Classical Political Economy

173 papers
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Classical Political Economy is a theoretical framework that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, emphasizing the role of labor, capital, and land in economic systems. It originated in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, focusing on the relationships between economic agents and the implications for social and political structures.
Авторските материали в книгата се основават на общата представа, че в условията на глобализация все повече се изостря проблемът с насилието като израз на т.нар. култура на войната, насочена към принуждаване или унищожаване на едни... more
This study proposes a revolutionary theory of business cycles, arguing that they are not market failures but rather endogenous and essential for maximizing economic efficiency. To demonstrate our theory, we introduce the Augmented... more
Comparative advantage theory; David Ricardo; International trade; International trade theory.
This paper investigates efficiency and freedom as joint foundations of market economies. Whereas ideal perfect competition accommodates Mill’s principle of individual liberty in the economic arena, in real world, imperfectly competitive,... more
This article delves into the nuanced influence of diverse economic theories on the concept of sustainable development, spanning economic, social, and environmental dimensions with intricate complexity. It elucidates the varying... more
Джон Роджърс Комънс (1862-1945) е водещ представител на американския институционализъм от първите десетилетия на 20 век. Трудовете му в областта на политическата икономия и социологията поставят началото на специфичен институционален... more
Adam Smith had a follower from the Slovakian part of Hungary in his day. We display how Smith’s message was diffused through the British-ruled University of Göttingen to scholars from all over the continent. Gregor Berzeviczy (1763-1822)... more
Changes in land use and land cover are among the issues central to the study of global environmental change. In addition to their cumulative long-term global dimensions, such changes can have profound regional environmental implications... more
Целта на студията е да се анализират общотеоретичните проблеми на възникването, развитието и състоянието на психотерапията. Разгледани са възгледите за същността на психотерапията в хронологичен ред, започвайки от Древността, през... more
This paper argues that attempts to mitigate rebound effects within growth-orientated economic systems are self-defeating. This arises because rebound effects contribute to economic expansion and individual 'welfare' improvements (i.e.,... more
Upper-division standing COURSE OVERVIEW This course offers an in-depth exploration of the intersection between law, society, and the economy, through the lens of macrosociology, economic sociology, and political economy. By examining how... more
Owing to the mainstream interpretation of classical economics as being supply-side, studies examining the analytical role of demand and consumption have been scarce. In this paper, I bring together such passages in Cantillon, Steuart,... more
Since the industrial revolution, the world has not witnessed at a grand scale and at such a speed a revolution such as the digitalization of virtually every facet of human Endeavour. Through electronic governance, business with government... more
Una recensione critica ma simpatetici dell'importante opera di Michael Heinrich, "La scienza del valore. La critica marxiana dell’economia politica tra rivoluzione scientifica e tradizione classica", a cura di Riccardo Bellofiore e... more
The focus of this work is to address the problem of socioeconomic development in Nigeria using Adam Smith's notion of political economy as a framework. According to Adam smith, what accounts for opulence across nations is the absence of... more
An analysis of the varied conceptions of "land" at work in classical political economy and their relations to British colonization schemes of this period (c. 1776- 1848).
Разработката обяснява генезиса на капитализма по принципно различен начин от този на социологическата класика. Новоевропейската трансконтинентална търговия се разглежда като механизъм, като социалноструктурен процес от надличностен... more
Статията разглежда т.нар. "револвираща собственост" като метамодел на притежание, чиято структура позволява смяна (завъртане) на включените в нея разнородни компоненти, всеки от които може да постига различни цели по различни начини.... more
The purpose of the paper is to provide a comprehensive comparison of fiscal and monetary policies with different forms of public expenditure, including a job guarantee (JG) plan. Our key findings are as follows. First, expansionary fiscal... more
Contemporary capitalism is characterized by periods of vigorous economic growth and periods of slow or even negative growth. This book draws on the classical political economy approach to consider both economic cycles and economic growth... more
A study in three parts of Marx's 1844/Paris Manuscripts, in which I show that 'alienated labor', which Marx derives from problems immanent to political economy itself, forms the basis of Marx's early critique of political economy and... more
This paper critically examines Gottfried von Haberler’s reformulations of David Ricardo’s work. It starts by raising doubts about whether Haberler fully understood the true purpose behind Ricardo’s numerical illustration which Ricardo... more
This paper examines John Stuart Mill's discussion of economic liberty and individual liberty, and his view of the relationship between the two. It explores how, and how effectively, Mill developed his arguments about the two liberties;... more
Capital theory and the associated with it price effects consequent upon changes in the distributive variables hold centre stage when it comes to the internal consistency of both classical and neoclassical theories of value. This paper... more
Two different arguments for Free Trade are given in the Lectures and neither of them is quite the argument later provided in the Wealth of Nations. In view of the importance of Free Trade both In the history of economics as well as in... more
Adam Smith, with An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations published in 1776 is unanimously hailed as the founder of economics as a social science and also of “economic liberalism” or “capitalism” as it is called to... more
In alignment with classical investment theory, this study explores the enduring relationships and causal linkages among total private investment, profit rate, unit labour costs, and demand growth within the European Union throughout the... more
The present work has the proposal of explaining the conception of the human nature according to the thought of Adam Smith, that is, to seek an understanding of the philosophical anthropology in the thinking of a modern philosopher and... more
The present study seeks to deepen the understanding of Xenophon's political philosophy as it is reflected in Socrates' investigation of economic knowledge in the dialogue titled Oeconomicus. The study concentrates on the six conventional... more
This Article has sprung from ideas put forth in my dissertation for the Stanford Law School, and has undergone several changes over the past few years. Many people have helped me form the ideas in this Article, or commented on its various... more
Резюме: Елинор Остром променя начина на мислене за общите ресурси в икономиката. Предлаганият от нея институционален анализ показва, че групите могат да намерят решения на сложни проблеми, свързани с управлението на колективните блага. Тя... more
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided that the Swedish National Bank Prize for Excellence in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for 2020 will be awarded to Paul Milgram and Robert Wilson "for improvements in... more
Hayek‘s interpretation of Smith‘s invisible hand as a metaphor for the theory of spontaneous order still holds as the only authentic interpretation of that famous phrase, despite all criticism. Although not many authors noticed it, Hegel... more
Bernard Mandeville é conhecido por uma única obra, e talvez mesmo por uma única frase: 'Vícios Privados, Benefícios Públicos', justamente o subtítulo da obra A Fábula das Abelhas. Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir apenas algumas das... more
Собствеността е една от най-важните категории на икономическата система и е сред най-популярните като обект на икономическата теория. Съвсем бегла справка за броя на резултатите в специализираната академична търсачка на Scholar Google... more
* licenciado en economía por la Facultad de ciencias económicas, universidad de Buenos aires, argentina. Posgrado en economía, universidad de Buenos aires, argentina. asesor económico en la secretaría de comercio del Ministerio de... more
This paper focuses on a key concern of the Cambridge capital controversies: Sraffa's theoretical demonstration that competitive relative prices, and hence the money value of aggregate capital, can vary in complex ways as the wage... more
RESUMO: O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar que o trabalho de Adam Smith é realmente unificado, como pode ser visto a partir dos conceitos fundamentais que permeiam tanto a Teoria dos Sentimentos Morais quanto a Riqueza Das Nações. Essa... more
RESUMO O objetivo do artigo é recuperar a unidade da obra da Adam Smith apontando para uma reconciliação inevitável do autor, da obra e do nascimento da economia com a filosofia. Num primeiro movimento, o texto transita pela história das... more
Basic innovations and their diffusion, the expansion or contraction of the level of economic activity and the volume of international trade, rising sovereign debts and their defaults, conflicts and the outbreak of wars, are some of the... more
Slouching toward an illusion and scurrying toward a delusion: A COVID19-shocked doughnut model economy By Voxi Heinrich AMAVILAH a † Abstract. An easy way of observing and predicting changes in the structure and behavior of any... more
A particular aspect of the labor theory of value, whether put forward by the classics or further developed by the moderns, is that this theory is usually focused on the cause, measure and variations of value without distinguishing the... more
The aim of this paper is to focus, within Adam Smith's system of thought, on the various aspects of the twofold link between the accumulation of capital and the demand for labor, on the one hand, and between an increasing population and... more
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