Class Diagram
Recent papers in Class Diagram
Agent technology is a software paradigm that permits to implement large and complex distributed applications [1]. In order to assist analyzing, conception and development or implementation phases of multi-agent systems, we've tried to... more
L'ingénierie des lignes de produits est une approche récente du génie logiciel. Elle regroupe les activités de développement d'un ensemble de logiciels appartenant à un domaine particulier. L'objectif principal de cette approche est... more
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the effective standard language of an object-oriented based system analysis and design. The using of objectoriented approach based on UML specification can offer an understandable model, which can... more
Most of legacy systems use nowadays were modeled and documented using structured approach. Expansion of these systems in terms of functionality and maintainability requires shift towards object-oriented documentation and design, which has... more
System testing is concerned with testing an entire system based on its specifications. In the context of object-oriented, UML development, this means that system test requirements are derived from UML analysis artifacts such as use cases,... more
Model-based selective regression testing promises reduction in cost and labour by selecting a subset of the test suite corresponding to the modifications after system evolution. However, identification of modifications in the systems and... more
Software reusability has considerable effect on software quality. Software quality increases as reuse of software components increases. But software quality cannot be improved unless it can be measured. In this paper we have derived a new... more
Recently, it has been pointed out that the majority of the requirements engineering methods do not take into account non-functional requirements (NFRs) [10][11]. Consequently, we have been experiencing serious problems during the... more
In recent years, the significance of automated generation of object-oriented code from UML diagrams has increased due to its benefits, such as, cost reduction and accuracy. Consistency Checking between UML diagrams, and ensuring accuracy,... more
Practitioners spend significant amounts of time creating high-level design from requirements. Though there exist methodologies to describe and manage requirements and design artifacts, there is not yet an automated way to faithfully... more
The department of Social Services (DSS) is one of the leading Government Department of People’s Republic of Bangladesh under the ministry of social welfare. The mandate of the Department of social services is to provide services to the... more
In recent years, the significance of automated generation of object-oriented code from UML diagrams has increased due to its benefits, such as, cost reduction and accuracy. Consistency Checking between UML diagrams, and ensuring accuracy,... more
Enterprise information systems can be developed following a modeldriven paradigm. This way, models that represent the organisational work practice are used to produce models that represent the information system. Current software... more
The automation of class generation from natural language requirements is highly challenging. This paper proposes a method and a tool to facilitate requirements analysis process and class diagram extraction from textual requirements... more
In the present Scenario, the competitive environment in banking sector, paradigm is changing rapidly. Various new things can be seen in banking sector, because it is adopting new concepts and technology to improve their business & to win... more
Graph Theory, which studies the properties of graphs, has been widely accepted as a core subject in the knowledge of computer science. Object-Oriented (OO) software engineering, which deals with the analysis, design and implementation of... more
UML has been used widely as a design and analysis tool for objectoriented software projects. Despite of having a good number of diagram categories, UML is still lacking of a dedicated set of diagrams for representing design patterns.... more
We compare EER and OO data models from the point of view of design quality. Quality is measured in terms of (a) correctness of the conceptual schemas being designed, (b) time to complete the design task, and (c) designers' preferences of... more
Isi laporan tugas besar sistem informasi toko buku dengan UML diagram dan penggunaab database mysql
LATAR BELAKANG Salah satu tujuan dari perusahaan Pabrik Roti adalah mencari laba atau profit yang semaksimal mungkin, untuk dapat mencapai tujuan tersebut perusahaan harus dapat mengikuti perkembangan dunia perindustrian baik... more
Historians occasionally use timelines, but many seem to regard such signs merely as ways of visually summarizing results that are presumably better expressed in prose. Challenging this language-centered view, I suggest that timelines... more
In the analysis phase of the information system development, the user requirements are studied, and analysis models are created. In most UML-based methodologies, the analysis activities include mainly modeling the problem domain using a... more
Entity Relationship schemas include weak entity types, whose entities are identified by their inter-relationships to other entities. During the translation of the EER schema into a logical database schema, the weak entity types are either... more
In recent years, the significance of automated generation of object-oriented code from UML diagrams has increased due to its benefits, such as, cost reduction and accuracy. Consistency Checking between UML diagrams, and ensuring accuracy,... more
Perkembangan teknologi komputer dan kebutuhan yang muncul pada instansi atau perusahaan, maupun perguruan tinggi kini semakin meningkat demi memperoleh dan berbaginya informasi. Terdapat banyak fasilitas teknologi komputer yang memberikan... more
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the effective standard language of an object-oriented based system analysis and design. The using of object-oriented approach based on UML specification can offer an understandable model, which can... more
Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Communication Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Activity Diagram
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan :
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan :
Dynamic object roles constitute a promising conceptual modeling notion, which can express in a straightforward manner some real situations when an entity during its life can acquire and lose various roles without changing its identity.... more
We describe an algorithmic method for transforming a Binary-Relationship (BR) conceptual schema to an Object-Ooriented (OO) database schema. The BR schema is a semantically rich diagram that represents the reality being modeled in terms... more
Information processing to date between various participants and phases of construction is still often carried out verbally and through written communication on paper. The information exchange and processing through paper-based... more
Taxonomies play a central role in conceptual domain modeling having a direct impact in areas such as knowledge representation, ontology engineering, software engineering, as well as in knowledge organization in information sciences.... more
Problem statement: Building UML diagrams is a very important and time consuming task for both requirements and design phases. However, some of these diagrams, such as use-case and class diagrams can be considered as a transition between... more
This study falls within the framework of agentoriented software engineering and process design methodologies and development of a MAS.
Database system is important to ensure the data can be stored, updated and retrieved for future use. Data modelling using the Entity Relationship Model has been introduced more than thirty years. However, designing a good database system... more
This paper addresses not only the question of testability measurement of OO designs but also focuses on its practicability. While detecting testability weaknesses (called testability anti-patterns) of an OO design is a crucial task, one... more
The demand for increased software quality has resulted in quality being more of differentiator between products than it ever has been before. For this reason, software developers need objective and valid measures for use in the evaluation... more
Problem statement: Building UML diagrams is a very important and time consuming task for both requirements and design phases. However, some of these diagrams, such as use-case and class diagrams can be considered as a transition between... more
In recent years, the significance of automated generation of object-oriented code from UML diagrams has increased due to its benefits, such as, cost reduction and accuracy. Consistency Checking between UML diagrams, and ensuring accuracy,... more