Classical Republicanism

68 papers
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Classical Republicanism is a political philosophy emphasizing the common good, civic virtue, and the importance of active participation in governance. It advocates for a mixed government structure that balances the interests of different social classes, promoting a system where citizens prioritize the welfare of the community over individual interests.
En este texto se estudia la figura del sacerdote Tomás Méndez Lachica. Se describen sus datos biográficos, se analiza la época en que formó parte de la Sociedad Amantes del País, su labor periodística, y luego su participación como... more
Slides for History of US/Canadian Relations - Lecture Eight - "Early Republican Nations"
Este trabajo examina el papel de la traducción durante el proceso de independencia y los primeros años de la república en Chile (1810-1830). Examina cómo las traducciones, principalmente de textos sobre filosofía política, economía y... more
The foundation of new centers for civic education has sparked a new round of debate over the political independence of the public university. Do legal mandates by state legislatures undermine academic freedom? The underlying debate... more
El presente trabajo busca establecer un diálogo con el libro de Andrés Rosler Razones Públicas. Seis Conceptos sobre La República. En primer lugar, nos concentramos en la idea arendtiana de pensar juntos el concepto republicano... more
Resumen: El presente artículo se propone explorar las diferencias teórico-políticas entre el republicanismo clásico y el liberalismo moderno a través del análisis de los conceptos de Estado de derecho y de Estado libre tal y como fueron... more
An introduction to Shakespeare's Roman Plays: Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra and Coriolanus. The relation of these plays to other genres is discussed. The predominant concerns of the genre with politics and war are discussed. It is... more
Mitchell Franklin completed fifty years of scholarship in law and philosophy, having written more than seventy-five major articles since 1932. In spite of his international prominence as a legal scholar, there has not yet been an in-depth... more
The proudest boast of the transnational corporate welfare state is that it has rendered obsolete the political hegemony of traditional ruling classes. Achievement, not ascribed or hereditary status, is said to be the key to material... more
El siguiente artículo tiene como objetivo exponer la manera en que las instituciones de la antigua Roma inspiraron e influenciaron a Bolívar en la configuración de sus propuestas constitucionales de Angostura (1819) y de Bolivia (1826).... more
Le texte présenté par Michel Figeac est la publication de sa thèse pour l'habilitation à la direction de recherches. C'est tout d'abord un outil précieux pour tous ceux qui travaillent sur la noblesse au XVIIIe siècle, tant par ses... more
...John Stuart Mill, like his father and Grote, never cherished the traditional picture of Athenian participatory democracy as inherently ochlocratic and oppressive of individual liberty. Like Grote he believed that personal freedom in... more
Educating the New Sovereign. Chile between 1810 and 1814 The political break generated in Chile by the creation of a new order based on popular sovereignty represented a profound departure from the colonial education at the conceptual and... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
tiene por objetivo narrar, analizar y comprender un episodio específico de su pasado -el nacimiento de la Constitución Política de 1828 y sus disposiciones-, dentro de un contexto o marco ideal más amplio -los empeños por desarrollar un... more
cond tends to discount the participation of these two forces in a dispute over two conceptions of modernity: absolutist, which comes from the ancient regime, and alternative, which presupposes a greater exaltation of individuals.
Straumann presents a grand narrative: Roman constitutionalism in the West from the age of Cicero to the American Founding Fathers. His project is forensic, mounting a case framed in terms of a dichotomy between the Greek ethical and... more
About this book Marxism was the loser in the Cold War, but Oleg Kharkhordin is not surprised that liberal democracy failed to take root after the Soviet Union’s dissolution. He suggests that Russians find a path to freedom by looking to... more
Educating the New Sovereign. Chile between 1810 and 1814 The political break generated in Chile by the creation of a new order based on popular sovereignty represented a profound departure from the colonial education at the conceptual and... more
Straumann presents a grand narrative: Roman constitutionalism in the West from the age of Cicero to the American Founding Fathers. His project is forensic, mounting a case framed in terms of a dichotomy between the Greek ethical and... more
Straumann presents a grand narrative: Roman constitutionalism in the West from the age of Cicero to the American Founding Fathers. His project is forensic, mounting a case framed in terms of a dichotomy between the Greek ethical and... more
Este artículo analiza la metamorfosis de república y republicanismo en Colombia, a partir de su conceptualización y diversas connotaciones entre 1810 y 1828. Un período de transición política lleno de experiencias constitucionales y... more
EL BICENTENARIO COMO PROCESO HISTÓRICO: La evolución del republicanismo, el Estado como sujeto histórico, la evolución de la sociedad hondureña, la identidad nacional y sus rasgos, la nación y sus integrantes y el relato nacional pasado... more
La forma de gobierno, de la que históricamente derivó la actual organización estatal, es una monarquía republicana "LfOs nuevos Estados de la^ América antes española necesitan reyes con el nombre de presidentes".^ Antes que una paradoja,... more
En este artículo hacemos un análisis sobre el Imperio de Brasil del año de 1823; más especícamente, de la presencia de la América española y sus impactos en la Asamblea General Constituyente y Legislativa, encargada de elaborar la... more
Straumann presents a grand narrative: Roman constitutionalism in the West from the age of Cicero to the American Founding Fathers. His project is forensic, mounting a case framed in terms of a dichotomy between the Greek ethical and... more
This chapter argues that the earliest and most vivid expression in visual art dedicated to a representation of the political life of an early modern city-state is to be found in the Trecento Republic of Siena. Here, we discover what is... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Politeia 40
This article examines the origins and development of the American republic through the lens of the "republican synthesis" in American historiography and, in particular, the work of J.G.A.Pocock. The republican tradition in America was... more
El tema de este libro me fue sugerido por un seminario en torno a «Los Estados Unidos y el espíritu revolucionario», celebrado en la Universidad de Princeton durante la primavera de 1959 y patrocinado por el «Programa Especial de... more
El presente ensayo, privilegia de igual modo el objeto de estudio (Sistema Representativo) y el método (histórico-semántico desde la perspectiva del análisis del discurso). Nuestro objetivo persigue enfrentar el objeto de estudio,... more
Resumen. Este trabajo examina la influencia de la Ilustración en la obra de Simón Rodríguez, especialmente en su pensamiento republicano. Para él, la república en la América del Sur de comienzos del siglo XIX comprende dos fases para su... more
Respecto a su recepción, la celebrada reedición del tour de force de Antoni Domènech apenas un año y medio después de su fallecimiento registra dos grandes aristas, no necesariamente compartimentadas. La primera, quizá más vista hasta... more
Event poster for a HEC Lecture by Quentin Skinner (QMUL) at the European University Institute on 12 April 2021. Organised and chaired by Thomas Ashby in collaboration with the EUI Intellectual History Working Group (IHWG).
“En Chile no hay liberalismo, todos son conservadores”, afirmaban los editores de un periódico obrero de Iquique a inicios del siglo XX. “No habiendo elecciones, no hay para qué buscar ideas liberales” había dicho otro publicista, en... more
Phillip Pettit offers a sophisticated analysis of modern republicanism that has nothing to do with the attacks on constitutional monarchy which were reaching a crescendo in Australia at the time his book appeared. Although Pettit is... more
Unless and until, the British monarchy, understood and accepted as such, captures the hearts and minds of the Australian people, it will be living on borrowed time. Australia's rulers no longer regard their subject population as a country... more
Corporate capitalism has become a system of organized irresponsibility. But, denunciation of the managerial regime serves no useful purpose unless it is linked to a movement aiming to create a responsible ruling class. Given the... more
In his book, The Partial Constitution, Cass Sunstein resists suggestions that American history is a tale of steady civic decline. He denies that republicanism is a distinctive way of life or schema of civic action set in opposition to the... more
This essay was presented at the Elizabethtown Telos Conference on Populism and the New Class. The paper sought to demonstrate that populists tend not to recognize that the federal principle in Anglo-American constitutional jurisprudence... more