Classical Civilization
Recent papers in Classical Civilization
The in situ state of Pompeii, allows archaeologists to seize a unique opportunity to gradually identify and plan the exact city layout and the past use of its buildings, many of which still stand there today. The ability to achieve this... more
Results of the Survey on Classics and Class conducted on students of the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, with some reflections on the challenges faced by working-class students within the British educational system.
This paper addresses the issue of civilizational decline and downfall in regard to the western civilization using historical and current data analysis from primary, secondary, and tertiary sources of history, sociology, psychology,... more
This book deals with the study of war crimes in ancient Greece and Roman world, and the relationship to this phenomenon during classical civilization. The book contains a large numbers of examples of war crimes and examples of punishing... more
Esta obra se distribuye bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) La Editorial Dykinson autoriza a incluir esta obra en repositorios institucionales de acceso abierto para facilitar su... more
Forthcoming, Fall, vol. 35 number 2.
We welcome submissions for peer review in all areas of ancient Greek, Hellenistic and Roman political thought, literature, history, philosophy.
We welcome submissions for peer review in all areas of ancient Greek, Hellenistic and Roman political thought, literature, history, philosophy.
Els textos i imatges publicats en aquesta obra estan subjectes -llevat que s'indiqui el contrari-a una llicència de Reconeixement-NoComercial-SenseObraDerivada (BY-NC-ND) v.3.0 Espanya de Creative Commons. Podeu copiar-los, distribuir-los... more
This is a compendium of the history of Alastair Myles Cooper over the course of my life at University and beyond, this is all the papers I wrote together in this limited edition factual novel. This is my history, come let me take you for... more
Isocrates claimed the allies paid phoros " not to preserve Athens, but to preserve their democracy and their freedom and to avoid the greatest evils of oligarchy. " 1 Many authors, ancient and modern, linked the sea with the ability of... more
Outre les études et la recherche scientifique, publie tous les travaux d'inventaire, de sauvegarde, de mise en valeur et de présentation muséographique du patrimoine.
A brief overview on the roles of public buildings within Roman Towns and cities. it will also discuss how Roman culture invested greatly in, and produced, a great number of public buildings to in the fulfillment of three criteria for the... more
"Civilization" is surely among those concepts that are the most widely used in world political discourse but taken least seriously by contemporary social science. We argue for jettisoning this concept's Huntingtonian baggage, which has... more
As part of Warwick Classics A. G. Leventis Ancient Worlds Day 2021 'Expanding Horizons', Dr Francesca Modini discusses how a musical perspective can shed a new light upon Roman Imperial Power, and examines the political significance of... more
lthough multiple millennia have passed, education in the modern world still plays a similar role to what we nd in Greco-Roman antiquity: there is a concerted e ort-which is now felt more strongly than ever because of the pervasive... more
Le grec ancien ne connaît pas de terme générique pour désigner la mutilation corporelle ou l’action de mutiler : en revanche, il existe toute une variété de mots pour exprimer l’action de couper, de trancher, d’amputer, de priver un... more
"Una constante, cuando nos referimos a la mitología griega, consiste en que, a menudo, parece que traspasa la realidad, de manera que ambos mundos, el real y el imaginado, se mezclan. En lo que respecta a las amazonas, existían diversos... more
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017
Hardback, £27.00/$35.00
Hardback, £27.00/$35.00
The fight of Aeneas and his family from Troy does not seem to have attracted the attention of African mosaicists nor that of their colleges from the entire Roman Empire. Today we only recognize a single artwork, more specifcally, an... more
Forthcoming, Fall, vol. 35 number 2. We welcome submissions for peer review in all areas of ancient Greek, Hellenistic and Roman political thought, literature, history, philosophy.
Most modern scholarship on clientship or patronage system simply construe the concept as an exchange relationship between a socio-politically influential man (patron) and a free inferior client. In ancient times, however, the system... more
This module examines a representative selection of authors and oratorical texts that shed light on aspects of society and religion in ancient Athens of the 4th century B.C. Weekly sessions aim to provide a critical overview of the... more
These are the slides from a paper that explored the use of digital vase animations within the classics classroom. The paper outlined the potential of animations for increasing engagement and understanding and suggested ways to... more
"Various goddesses of the ancient Mediterranean world were once understood to be Virgin Mothers - creators who birthed the entire cosmos without need of a male consort. This is the first book to explore evidence of the original... more
Various goddesses of the ancient Mediterranean world were once understood to be Virgin Mothers - creators who birthed the entire cosmos without need of a male consort. This is the first book to explore evidence of the original... more
Julius Caesar (100–44 BC) is considered one of the greatest military leaders and conquerors of all time. His health status has been the source of a longstanding debate within the historical and medical community who generally suggests... more
This paper tells the story of the development of Classical Civilization as a subject in primary and secondary schools over the last 50 years.