The policy brief makes the case that while the financial sector is key to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement, it must be transformed to be able to consider the long-term public interest and common goods. Accordingly, it requires... more
The report is a deliverable to Horizon2020 Project COP21 RIPPLES. It departs from the novelty of Paris Agreement’s article 2.1.c and its goal of shifting all financial flows towards climate alignment in terms of both mitigation and... more
This report, prepared by consultancy Mōhio, examines climate finance in New Zealand. It includes a snapshot of key existing climate finance flows and a look at the instruments available to the Government and private sector such as... more
The 2018 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on limiting global warming to 1.5 °C highlights the importance of access to capital for reaching this target. As directly or indirectly government-owned and -controlled... more
The European Commission has decided that power plants burning natural gas can be considered generators of green energy. This means they can count as sustainable investments along with nuclear power. The commission’s technical rules on... more
Climate-Smart Agriculture requires a different finance model to traditional smallholder farm lending. This study examines how attractive this type of investment can be to commercial banks, showcases successful initiatives from around the... more
The 2018 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on limiting global warming to 1.5 °C highlights the importance of access to capital for reaching this target. As directly or indirectly government-owned and -controlled... more
Just transition from historically high-emissions and exclusive development to low-emissions, inclusive development. A just transition in South Africa’s electricity sector from coal to cleaner energy is critical for climate change... more
ESG-screening and factor-risk-adjusted performance: the concentration level of screening does matter
Constructing ESG-screened portfolios aims to reduce the aggregate ESG-risk at the portfolio level by excluding low ESG-score constituents from the selection universe. But ESG-screening imposes limits on potential diversification as well... more
With growing global concern for environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development, policymakers and researchers have recently focused on green finance. In this study, existing studies on green finance in the context of... more
The author wishes to thank Andrew Fischer and the editors at Development and Change for the invitation to write this Assessment, and colleagues at UWE Bristol for their support during his time as a lecturer in economics there. He also... more
At present there are 18 emission trading schemes (ETS) operating in the world. At the COP21 in Paris a clear path for climate and energy policies has been outlined over the coming decades: states have committed themselves to reach zero... more
With growing global concern for environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development, policymakers and researchers have recently focused on green finance. In this study, existing studies on green finance in the context of... more
The report offers concrete insights from G20 countries on how to harness the power of current and nascent digital technologies that underpin the digitalization of finance to deliver on the SDGs. A key message from the report is that... more
There is widespread acceptance that significant increases in financial resources are needed to help countries undertake climate compatible development (CCD), that a significant portion of such resources is expected in the form of private... more
The purpose of this paper is to propose mechanisms to improve the alignment of international climate finance with national priorities for the implementation of the Paris Agreement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), by mapping... more
Este documento desarrolla propuestas de política para el financiamiento ambiental y climático de proyectos a nivel de los Gobiernos Regionales.
This thesis focuses on the recent development in green bond markets. With companies still facing the effects of recent financial crisis, green bond investments are getting well attention and its figures are on increasing trend. This... more
The Paris Agreement was adopted by over 190 countries during the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) held in December 2015 in Paris. The Agreement heralded many years of global climate negotiations, culminating in an agreement of a common... more
The Climate Finance Short Course was a five-day training programme designed for government officials, including those from Ministries of Finance, Planning and Environment. The course objective was to strengthen government capacity to... more
Over the past 15 years, the number of government-sponsored strategic investment funds has grown rapidly in countries at all income levels. This paper identifies some of the challenges that these funds face in their endeavor to achieve... more
With growing global concern for environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development, policymakers and researchers have recently focused on green finance. In this study, existing studies on green finance in the context of... more
The implementation of the African Blue Economy Strategy requires the setting-up of an effective institutional arrangement that can be defined as Blue Governance as it relates to the processes of interaction and decision-making among the... more
Nepal, a least-developed, mountainous, and landlocked country is consistently ranked as one of the most vulnerable countries to the climate change. Poor socioeconomic development, rough and highly unstable geography, inadequate... more
The chapter discusses the drivers that contribute to increasing vulnerability of the Himalayan communities in India (and other neighboring Himalayan countries) with global warming. Adaptation activities to reduce the burden of... more
This Toolkit provides practitioners and governments with step by step guide towards enhancing access to climate finance. A product of extensive consultations, document reviews and practical hands-on experience.
Finance and financial instruments are always evolving. New trends, instruments and financial models are always an essential part of this fast-changing economy. Green finance is the different range of financial products and services... more
The policy brief makes the case that while the financial sector is key to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement, it must be transformed to be able to consider the long-term public interest and common goods. Accordingly, it requires... more
The 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was convened in Bonn, Germany from 6th to 17th November 2017 under the Fiji Presidency to build upon the pledge of action... more
This article consists of a critical review of the conceptual scholarship on the gov-ernance of climate finance and includes an overview of the institutional arrangements and governance logics that provide climate finance. New... more
There are seventeen countries that host 70% of the planet’s biodiversity and 45% of its population: the megadiverse countries. Six of the world’s megadiverse nations are in Latin America. Carbon stocks, biodiversity, and the life of... more
'Weathering the Crises, Feeding the Future' examines the issues confounding the Philippine food system and sets out recommendations for a new agricultural future in which Filipinos have enough to eat, always.
Pacific Island countries have long recognised the climate crisis as the greatest threat to their futures. Drawing on the region’s strengths, values and a united Pacific voice, Pacific Island countries have sought to lead by example –... more
This report is one of five sector reports published by the REINVENT project ( The project analyses the potential for decarbonisation in four high-carbon sectors: steel, plastics, paper, and meat & dairy. This... more
The Paris Agreement is the first treaty under the global climate regime to mention 'climate justice' as a concept. Given this unprecedented legal turn of the concept, the article reports a sociolegal study of climate... more
▪ Financial supervisors and their regulated entities are under increasing pressure to consider the financial risks associated with the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services at both a macro- and micro-economic level. Recent economic... more
Responsible investments practices are becoming contemporary and crucial issues in the corporate world today. More recently, the demand for ESG disclosure by investors has grown significantly with ESG becoming mainstream in investment... more
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
Global climate change poses serious impacts on water resources and agriculture in the future. The aim of this research was to calculate water requirements and water Budget for maize, wheat and sugarcane grown in six governorates in Egypt... more
The ongoing plurilateral WTO Environmental Goods Agreement negotiations reflect the two defining dynamics that affect global environmental and trade governance. First of all, the rising trade remedies against environmental goods increased... more
Indonesia memiliki potensi energi terbarukan yang signifikan dan bervariasi tetapi belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Hingga 2014, energi terbarukan yang dikembangkan baru mencapai 5% dari total energi primer. Kebijakan Energi Nasional... more
This study evaluates the extent to which the eThekwini municipality is incorporating concepts of sustainable livelihoods and socio-economic benefits within its climate change adaptation programmes. It examines the theoretical use of a... more
The Paris Agreement is the first treaty under the global climate regime to mention 'climate justice' as a concept. Given this unprecedented legal turn of the concept, the article reports a sociolegal study of climate justice, framing and... more
Several shortcomings in the development and climate finance systems currently undermine the capacity of Sub-Saharan Africa to tackle climate change. Indebtedness and climate vulnerability progressively reinforce each other, representing... more