Clinical Decision Support System
Recent papers in Clinical Decision Support System
A Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) aims to assist physicians, nurses and other professionals in decision-making related to the patient's clinical condition. CDSSs deal with pertinent and critical data, and special care should be... more
Automated medical diagnosis systems based on knowledge-oriented descriptions have gained momentum with the emergence of semantic descriptions. The objective of this paper is to propose a normalized design that solves some of the problems... more
In this paper we introduce SOC (Sistema de Orientación Clínica, Clinic Orientation System), a novel distributed decision support system for clinical diagnosis. The decision support systems are based on pattern recognition engines which... more
Acute Predict Aim: Acute Predict, the secondary care arm of primary care based PREDICT, is a multidisciplinary project based in the coronary care unit, and is jointly led by nursing and medical staff. The project aim is to ensure patients... more
The need for flexible and well understood knowledge representations which are capable of capturing clinical guidelines and protocols for decision support systems is widely recognised. The PROforma method for specifying clinical guidelines... more
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) provide aid in clinical decision making and therefore need to take into consideration human, data interactions, and cognitive functions of clinical decision makers. The objective of this paper is... more
The decision support systems that have been developed to assist physicians in the diagnostic process often are based on static data which may be out of date. We present a comprehensive analysis of artificial intelligent methods which... more
The relationship between data, knowledge, and wisdom is explained in this article. Codifying knowledge will help to disseminate good practice and provide a sound basis for developing clinical decision-support systems. Stimulated by... more
Purpose. To analyse the impact of computer-based patient record systems (CBPRS) on medical practice, quality of care, and user and patient satisfaction.
This work is dedicated to patients specially, rural patients can get to know the early stage detection of diseases before laboratory tests reducing the unlimited waiting time and cost expenditure. Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS)... more
The Healthcare industry contains big and complex data that may be required in order to discover fascinating pattern of diseases & makes effective decisions with the help of different machine learning techniques. Advanced data mining... more
This paper presents seven principles for successful modeling of the clinical process, forming a framework for clinical decision support systems design. Modeling methods should incorporate data interactions during clinical decisions and... more
Effective electromyographic (EMG) signal characterization is critical in the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. Machine-learning based pattern classification algorithms are commonly used to produce such characterizations. Several... more
The objective of the study was to identify potential barriers and facilitators to improve clinical practice using computer-based Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS). Studies published since 2000 were found using PubMed database,... more
The Healthcare industry contains big and complex data that may be required in order to discover fascinating pattern of diseases & makes effective decisions with the help of different machine learning techniques. Advanced data mining... more
Background: Frail older people admitted to nursing homes are at risk of a range of adverse outcomes, including pressure ulcers. Clinical decision support systems are believed to have the potential to improve care and to change the... more
Healthcare Information Systems are a big business. Currently there is an explosion of EHR/EMR products available on the market, and the best tools are really expensive. Many developing countries and healthcare providers cannot access such... more
В работе приведен обзор перспектив применения нейронных сетей и глубокого машинного обучения в создании систем искусственного интеллекта для здравоохранении. Приводится определение и пояснения по технологиям машинного обучения и нейронных... more
Background: A fundamental goal of the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) "Roadmap" is to strengthen Translational Research, defined as the movement of discoveries in basic research to application at the clinical level. A significant... more
Scientists are trying to create clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) to keep blood glucose level of diabetics in the permitted range, which is performed through precisely estimated dosage of insulin. This study aims at examining the... more
The Healthcare industry contains big and complex data that may be required in order to discover fascinating pattern of diseases & makes effective decisions with the help of different machine learning techniques. Advanced data mining... more
Computerized clinical decision support (CDS) aims to aid decision making of health care providers and the public by providing easily accessible health-related information at the point and time it is needed. natural language processing... more
Artifact detection (AD) techniques minimize the impact of artifacts on physiologic data acquired in critical care units (CCU) by assessing quality of data prior to clinical event detection (CED) and parameter derivation (PD). This... more
Health management has become a primary problem as new kinds of diseases and complex symptoms are introduced to a rapidly growing modern society. Building a better and smarter healthcare infrastructure is one of the ultimate goals of a... more
Due to increasing percentage of graying population and patients with chronic diseases, the world is facing serious problems for serving high quality healthcare services to citizens at a reasonable costs. In this paper, we are providing a... more
In the last decade, the practice of evidence-based medicine has gained strength and a significant set of healthcare professionals are using the existing resources of evidence in clinical practices. Clinical decision support systems (CDSS)... more
Clinical decision support system provides healthcare personnel with the right information, in the right format, to the right person, at the right place, and at the right time. The goals of this system are to eliminate... more
The United States healthcare system is transitioning from paper-based to computer-based systems. In this process, it is vitally important to focus on optimizing the role of human factors in systems design. This review examines a wide... more
Objective: We investigated the effect of written drug information for senior clinicians on the incidence of drug-drug interactions (DDIs) and DDI-related adverse events in intensive care patients. Design and methods: A prospective... more
Background: Opioid prescribing for chronic pain is common and controversial, but recommended clinical practices are followed inconsistently in many clinical settings. Strategies for increasing adherence to clinical practice guideline... more
, except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now... more
Computerized clinical decision support (CDS) aims to aid decision making of health care providers and the public by providing easily accessible health-related information at the point and time it is needed. natural language processing... more
Medicine is a new direction in his mission is to prevent, diagnose and medicate diseases using OLAP with data mining. Are analyzed clinical data on patient population and the wide range of performance management of health care,... more
Introduction and Purpose: Ventilator-associated pneumonia is the second most common nosocomial infection that develops in patients admitted to the intensive care unit. The mortality rate for VAP ranges from 24% to 76% and is even higher... more
We have developed the GLIF3 Guideline Execution Engine (GLEE) as a tool for executing guidelines encoded in the GLIF3 format. In addition to serving as an interface to the GLIF3 guideline representation model to support the specified... more
To ensure the correctness of publicity material ('truth in labelling') and to inform their licensing decisions, agencies certifying or regulating any clinical computer system will need information about the system's structure, performance... more
This paper proposes a Web clinical decision support system for clinical oncologists and for breast cancer patients making prognostic assessments, using the particular characteristics of the individual patient. This system comprises three... more
Domain knowledge ontology supports the implementation of intelligent Case Based Reasoning (CBR) systems. Standardized terminologies support efficient indexing and processing of patient data. It is an essential element for the... more