Climate governance has become a global issue, and it has proved difficult for any government to tackle this issue on its own. The role of civil society is most crucial, particularly in ensuring transparency and accountability in climate... more
The Conference of Parties COP27 has focused on adaptation on SIDS and Africa, strengthening resilience of local vulnerable populations, Land restoration of multiple global crises, including biodiversity loss and climate change, by... more
Abstract Climate finance is essential for global mitigation and adaptation efforts, yet accountability mechanisms often fail to ensure effective allocation and compliance. Traditional decision-making models struggle to explain... more
World Bank Working Papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank's work to the development community with the least possible delay. The manuscript of this paper therefore has not been prepared in accordance with the... more
The integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into fixed-income investing has gained momentum, yet investors remain hesitant due to behavioral biases, regulatory uncertainties, liquidity constraints, and market... more
Climate justice needs to be at the heart of the COP27 negotiations in Sharm El Sheikh. Climate justice is not just a financial transaction to protect the environment. It needs to be seen as the protection of the most vulnerable in society... more
A coordinated global effort is urgently needed to address climate change, safeguard vulnerable communities, and ensure a livable planet for future generations. The time to act is now, i.e. as soon as possible (March 2025). Required -and... more
Table of ConTenTs iv Climate Change and the IDB: Building Resilience and Reducing Emissions abbreviaTions Bus rapid transit system Andean subregion Climate change Climate change adaptation Caribbean subregion Climate Change and... more
After decades-long advocacy by developing countries, the establishment of a Loss and Damage (L&D) fund during COP27 was monumental. With the fund still in its infancy, we stress the need to understand the differentiation between the types... more
The Negotiations under the Climate Change International Regime (UNFCCC) have been occurring since the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Annual meetings (COPs) started in 1995 involving representatives from the states that are part of the United... more
Purpose: This study explores the adoption of green retail banking practices, focusing on sustainable branch operations and consumer-oriented digital solutions, aiming to assess their environmental and operational benefits.... more
This book explores the much talked about but less understood issue of sustainability reporting, in a global context, linking it to the application of blockchain and other emerging technologies. It provides a transnational platform to... more
W e are experiencing the future. The global average temperature over the past year has been 1.6°C higher than the pre-industrial average. June 2024 was the 13th consecutive month in which global average temperatures not just broke but... more
This paper reviews the existing research on green finance. It identifies the important themes in the green finance literature, particularly, the strategies to increase green financing; efforts to make green investment profitable;... more
Insolvenzplanverfahren erleben seit Inkrafttreten des ESUG eine Renaissance. Die erweiterten Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten waren notwendig und sind wichtig, um komplexe gesellschaftsrechtliche Veränderungen bewerkstelligen zu können. Die... more
This IFC SmartBook is a compilation of sixteen IFC SmartLessons that presents practical lessons learned by staff from across the IFC and the World Bank on approaches for engaging in agriculture that have led to success. Agribusiness is a... more
As the world calls for actions in response to the adverse impacts on the natural environment associated with climate change, the international capital market increasingly recognises the pertinent investment risks imposed on assets around... more
of Center for Ocean Solutions We are especially grateful for the support of USAID Mission staff throughout the Indo-Pacific who have provided consultation and feedback for the development of this report and accompanying materials. The... more
ana maria loboguerrero, yu ling chang, michael morris, sebastian pedraza, wiebe smit, philip thornton, and shalika vyas • Transformation is required in complex food systems; the key is to identify the best levers to achieve change. •... more
This paper is a summary of the keynote speech presented at the Conference. Its purpose is to analyse the importance of billionaires in the economy of the 21st century. The paper analyses three basic questions about the billionaires... more
Climate change indicators are a measurable and acceptable method of collecting evidence of changes in the Earth's climate throughout time. Thus, climate change indicators capture the total impact of climate change on all economic... more
Climate change indicators are a measurable and accept able method of collecting evidence of changes in the Earth's climate throughout time. Thus, climate change indicators capture the total impact of climate change on all economic... more
This study explored the potential of parametric insurance solutions to enhance resilience among smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe, particularly in the context of climate change-related risks, such as droughts and floods. The aim was to... more
Sustainable Finance is a recent trend in the Banking sector. Financial institutions are giving preference to industries which have already transitioned to a greener economy or are actively working toward doing so, and they also promote... more
The financial risks and potential systemic impacts induced by climate change and the transition to a lowcarbon economy have become a central issue for both financial investors and their regulators. In this article, we develop a critical... more
The Global South is increasingly calling upon nations in the Global North to develop finance mechanisms to combat loss and damage. However, loss and damage remains underdeveloped due to the Global North’s current refusal to accept... more
Farmers of organic products deliver the value proposition of eating healthy foods and delivering ethically grown products through sustainable farming. This study is the lived experiences of Agri-Entrepreneurs in Mindanao in a qualitative... more
This paper aims to survey the most recent theoretical and empirical literature on FinTech innovations in the financial sector. The purpose of this review is to investigate how FinTech Innovations are altering and reshaping the universe of... more
Transparency Maldives, the National Contact of Transparency International in the Maldives, is a non-partisan organization that promotes collaboration, awareness raising and other initiatives to improve governance and eliminate corruption... more
Sustainable finance, as a new and broader approach to finance integrating environmental, social and governance issues, is becoming increasingly important nowadays,1 particularly in the sub-fields of ‘green’ and ‘climate finance’ (cf.... more
Under conditions of heightened uncertainty, cities face enormous challenges in responding to contemporary crises. The contributors to this volume explore the conflictual dynamics that arise when urban futures are imagined, negotiated, and... more
Global climate change presents deep and complex impacts to world cities requiring effective adaptation measures to be incorporated into the urban planning systems. As part of this study, five global cities namely New York City in North... more
İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi (İPM) demokratikleşmeden iklim değişikliğine, transatlantik ilişkilerden çatışma analizi ve çözümüne kadar, önemli siyasal ve sosyal konularda uzmanlığa sahip, çalışmalarını küresel düzeyde sürdüren bir... more
Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) is a global policy research institution that specializes in key social and political issues ranging from democratization to climate change, transatlantic relations to conflict resolution and mediation. IPC... more
5 | Baz Senaryo'nun patikası, sera gazı emisyon yoğunluğu gibi modelleme açısından kritik parametrelerin izlediği tarihsel değişimi de göz önünde bulundurmakta ve bu değişimi projeksiyonlara yansıtmaktadır.
Extreme heat, often called a 'silent killer,' poses significant threats, particularly in Southeast Asia, where rapid urbanisation and increasing population density exacerbate vulnerability. Populations in this region face heightened risks... more
In the wake of a compelling societal shift and the subsequent widespread response across multiple industries, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors have emerged as a pivotal subject in scholarly literature. To gauge the... more
Jann Lay (GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies) , Clara Brandi (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) , Imme Scholz (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für... more
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) were key to reaching the Paris Agreement and will be instrumental in implementing it. Research was quick to identify the 'headline numbers' of NDCs: if these climate action plans were fully... more
The concept of sustainability or green principle in business activities is not only confined to creating green products, green supply chains, green business operations or simply developing green HR policies but the concept embraces the... more
If COPs 26, 27, and 28 were already posthumous rituals of the Climate Agreement, COP29 looks like a Zombie COP. Despite 29 COPs, despite the Paris Agreement, and despite the scientific consensus, we are moving more and more towards fossil... more
Climate change, a significant long-term shift in our planet’s weather patterns, is largely driven by human activities. Our reliance on burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and massive industrialization has greatly increased greenhouse... more
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is one of the hot spots for vulnerability to climate change with slow progress on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)-4 on education. The region is also facing a sharp drop in Overseas Development Assistance (ODA),... more
Pakistan, one of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries despite contributing only 0.9% of global emissions, faces escalating challenges due to climate change. The country grapples with severe flooding, accelerated glacier melting,... more
Agroecology is fast gaining interest worldwide among a wide range of actors as a holistic response to the multiple and interrelated challenges facing food systems – not least of which include continued poverty and hunger in the context of... more
The implementation of climate stability accounts for the most challenging contemporary global governance predicament that seems to pit today's generation against future world inhabitants. In a trade-off of economic growth versus... more
As the pace of climate change accelerates and its impacts rise across the globe, the urgency of responding at scale to the magnitude of the climate and environmental challenge is increasingly clear. The fast-rising costs of inadequate... more