Class Action

549 papers
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A class action is a legal procedure that allows a group of individuals with common claims or grievances to collectively sue a defendant, typically in cases involving consumer rights, discrimination, or environmental issues. This mechanism aims to enhance efficiency in the judicial process and provide access to justice for individuals with similar legal issues.
The Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act (ODMWA) 1973 (as amended in 2002) provides for compensation of occupational lung diseases in living and deceased miners and ex-miners. Certification data constitute a valuable source of... more
The predominant view in the antitrust field has been that private enforcement, and especially class action cases, yields little or no positive results. On the contrary, they are counterproductive. This prevailing belief was well... more
Recent empirical studies demonstrate five reasons why antitrust class action cases are essential: (1) class actions are virtually the only way for most victims of antitrust violations to receive compensation; (2) most successful class... more
Class action lawsuits can be detrimental to debtholders because they deteriorate defendant firms’ financial position and lower these firms’ value. This study examines whether banks price their borrowers’ litigation risk in debt... more
Multimodal human action recognition with depth sensors has drawn wide attention, due to its potential applications such as health-care monitoring, smart buildings/home, intelligent transportation, and security surveillance. As one of the... more
This paper explores the oral histories of two survivors of Canada’s institutions for persons labelled with intellectual disability. Both of these men survived the abuses of the institutions and went on to become committed to rights... more
Le azioni inibitorie collettive, disciplinate dal codice di procedura civile, e le azioni rappresentative per la tutela degli interessi collettivi dei consumatori e finalizzate a ottenere un provvedimento inibitorio necessitano di essere... more
This article examines abusive litigation as a genre, identifying predatory litigation as its possible ultimate cause. Within a context in which it is known that the major litigants identified in the Brazilian Conselho Nacional de Justiça... more
To enable the effective private enforcement of liability rules sometimes the policy makers have to interfere, creating mechanisms to allow people to litigate claims that, otherwise, would not be taken to the Courts. One of the procedural... more
Working from a sample of all consumer class actions filed in the Northern District of Illinois during 2010-2012 (totaling 510), this Article reports and analyzes data on class actions under four federal consumer protection statutes, the... more
The questions, discussion topics, and author biography that follow are intended to enhance your group's reading of Jonathan Harr's A Civil Action. We hope they will enrich your understanding of this fascinating chronicle of an epic... more
My thanks to the editors of the Louisiana Law Review for their diligent editing and thoughtful comments. This Article is partly inspired by my work on several MDLs while a litigation associate. Nevertheless, all views and errors are my... more
This Article considers the equal protection "class-of-one" doctrine in light of recent developments, both at the Supreme Court and in the lower courts. After Part I explains the background and current state of the doctrine, Part 11... more
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more present in our daily lives-on social media apps, productivity websites, legal databases like Lexis and Westlaw, and more. This booming technology might even affect the futures of both... more
È proprio all’interno del PNRR che si rinviene l’attuale apice di attenzione verso l’ambiente, nel quale proprio la Missione 2 fa riferimento alla “Rivoluzione verde e la transizione ecologica” che, tra le altre, rappresenta l’asse con... more
Agradeço à minha família, por todo o apoio e suporte, aos meus amigos, por me acompanharem nessa caminhada, e à minha orientadora, por toda a compreensão e por ter traduzido luz a esse trabalho, sem a qual não poderia ter sido concluído.
' Marlboro cigarettes are the most popular cigarettes sold in the United States, and sales of full-priced brands of cigarettes such as Marlboro constitute nearly 90% of the profits for Philip Morris's tobacco operations. See In re Philip... more
Hearings at the Senate, 1st of August, District of Maryland
I. INTRODUCTION Everbody "knows" that antitrust violations lead to mandatory treble damages and attorneys' fees. This provision appears to constitute automatic punitive damages, and would seem large enough both to discourage most... more
For a business, exposure to a lawsuit represents substantial costs. Although the court costs and attorneys' fees are obvious expenses, the business manager must face the additional costs litigation imposes upon a business. For example,... more
The class action is an important instrument for the enforcement of consumers' rights, particularly in personal actions for low sums known as Negative Expected Value (NEV) suits. Collective redress actions transform NEV suits into Positive... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Rituali e negozi giuridici. — 2. Il contributo degli antropologi. — 3. Dalla cerimonia al soggetto. — 4. « Contratto » e « forma contrattuale ». — 5. Forma contrattuale e « certezza del diritto ». — 6. Il reg. Ue n. 565 del... more
This paper explores the transformative potential of class action lawsuits in redefining justice for insurance policyholders in Indonesia. Through an indepth examination of the legal landscape and specific cases, the study delves into the... more
Resumen O autor discute um estudo sobre o projeto de lei de ação civil pública, com uma análise das mais importantes instituições processuais que compõem o texto, como ações coletivas, a protecção dos interesses colectivos, caso julgado,... more
In recent years, the focus of e-Commerce research has been on better understanding the relationship between the internet marketplace, customers, and goods and services. This has been done by examining information that can be gleaned from... more
The settlements in WorldCom and Enron, together with enforcement actions by the SEC and the new remedies under Sarbanes-Oxley, indicate that independent directors will face very real financial, regulatory and criminal liability if they... more
Class action lawsuits have become an increasingly common way to facilitate institutional reform. The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to social workers of child welfare reform by class action lawsuits and subsequent... more
Аннотация. Рассматриваются отдельные правила группового производства в цивилистическом процессе в контексте правового статуса участников процессуальных отношений. Внимание уделяется правам и обязанностям лица, обратившегося в суд с... more
The article aims to analyse the relationship between trade union organizations and the new collective redress instruments provided under Law n. 31/2019. After a brief introduction to these new instruments and to the reasons why they are... more
Research on the usefulness of financial information generally focuses on the innovation in the information examined, such as an earnings surprise or cash flow growth. Consequently, prior research sheds little light on the role of the rich... more
images of the world govern policy." 5. Deborah A. Stone, Causal Stories and the Formation of Policy Agendas, 104 POL. ScI. Q. 281 (1989). Deborah Stone asserts that "[tlhere is an old saw in political science that difficult conditions... more
For most of the twentieth century, gold mining dominated South Africa's economy. Unlike agricultural produce, it was impervious to bad seasons or fluctuating prices. For several decades, it accounted for more than half of the country's... more
o presente artigo tem como objetivo apontar os principais reflexos da jurisdicao coletiva nas acoes individuais decorrentes de direitos individuais homogeneos. O trabalho justifica-se pela ausencia de sistematizacao normativa adequada... more
The article is an attempt to offer a ‘bottom‐up’ explanation of political instability in Latin America by examining patterns of class formation in the region. It argues that the heterogeneous class structure characterizing the popular... more
Entre 2004 y 2021, la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado colombiano sobre la res-ponsabilidad extracontractual ha abordado el estudio de casos en los que el demandante, al atribuir un daño ambiental al Estado,... more
When comparing the success rates of two groups, statisticians often stratify the data into subgroups of individuals with similar levels of other factors related to the response of interest. In the clinical trial context, one might create... more
The article aims to examine the characteristics of the damage assessment schemes that are responsible for the success of the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund. To this end, the fundamental concepts for understanding mass conflicts and... more
The legal-academic literature on litigation settlement describes a range offactors that affect settlement outcomes, but litigant "aspirations "-or ideal goals-are not among them. Negotiation scholars, however, routinely claim that high... more