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With Empedocles, the qualities of a creative religious, mytho-poetic imagination fluent in Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, and Parmenides allies itself with a rational mind keenly interested in understanding the natural world.: The first... more
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      MythologyClassicsPresocratic PhilosophyAncient Philosophy
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      Classical MythologySpanish Renaissance and Baroque ArtDiego Velazquez
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      MythologyHistory of ReligionHistory of ReligionsAncient Greek Religion
Using a prototypical character from ancient times was an aspect that Romantic authors tried to avoid. However, Mary Shelley created on his most well-known novel, Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus (1818), what it seems to be a... more
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      English LiteratureFrankensteinClassical MythologyHorror Literature
Based on a chapter from my Pygmalion and Galatea (2001), this article explores the nuances in the performances of the actresses who play Galatea in nineteenth-century plays on the subject, and how these feed in to Shaw’s understanding of... more
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      English LiteratureDramaTwentieth Century LiteratureClassical Mythology
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
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      PhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionSumerian Religion
In questo PDF propongo un abstract della mia tesi magistrale sul nuovo filone degli epigrammi "mitologici" di Dioscoride, seguito dall'indice completo del mio lavoro e da un'abbondante bibliografia in merito.
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      MythologyHellenistic LiteratureGreek and Latin EpigramClassical Mythology
A number of experts have opined that the Vedic people did not know of the Sea (or ocean). However, in many hymns, one can find references to "ocean going rivers." As I show below, they were definitely a seafaring people.
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
My key role in the ERC-funded project Our Mythical Childhood is to produce a set of resources for autistic children using classical mythology. In February 2018, I posted my first set of activities on my... more
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      MythologyClassicsAutismAutism Spectrum Disorders
José Bergamín’s theater during his exile in France goes from 1954 to 1970. During these years, he wrote four interesting plays to talk about, with subjects found in the Spanish “Siglo de Oro” –the “lopesca” Gatomaquia–; from the Greek... more
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      Digital HumanitiesClassical MythologyTeatroSpanish Republican Exile Literature
The problem of regional uniqueness and intercultural relations of traditional images of Thunder-god as mythological celestial, cosmogonic, astronomic-calendaric and atmospheric being remains relevant to this day. Perkūnas image, his... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreArt HistoryClassical Mythology
L’articolo è uno studio sui miti relativi all’Etna e sulla sua triplice natura di ninfa, madre e vulcano. Come ninfa e madre, essa presenta una genealogia e una discendenza divine: figlia di Urano e Gea e madre degli dei Palici. Come... more
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      Latin LiteratureClassical MythologyAncient Greek LiteratureEtna
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult Literature20th Century American LiteratureClassical Reception Studies
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      Comparative LiteratureGreek LiteratureThe Classical TraditionGreek Epic
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      MythologyCatalan StudiesGreek MythClassical Mythology
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      Classical philologyClassical Reception StudiesClassical MythologyAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
At first glance, classical mythology and Abrahamic religions are not by any means similar. One of the differences is that Abrahamic religions are all monotheistic despite the Greek mythologythough sometimes the problem of god's... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsChristianityMythology
Paper presented for the Myth & Politics seminar series, organised by the Department of Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology at Swansea University, on the 22.6.20. Watch here: This... more
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      MythologyPagan StudiesFeminismGoddess Spirituality
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      Roman ReligionAncient Greek ReligionClassical Mythology
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      Classical MythologyGreek and Roman Religion
Les mythes grecs et latins ont été transmis par les poètes et par les mythographes. Mais, quoique leur rôle ait été décisif, ces derniers ont été peu étudiés. Une des raisons en est que leur activité n'a jamais été constituée en genre,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesClassical philologyClassical Mythology
Fondé sur une double approche iconographique et textuelle, ce livre situe pour la première fois les sirènes antiques et médiévales au sein d'une histoire globale. Cette mise en perspective qui inclut aussi une approche anthropologique,... more
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      Romanesque ArtClassical MythologyAncient Greek and Roman ArtPatristic Exegesis
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      Ancient Greek ReligionClassical MythologyAncient Seafaring
In archaic and classical iconography, eminent figures, such as the Olympian gods, are often represented seated on thrones. This symbol of power, however, is also regularly used by ancient authors and artists as an allegory of punishment... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyMythologyClassicsGreek Literature
The theme that unites the first four papers in this collection (counting the two elements of the second paper as two separate papers for the purposes of this summary only) is the view of Geta as very much the nexus-figure for three... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman RepublicRoman Comedy
An encyclopedic A-to-Z guide, this beautifully illustrated volume offers hundreds of rich, fascinating definitions of 700 major and minor characters, creatures, and places of classical mythology. Classical Mythology A-to-Z is a... more
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      Classical MythologyAncient Greek MythologyAncient Greek and Roman Mythology
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureWritingClassical MythologyYoung Adult Literature
A brief and light-hearted survey of three "hybristic eromenos" stories. It is the first in a series that will include at least two articles, and maybe more, if the material presents itself. Persia will be the first stop.
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      Masculine SexualityGender and SexualityHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Philosophy of Love
The scholarly community has become increasingly aware of the differences between Roman myths and the more familiar myths of Greece. Early Rome: Myth and Society steps in to provide much-needed modern and accessible translations and... more
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      MythologyRoman HistoryRoman RepublicEarly Rome
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      Greek LiteratureHomerHistory and Classical tradition studiesGreek Epic
Despite what most people believe, myths are not just amusing tales about gods, goddesses and supernatural creatures. Myths reflect ancient people's rituals, beliefs, and what they regarded or did not regard as sacred. Although Ancient... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyIslamClassical Mythology
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      Classical philologyClassical MythologyAncient Greek and Roman TheatreClytemnestra
El libro que aquí reseñamos demuestra cómo la historia de Orfeo ha ejercido una seducción singular en la tradición mítica y en la cultura occidental, desde los poetas y artistas griegos hasta nuestros días. El mítico cantor tracio se ha... more
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      Comparative LiteratureSpanish LiteratureClassicsGreek Literature
The "Arena of Life" sequences in Clash of the Titans (1981) resemble the art of animator Ray Harryhausen and invite comparisons between the storytelling authority of Olympian gods and that of Harryhausen himself.
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryCinemaClassical Reception Studies
Summary: Francis Ford Coppola’s film Apocalypse Now counts as one of the best (anti-) war movies ever made, The aim of this article is to show how Classical mythology is employed in this film to represent and understand America’s Vietnam... more
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      MythologyFilm StudiesLiterature and cinemaFilm Analysis This article addresses the topic of excerpts by focusing on modern excerpting practices used in the analysis of Greek myth. It examines the mythological exemplum... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek ComedyAristophanes
Student Learning Outcomes At end of this class students will be able to… 1. Identify & Discuss some of the classical mythology & history that inspired Suzanne Collins’ novels. 2. Discuss the major themes and ideas in the novel, such as... more
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      Ancient HistoryDystopian LiteratureDystopian FictionScience Fiction and Fantasy
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      American StudiesMythologyComics StudiesClassical Mythology
Guido von List (1848-1919) è stato uno studioso, poeta, giornalista, scrittore e alpinista tedesco. Il suo lavoro di ricerca sulle origini delle religioni pagane dell'antica Europa, e in particolar modo le sue intuizioni volte a decifrare... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreMythology
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      Comparative LiteratureMythologyClassical Reception StudiesClassical Mythology
The inseparable relationship between the cult of Dionysus and politics in antiquity emerged as early as in archaic poleis and continued to evolve until late-antique times. Surprisingly enough, most monographs dealing with Greek and Roman... more
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      Religion and PoliticsRoman ReligionFriedrich NietzscheAncient Greek Religion
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient HistoryGeology
The chapter discusses two different modes of feminist engagements with the classical Pandora myth; Laura Mulvey‘s feminist psychoanalytical theory and a Finnish contemporary novel Pandora (1996) by Ritva Ruotsalainen. Mulvey’s and... more
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      Gender StudiesLiteratureGender and SexualityLiterary Theory
Critical edition and analysis of the Storia di Ercole e di Filottete, published by Laura Orvieto in «La Settimana dei Ragazzi» (III, 7, 16 febbraio 1947, p. 3), compared to the other writings for children on classical mythology by the... more
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      Reception StudiesChildren's LiteratureChildren's Literature & CultureChildren's and Young Adult Literature
Kniha byla vydána v Praze v roce 1907 / The book was published in Prague in 1907 /Книга была издана в Праге в 1907 году
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      Mythology And FolkloreCultural HistoryCultural StudiesMythology
Τριανταφυλλίδης, Π. (επιμ.) Σοφία Άδολος, Τιμητικός Τόμος για τον Ιωάννη Παπαχριστοδούλου, Αθήνα: ΥΠ.ΠΟ.Α.- Αρχαιολογικό Ινστιτούτο Αιγαιακών Σπουδών, 605-624.
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      MythologyNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Classical Mythology