Classical Athens
Recent papers in Classical Athens
This file contains the first and last paragraphs in a review of Freedom and Power in Classical Athens by N. T. Campa. The complete text can be found at First View articles for Classical Review. This review should be read in conjunction... more
Υπό την επιμέλεια του Giancarlo Germanà και του Alberto Giudice, ο αφιερωμένος στη μελέτη της εικονογραφίας της Αθηνάς από την Αρχαιότητα έως τον 4ο/5ο αιώνα μ.Χ. συλλεκτικός τόμος που συγκεντρώνει επτά άρθρα νέων μελετητών, δημοσιεύεται... more
Resumen: Este artículo analiza el uso de los conceptos "imperio" e "imperialismo" para describir la dominación ateniense en el siglo V a.C., abordando los debates sobre su anacronismo y las limitaciones de términos griegos como arché o... more W naszych niespokojnych czasach coraz częściej próbuje się nam wmówić, że rozproszone podejmowanie decyzji politycznych przez jak największą liczbę członków wspólnoty jest skazane na porażkę.... more
Bekstvo od gospodara je najčešći zabeležen oblik robovskog otpora u staroj Grčkoj. Prilike za takav čin se neizbežno povećavaju u nemirnim vremenima i nestabilnim okolnostima, poput velikih ratova. Otuda ne predstavlja iznenađenje da... more
In 346/5 BC, Aeschines prosecuted Timarchus under a procedure known as dokimasia rhētorōn. Timarchus was accused of illegally addressing the Assembly on account of his actions as a male prostitute and squanderer of his patrimony. However,... more
Wachsmann, S., 2024. Big and Small: The Construction of the Panathenaic Ship and the Dionysian Ship Cart in Ancient Athens. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Ancient Greek and Byzantine Technology, 19–21 November 2024,... more
A administração das riquezas e bens das comunidades essênias em Flávio Josefo e Fílon de Alexandria, Victor Lisboa da Fonseca Santos A Antiguidade viva na escola: recepção clássica, tecnologias e ensino, Júlia Avellar A arte da impressão:... more
This is a Spanish translation of Chapter 2 of The Rule of Law in Action in Democratic Athens (Oxford 2013) from E. J. Buis and E. E. Magoja (eds.) La Fuerza de la Ley: Derecho, Política, y Violencia en la Grecia Antigua (Santiago 2024).
Excluded form citizenship with Pericle's Law (Plut. Per. 37.3-4): Some reflexions about citizens, foreign people and slaves in Fifht Century BC Athens.
The status of zeugitai as middle-class hoplites has received considerable attention in recent decades regarding property requirements for inclusion into the hoplite rank and their expected role in the Athenian army. Accordingly, this... more
El culto de Afrodita en Atenas arcaica incorpora aspectos vinculados a la guerra (y a la política), además del matrimonio, la fertilidad y la fecundidad, como divinidad venerada posiblemente en la Acrópolis donde desempeñaría un papel... more
The most prevalent criticism of AYP (Vol.1) has become that the monograph ultimately proves thick on theory but thin on actual evidence. This Chapter therefore represents the first of several, which works through the surviving inscription... more
Powszechnie przyjmuje się, że zainteresowanie słowem jako instrumentem perswazji było przyczyną rozwoju trzech podstawowych dla sofi styki metod, jakimi są: erystyka (e) ristikh/), dialektyka (dialektikh/) oraz metoda "dwu mów",... more
RESUMEN: En Memorables de Jenofonte, Sócrates expone a sus amigos atenienses que se han arruinado un modo de ganarse la vida a través del trabajo sin caer en la esclavitud, a través de una determinada forma de clientela, bajo la... more
Este artículo aborda el tema de la conmemoración de la guerra y de los caídos en la guerra en el mundo griego antiguo, en el marco de un enriquecimiento mutuo entre los estudios sobre la guerra y los estudios sobre la memoria, que se han... more
The Themistocleian Wall of Athens was the first prerequisite for the creation of Athenian power in the 5th century BC. Cimon and Pericles completed the building program, connecting fortified Athens with Piraeus with the Long Walls and... more
Апстракт: Испуњавање финансијских обавеза према полису је поред порекла, узраста, одржавања култа предака и вршења војне службе представљало нужан услов за обављање функције државних службеника у класичној Атини. Појам државног дужника је... more
Praca poświęcona temu, jak Arystofanes przedstawia i wykorzystuje w swoich komediach postacie polityków ateńskich. Podejmuje ona analizę zarówno polityków historycznych (czasów wojen grecko-perskich), jak i tych współczesnych... more
A short presentation concerning the latest analysis of the silver in the bracelets of Queen Hetepheres and the earliest connections between Greece and Egypt.
In classical Athens, the representation of grandparents and their interaction with grandchildren is documented in textual and visual sources. In specific contexts, grandparents are presented as most fortunate, while in other contexts they... more
As reminiscências dos aspectos misóginos da tradição clássica na literatura tardo-medieval: uma comparação entre Il Corbaccio, de Giovanni Boccaccio, e Sátiras, de Juvenal
As reminiscências dos aspectos misóginos da tradição clássica na literatura tardo-medieval: uma comparação entre Il Corbaccio, de Giovanni Boccaccio, e Sátiras, de Juvenal
This paper offers an explanatory approach to the emergence of medieval nominalism from the perspective proposed by the Argentine historian José Luis Romero. Romero suggests that there is a double source, namely, a historical and a... more
In Classical Athens, representations of dangerous female figures are innumerable: warriors, filicides, husband-killers, wicked stepmothers, poisoners, seductresses, sorceresses, maidens who refuse marriage, maenads and monsters with... more
, Kapitel 3. 7 Bei [Aristot.] Ath. pol. 8, 3 ist zwar im Hinblick auf die solonische Zeit von εἰσφοραί die Rede, der Begriff wird aber offenkundig in einem allgemeinen Sinne gebraucht und ist unspezifi sch als "Einnahmen" zu verstehen... more
A new verse translation of three of Aristophanes' greatest plays, featuring notes, general introduction, glossary, and historical appendices by Ian C. Storey, with translators' preface and brief introductions to each play by Diane Arnson... more
The main concern of this research is the distribution of land carried out by Athens outside Attica during the fifth century BCE, which mostly favoured poor Athenians according to the perspective held in this article. The basic assumption... more
обвинить человека сразу в нескольких преступлениях, как, например, это было с Алкивиадом Младшим и Леократом. А в случае с Демосфеном мы сталкиваемся, по сути, с безосновательным обвинением в дезертирстве со стороны его политического... more
Resumo: Tencionamos propor uma reflexão acerca das possíveis formas de participação feminina na festividade cívico religiosa, as Grandes Panantenéias, realizadas em Atenas durante o século V a.C., mediante o arcabouço teórico da História... more
Talk University of Essen 19 June 2024 on the role of metics as fighters for Athenian democracy in the context of the oligarchic coups of 411 and 404/3 BC
The exact dating of the Parthenon's conversion into a mosque remains unclear. However, a closer study of events relating to the conquest of Athens by the Ottomans (dated most probably in 1456) and the years immediately following it... more
In the 150 years since Schöll's seminal work, the Prytaneion Decree has been studied frequently. Of the groups of honourees mentioned in the decree, the agonistic victors have received the least attention. Most scholars have simply... more
New blog entry at the website of the Mommsen Society with an outline of my habilitation thesis "Der oligarchische Schatten der Demokratie" (Democracy's Shadow of Oligarchy), University of Goettingen (2023). The thesis will be published... more
This article focuses on an amphora by the Andokides Painter which dates in the late sixth-century BC, representing naked girls who swim in a basin of water with fish in front of a building endowed with a column and an architrave. Several... more
Athens and Boiotia Were Athenians and Boiotians natural enemies in the Archaic and Classical periods? The scholarly consensus is yes. Roy van Wijk, however, re-evaluates this commonly held assumption and shows that, far from perpetually... more
Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism. Though it was a characteristic iconographic element of the Classical antiquity, its roots can be traced... more
Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism. Though it was a characteristic iconographic element of the Classical antiquity, its roots can be traced... more
Abstract This article introduces and evaluates the paintings that adorn the ceilings of the house known by the name of the renowned sculptor İlhan Koman, located in Edirne. The architecture and decoration of this house display the... more