more
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      Mental DisordersBayesian NetworkClinical Decision Support SystemBayes Theorem
The need for flexible and well understood knowledge representations which are capable of capturing clinical guidelines and protocols for decision support systems is widely recognised. The PROforma method for specifying clinical guidelines... more
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      Computer GraphicsArtificial IntelligenceBiomedical EngineeringInformation Management
We have developed the GLIF3 Guideline Execution Engine (GLEE) as a tool for executing guidelines encoded in the GLIF3 format. In addition to serving as an interface to the GLIF3 guideline representation model to support the specified... more
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      Medical EducationBiomedical informaticsKnowledge RepresentationBiomedical
Background: Clinical practice guidelines have been developed aiming to improve the quality of care. The implementation of the computerized clinical guidelines (CCG) has been supported by the development of computerized clinical decision... more
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      Health CareLogistic RegressionQuality of CareClinical Practice
The motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) in an electromyographic (EMG) signal provide a significant source of information for the assessment of neuromuscular disorders.
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      Information SystemsFuzzy LogicPattern RecognitionSupport Vector Machines
Rationale Information retrieval technology tends to become nothing less than crucial in physician daily practice, notably in family medicine. Nevertheless, few studies examine impacts of this technology and their results appear... more
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      Information RetrievalFamily MedicineOrganizational MemoryFamily Practice
Objective Pharmacy clinical decision-support (CDS) software that contains drugedrug interaction (DDI) information may augment pharmacists' ability to detect clinically significant interactions. However, studies indicate these systems may... more
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      EngineeringDrug interactionsArizonaSoftware Evaluation
Objective: To measure critical order check override rates in VA Puget Sound Health Care System's computerized practitioner order entry (CPOE) system and to compare 2006 results to a similar 2001 study. Design: Analysis of ordering and... more
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      EngineeringHealth CareQualitative ResearchMedical errors
Clinical decision support is a powerful tool for improving healthcare quality and patient safety. However, developing a comprehensive package of decision support interventions is costly and difficult. If used well, Web 2.0 methods may... more
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      Patient SafetyDecision Support SystemsBiomedical informaticsBiomedical
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      EngineeringInformation TechnologyDocumentationSystems Integration
Many hospitals utilize antimicrobial management teams (AMTs) to improve patient care. However, most function with minimal computer support. We evaluated the effectiveness and costeffectiveness of a computerized clinical decision support... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsElectronic Health RecordsClostridium difficile
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy of computerized provider order entry with clinical decision support for preventing adverse drug events in long-term care. DESIGN: Cluster-randomized controlled trial. SETTING: Two large long-term care... more
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      Long Term CareHealth Services ResearchClinical Decision SupportHealth Science
Decision support systems in the medical field have to be easily modified by medical experts themselves. We have designed a knowledge acquisition tool to facilitate the creation and the maintenance of a knowledge base by the domain expert... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceExpert SystemsDecision support system
Clinical notes, typically written in natural language, often contain substructure that divides them into sections, such as... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsNatural Language ProcessingElectronic Health Records
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Effective electromyographic (EMG) signal characterization is critical in the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. Machine-learning based pattern classification algorithms are commonly used to produce such characterizations. Several... more
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      EMGClassificationClinical Decision Support System
The inability of many clinical decision-support applications to integrate with existing databases limits the wide-scale deployment of such systems. To overcome this obstacle, we have designed a data-interpretation module that can be... more
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      Information SystemsProgramming LanguagesArtificial IntelligenceSystems Integration
Objectives: : (i) To review contributions and limitations of decision support systems for automatic recruitment of patients to clinical trials (Clinical Trial Recruitment Support Systems, CTRSS). (ii) To characterize the important... more
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      EngineeringMedical InformaticsClinical TrialAutomation
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      Information TechnologyPrimary CareDrug interactionsAutomation
A b s t r a c t Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a personal digital assistant (PDA)-based clinical decision support system (CDSS) on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) prescribing safety in the outpatient setting.
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      EngineeringHealth Services ResearchRisk assessmentDecision support system
The aim of this study was to assess whether an integrated imaging computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system with embedded decision support for imaging can be accepted clinically.
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      Information TechnologyHealth PolicySystems IntegrationDecision Support
The success of clinical decision-support systems re- quires that they are seamlessly integrated into clini- cal workflow. In the SAGE project, which aims to create the technological infrastructure for imple- menting computable clinical... more
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      ProceedingsDecision support systemSoftwareLibrary and Information Studies
Due to increasing percentage of graying population and patients with chronic diseases, the world is facing serious problems for serving high quality healthcare services to citizens at a reasonable costs. In this paper, we are providing a... more
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      Multi Agent SystemSemantic InteroperabilityChronic DiseaseClinical Decision Support System
Forensic medical practitioners and scientists have for several years sought improved decision support for determining and managing care and release of prisoners with mental health problems. Some of these prisoners can pose a serious... more
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      ViolenceMental HealthDecision Support SystemsForensic Medicine
In this paper, the design and evaluation of decision support systems, including those incorporating a telematic component, are considered. It is argued that effective design and evaluation are dependent upon the adoption of appropriate... more
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      EngineeringModelingTechnology ManagementSystems Analysis
After having an introduction to the essential topics, the previous chapters have all provided effective use of deep learning for diagnosis of important diseases, as they are base for the medical decision support systems. There are of... more
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      Computer ScienceDecision support systemClinical Decision Support System
Computerized physician order entry with clinical decision support has been shown to improve medication safety in adult inpatients, but few data are available regarding its usefulness in the longterm care setting. The objective of this... more
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      EngineeringLong Term CareLife SciencesDecision support system
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) provide aid in clinical decision making and therefore need to take into consideration human, data interactions, and cognitive functions of clinical decision makers. The objective of this paper is... more
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      Clinical Decision-MakingHealthcareReference modelTheoretical Framework
Objective: We investigated the effect of written drug information for senior clinicians on the incidence of drug-drug interactions (DDIs) and DDI-related adverse events in intensive care patients. Design and methods: A prospective... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsDrug interactionsProspective studiesINTENSIVE CARE
Objective: To investigate patients' preferences for outcomes associated with psychoactive medications. Setting/design: Systematic review of stated preference studies. No settings restrictions were applied.
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      Shared decision makingClinical Decision Support System
Background: Despite the established evidence and theoretical advances explaining human judgments under uncertainty, developments of mobile health (mHealth) Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) have not explicitly applied the... more
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      Decision MakingParkinson's DiseaseMhealthClinical Decision Support System
In a recent study, artificial neural networks were trained to detect coronary artery disease using scintigraphic data as input. The performance of the networks was better than that of human experts using coronary angiography as a gold... more
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      Neural NetworkLearningNuclearDecision support system
Early diagnosis of dementia benefits both patient and caregiver. Nevertheless, dementia in primary care is currently under-diagnosed. Some educational interventions developed to improve dementia diagnosis and management were successful in... more
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      Program EvaluationPrimary CareResearch DesignDementia
The purpose of this study was to determine if race/ethnicity, payer type, or nursing specialty affected depression screening rates in primary care settings in which nurses received a reminder to screen. The sample comprised 4,160... more
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      Primary CarePrimary Health CareDepressionUrban Health
The purpose of this study was to develop automatic classifiers to simplify the clinical use and increase the accuracy of the forced oscillation technique (FOT) in the categorisation of airway obstruction level in patients with chronic... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceBiomedical EngineeringMachine Learning
Background Patients receiving mechanical ventilation are at high risk for pneumonia due to aspiration. Published guidelines recommend elevating the head of the bed 30° to 45°, if not contraindicated, to reduce risk, but this intervention... more
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      NursingObservationNursing CareAmerican
Breast cancer follow-up care can be provided by family physicians after specialists complete the primary treatment. Cancer Care Nova Scotia has developed a breast cancer followup Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) targeting family... more
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      Primary CareBreast CancerSemantic WebHealth Studies
Background: Frail older people admitted to nursing homes are at risk of a range of adverse outcomes, including pressure ulcers. Clinical decision support systems are believed to have the potential to improve care and to change the... more
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      NursingPreventionBelgiumNursing Homes
Clinical databases typically contain a significant amount of temporal information. This information is often crucial in medical decision-support systems. Although temporal queries are common in clinical systems, the medical informatics... more
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      Programming LanguagesExpert SystemsTemporal Data MiningDatabase Management Systems