Classical Persian Poetry
Recent papers in Classical Persian Poetry
This is a blank verse translation in English of the first tale of the Elahi-nameh of Attar, exploring gender, sexual predation, chastity, holiness, forgiveness, righteous rule.
Persian poets since Rūdakī have drawn on the letter symbolism of the Perso-Arabic alphabet. Visually, its characters have attracted poets who find the likeness of the beloved in their shapes. Spiritually, it enjoys a special status as the... more
Examines the literary topos of dawn, the "Alba," in Persian poetry in comparative perspective, first considering the Alba poem in medieval Provencal lyric in southern France and northern Italy, establishing how the theme of the parting of... more
متن کامل در آدرس زیر قابل دانلود است """"""On Not Translating Hafiz Dick Davis, Ohio State University Tr. Behnam Mizababazadeh & Mostafa Hosseini In this paper Dick Davis tries to... more
Western reception of Rūmī in the last few decades is intriguing, as he is commonly considered a gentle Muslim, different from other sages that Islamic culture produced. Rūmī’s otherness is often based on his powerful and peerless poetry,... more
This is one of a series of entries about the 14th-century Shirazi poet Hafez, this article focused on questions of sound-patterning in his ghazals; poems set to music during the poet's life time vs. "plain" poems; musical terminology in... more
This is the authorized Persian translation of Rumi: Past and Present, East and West, done by Hassan Lahouti in cooperation with the author. First printing 1384 / 2006. The late Hassan Lahouti was an accomplished translator of academic... more
Khwāja Shams-ud-Dīn Muḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī (ca. 715-792 AH/1315-1390 AD) known by his pen name Hafez/Hafiz is the influential Persian poet whose love poems constitute a major part of the masterpieces of classical Persian poetry. The... more
The great Persian lyric poet Hafiz was first translated into English by Sir William Jones in the 1780s. In the course of the nineteenth century many further translations would appear, initially intended for the use of oriental scholars... more
The immensity of the corpus and diversity of genres of Classical New Persian in Judeo-Persian garb is remarkable, comprising a wide-ranging multitude of genres from translations of the Tanakh and rabbinic works to chronicles,... more
"Study of Rumi's circle (his father, his teacher Borhan al-Din, Shams of Tabriz, Salah al-Din Zarkub, Hosam al-Din Chelebi and Sultan Valad), his life, his poetry, his teachings and his reception history around the world. Winner of the... more
This article constitutes a preliminary attempt to explore the geographical dimension of premodern Persian lyric poetry from the perspective of the relationship between the historical adherence of a text to external reality and the... more
In 2003, I was commissioned by the now defunct International Society for Iranian Culture to update translations of classical Persian literature. Selections from Saadi's Bustan, which was published by Global Scholarly Publications (and is... more
E. Shavarebi (ed.), Мунҷики Тирмизӣ, Деван: Ашъори Пароканда [Monjik-i Tirmizī, Divān: Collected Poems], Tajik transl. by R. Abdulloev, Tashkent: Yangi Nashr, 2016. A Tajik transliteration of my Persian edition of the Divan-e Monjik-e... more
کامهران موکری و فهڕوخی یهزدی وهک دوو له شاعیره دیار و بهرجهستهکانی ئهدهبیاتی فارسی و کوردی و شاعیرگهلێکی دەروەست و خاوهنههڵوێست، ههمیشه شیعرهکانیان له خزمهتی کۆمهڵگادا بووه و ویستوویانه له ڕێی قهڵهمهکهیانهوه... more
Вниманию читателей предлагается филологический перевод первых 120 бейтов (двустиший) поэмы-маснави “Язык птиц” великого персидского поэта XII–XIII вв. Фарид ад-Дина ‘Аттара, одного из ярчайших представителей иранского извода суфизма –... more
This paper traces the evolution of the Persian ghazal from a topical genre on love, like it's Arabic predecessor, into a fixed form poem that can treat many topics.
This article approaches Saʿdi's little-studied panegyric production. The contribution focuses on an encomiastic modality that is almost completely neglected when it comes to the study of the Persian qasida as a performative text that... more
[from p. 10, Preface, by P.M. Taylor, editor for the English translation:] The poems presented in English translation here have been selected to illustrate the range of topics encompassed and the types of poetry produced by the great... more
In 1979, in relation to understanding the poetry of Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad, known as Ḥāfiẓ-i Shīrāzī, I proposed that in the Ṣūfic sonnets of Ḥāfiz, form was as important as meaning. I also added that when interpreting those pieces one... more
This is an extensively corrected edition in one volume of the two previously published volumes of A.J. Arberry's translations of 400 ghazals of Jalal al-Din Rumi. With new formatting and new foreword, as well as new notes, by Franklin... more
The first book of the series — Amir Mu‘izzi Nishapuri. The Siyasat-nama/Siyar al-muluk (The Book of Government/The Vitae of Rulers): a fabrication ascribed to Nizam al-Mulk — is a classic text well known to every Iranist by the two cited... more
The year 1859 is a seminal moment for both Persian and English poetry. In that year, the English poet Edward Purcell FitzGerald (1809–1883) published an adaptation of the quatrains attributed to the Persian philosopher poet Omar Khayyam,... more
In 2003, I was commissioned by the now defunct International Society for Iranian Culture to update translations of classical Persian literature. Selections from Saadi's Gulistan, which was published by Global Scholarly Publications (and... more
Italian translation of a large anthology of the greatest medieval Persian poet, Hafez of Shiraz (14th century) with original Persian texts
A review of the different English translations of Farid ud-Din Attar’s Manṭeq al-ṭayr (The Conference of the Birds).
A Historical Survey of the Original Romance It is remarkable how the love between Layla (Laylā) and Majnun (Majnūn) has become a source of inspiration for generations of poets and artists, crossing the boundaries of languages, cultures,... more
"The Necklace of the Pleiades is a volume on Persian literature, culture and religion by Persian scholars from around the world. This book reflects the state of the field of Persian literary studies and will be of substantial interest not... more
Unlike the Persian mystical works, most notably Rumi’s Mathnavi in which the stories are narrated in the service of conveying a spiritual message and are usually followed by some keys to their deeper meanings, the epical Shahnameh is... more
Fakhr al-Din Ahmad At’ema of Shiraz (d. 850 H./1446), one of the imitators of Bushāq-e At’ema, by using names of foods and drinks and kitchen terminology, have composed poetry in the manner of Bushaq’s parodies. Due to the similarity of... more
Buck, Christopher. “Edward Granville Browne.” British Writers, Supplement XXI. Ed. Jay Parini. Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons/The Gale Group, 2015. Pp. 17–33.
HIakim NizAri Quhistani (d. 721/1321),2 one of the eminent and original Persian poets of the Mongol period, was born in 645/1247 in the village of Ffidaj which lies in the suburbs of the city of Birjand in southeastern Khurasan. He was,... more
When reading poetry from divans, one always wonders how classical Persian poetry, bound by the seemingly strict rules of fasahat and balaghat, was performed; all the more so since we know for certain that this poetry was not meant to be... more
This article explores the influence of Sainte-Beuve’s article, ‘Le Livre des Rois, par Firdousi’ (1850), a review of Julius von Mohl’s translation of Firdausi’s Shahnameh, on the conception of Arnold’s ‘Sohrab and Rustum’ (1853), exposing... more
This article concerns the historical genesis of Rumi's works, prose and poetry. Using the primary biographical evidence from the poems and discourses, this article analyzes them in the light of the hagiographical tradition, using the... more
'I had often wondered when Zuleika went to Cambridge. And now I know beyond any shadow of a doubt.,' said Sir Max Beherbohm about a pamphlet Zuleika in Cambridge published in 1941 by Sir Sydney Castle Roberts, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge... more
A distant echo of the famous story of love at the Ghaznavid court can still be heard in the sung poetry of Badakhshan, situated at the very border of the Iranian area: Mahmud-i Ghaznavi ki Ayaz nam ghulam dasht...
... Document Details : Title: Insects in Classical Persian Literature Subtitle: The Case of the Ant Mayazar muri ki danakish ast ki jan darad u jan-i shirin khush ast Author(s): SEYED-GOHRAB, AA Journal: Persica Volume: 16 Date: 2000... more