Recent papers in Class
My article examines the relationship between space, class and gender using wealthy golf clubs in contemporary Mexico City as a case study. I argue that these clubs are strategic sites where economic elites naturalize the arbitrary logic... more
We can chart how similar characteristics are inscribed, marked and stuck on other bodies too: femininity; hypersexuality; criminality, for example, whilst others do not. But before we explore this condensing, sticking and fixing process... more
The material and the symbolic in theorizing social strati cation: issues of gender, ethnicity and class ABSTRACT Within most approaches to strati cation gender and ethnicity are seen to pertain primarily to the symbolic or cultural... more
This paper argues that capitalist accumulation requires imperialist expansion, and that this expansion creates a “raced” surplus laboring population. The argument proceeds in seven parts: that Marx’s assertion in chapter 25 of Capital... more
Scott Siraj al---Homosexuality in Islam: Critical Reflection on Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Muslims offers a theological perspective into queer sexuality and desire, subjects that continue to be thorny and taboo in Muslim societies. This... more
This article argues for a reconceptualization of the intersections of race, gender and class as simultaneous processes of identity, institutional and social practice in order to redress the lack of attention to these intersections in... more
Abstract: This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous... more
What does the development of a truly robust contemporary theory of domination require? Ashley J. Bohrer argues that it is only by considering all of the dimensions of race, gender, sexuality, and ability within the structures of... more
Research and critical studies into men and masculinity has originated as one of the most emerging areas of sociological investigation. More books and articles have been published on this study area alone as well as the introduction of two... more
The concept of the gentleman amateur was, and remains, an important aspect of upper and middle-class Victorian and Edwardian male identity. Although he remains a significant literary presence, the form and length of time the gentleman... more
This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
New understandings have developed recently in the analysis of class, emerging from understandings of culture and affect. These understandings expand the ways we recognize and make sense of class relations; they ask: what does the... more
This paper identifies the technological and commercial foundations of the new category of online applications commonly described as Web 2.0 or Social Media. It examines the relevance of Web 2.0 for Marketing Strategy and for Direct... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
Essential Information, tools and techniques for the portfolio, program and project managers
Populist movements around the world have exposed gaps in perspective between the educated elite and less-educated masses (ordinary people). They have also revealed a relative lack of attention among the former toward the latter. That is,... more
This chapter offers a discussion of the voice and discourses of class in British regional sagas, with particular reference to the four volumes of autobiography by 'Helen Forrester' and the two fictions she published alongside them... more
A Bourdieusian study of class distinctions amongst media practices and media preferences in the Swedish "media welfare state".
I want to thank Michael Fischer for this opportunity to "Rethink American Culture" with George Lipsitz at a moment when we certainly hope the U.S. electorate and the Democratic Party will do so as well. We were also invited to place our... more
The optimum parameters of multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMD) for suppressing the dynamic response of a base-excited structure in a specific mode is investigated. The base excitation is modelled as a stationary white noise random process.... more
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Capra exposes the negative behaviour and manipulations of society elites and tries to educate people into ways of dealing with these problems through solidarity and political means. Although Capra’s own politics may have been more... more
This year's celebration of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. assumes special significance, poignancy, and urgency as we remember King during the same week that Donald Trump assumes the U.S. Presidency. My university, like... more
The book ‘Ignoble Displacement: Dispossessed Capital in Neo-Dickensian London,’ addresses the relationship between the motifs of capital and empire in Dickens's novels and the confluence of global economy and liberal politics in the... more
This chapter explores the construction of class identity and respectability among Irish middle class women in the 120 years following the famine of 1845-50. It examines the factors that underlay social status, the social divides within... more
We will explore the gendered viewpoints and voices of a variety of essayists, writers, filmmakers, storytellers, historians, and activists. In particular, we will investigate how personal & political identities (like gender, race, class,... more
Although one’s neighbourhood is continuously structuring everyday lives and influences encounters between different people, place of residence is only partially the site where interactions and possibly integration between population... more
Offers a fundamental model of intersectionality, and applies it to complex consciousness. Class in an abstract sense is the relationship through which labor is mobilized into specific relations of production, But the means through which... more
This article submits that the confluence of language and power proliferate social strata and exacts violence on subaltern bodies in a punitive age of mass incarceration. I explore racialized social hierarchies in Judeo- Christian sacred... more
This paper attempts to offer an alternative framework for assessing education delivery in South Africa. Its purpose is to develop an analytic approach for understanding education delivery in South Africa in the last 11 years and to use... more
There is a specific time, identifiable in law, when a group of humanity called "white people" became a common reference. This keynote addresses how, when, where, and why this category of humanity was created and examines the meanings... more
Abstract. We develop an imperative calculus that provides a formal model for both single and mixin inheritance. By introducing classes and mixins as the basic object-oriented constructs in a λ-calculus with records and references, we... more
This paper posits adoption as a function of failed political, economic, and social policies. These policies derive historically from injurious views of populations not ascribed political embodiment. As a tool of dispossession,... more
This chapter responds to a revival of interest in social class, particularly working-class identity, class relations and class exploitation on theatre stages and in scholarship in the twenty-first century. The focus is onJez Butterworth’s... more
Grime is a Black British music genre originating from London in the early 2000s. Linked to inner-city street/road culture, it is a subaltern subculture that initially experienced criminalisation, racialisation and marginalisation through... more
Radical feminist analyses have always placed considerable emphasis on the crucial role played by social reproduction for the development of capitalism. Early social reproduction analyses – primarily premised on housework but also more... more