Classical Greek

20 papers
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Classical Greek refers to the ancient Greek language used from the 9th century BCE to the 6th century CE, characterized by its rich literary tradition, including works of philosophy, drama, and history. It encompasses various dialects, primarily Attic, and serves as a foundational element in the study of ancient Greek culture and literature.
The Sermo antequam iret in exilium and the Sermo cum iret in exsilium are two homilies allegedly pronounced by John Chrysostom in Constantinople at the end of summer 403, some time between the verdict of the Synod of the Oak and the day... more
The Sermo antequam iret in exilium and the Sermo cum iret in exsilium are two homilies allegedly pronounced by John Chrysostom in Constantinople at the end of summer 403, some time between the verdict of the Synod of the Oak and the day... more
The tradition for Philo's De Providentia is a case of an exclusively indirect textual tradition. The Greek text of the work is currently attested by four long fragments drawn from the second book only, which is mentioned in books VII and... more
maintained that both the optative and subjunctive maintained their own meaning, even in the subordinate clauses. Along the same lines, Matthiae (1827: 994-996) argued that in subordinate clauses the subjunctive indicated the will, while... more
We show that Classical Greek HYPERBATON involves pervasive phonological movement. Hyperbaton moves prosodic constituents to prosodic positions, subject to prosodic boundaries and to prosodic conditions on well-formedness. Syntactic... more
©2 20 00 05 5-2 20 00 09 9 Q Qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve e S So oc ci io ol lo og gy y R Re ev vi ie ew w V Vo ol lu um me e V V I Is ss su ue e 1 1 w ww ww w. .q qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve es so oc ci io ol lo og gy yr re ev vi ie... more
We show that Classical Greek HYPERBATON involves pervasive phonological movement. Hyperbaton moves prosodic constituents to prosodic positions, subject to prosodic boundaries and to prosodic conditions on well-formedness. Syntactic... more
Given the predominance of Attic-Ionic Greek in classical Greek literature, this dialect has long been treated as representative of the language as a whole. However, epigraphic evidence depicts a more varied landscape throughout the wider... more
Eri keelte kõnekäänud ja fraasid võivad olla nii algupärased kui ka laenatud. Artiklis kirjeldatakse esmajoones laenatud fraase. Analüüs keskendub kahele peamisele tõlkestrateegiale: lähtekeelsele tekstile orienteeritud (assimileeritud)... more
Nel periodo dal 1998 al 2003, 246 pazienti con lesioni vertebrali considerate patologiche, in base ad esami radiologici e di laboratorio previamente eseguiti, sono stati sottoposti ad ago-biopsia TC-guidata. La tecnica, eseguita in... more
Depending on the level of transitivity, the mediopassive forms of the perfect stem can be divided into two groups: low transitivity verbs with middle content and high transitivity verbs with passive content. Between these two semantic... more
The Homeric and Classical Greek systems of referentially dependent pronouns support an approach to binding and anaphoric reference which characterizes pronouns by two cross-classifying features, which specify the maximal domain in which... more
The Homeric and Classical Greek systems of referentially dependent pronouns support an approach to binding and anaphoric reference which characterizes pronouns by two cross-classifying features, which specify the maximal domain in which... more
In this paper, we provide a uni ied semantics for the Classical Greek particle αν in its uses both in and outside of conditional sentences. Speci ically, working within the framework provided by formal semantic treatments of conditionals... more
In this paper, we provide a unifijied semantics for the Classical Greek particle ἄν in its uses both in and outside of conditional sentences. Specifijically, working within the framework provided by formal semantic treatments of... more
This monograph describes the basic problems of the translation work in the Slovak project of Commentaries to the Holy Scripture. It also offers solutions – most of which have been adopted into the translation part of the Commentaries.... more
2010 paper from the Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics section of the Society of Biblical Literature, exploring the function of the Middle Voice in Koine Greek.
Linguistic analysis of the Greek middle voice along with comments on morphological marking.
Depending on the level of transitivity, the mediopassive forms of the perfect stem can be divided into two groups: low transitivity verbs with middle content and high transitivity verbs with passive content. Between these two semantic... more