Civility and the Civilising Process
Recent papers in Civility and the Civilising Process
This article examines the social significance of Real Tennis among the Western European nobility during its heyday of the sixteenth century. Underpinned theoretically by Norbert Elias’s seminal empirical work The Civilising Process, this... more
This article explores questions about "civility" in the 2012 election. Through an analysis of media discussions raising the term, four themes are constructed focusing on the limitations of civility discourse. While seeking to preserve the... more
In this article, I examine the meaning of the concept of ‘civility’ for Roger Williams and the role it played in his arguments for religious toleration. I place his concern with civility in the broader context of his life and works and... more
Bu metinde daha önce başka bir makalemde işlenmiş olan, kurucu kavramların nitelikleri üzerinde farklı boyutları ile yeniden durulmuştur. Burada (daha önce imparatorluk kavramı seçilmişti) örnek olarak Kültür ve Medeniyet kavramları... more
index. €60 £50. In this revised edition of the 1986 classic, Eric Dunning had the task of reintroducing Elias's seminal works on sport to which he originally collaborated. The majority of the original text is the same, with the addition... more
The origin of clothing reflects the loss of hair cover in hominin evolution and the resulting vulnerability of humans to cold stress during the global climate changes of the ice ages. Other theories about the origin of clothes suggest a... more
Expanding Christopher Browning’s concept of ‘ordinary men,’ two traditional versions can be identified, variously positing perpetrators as ‘ordinary humans’ (subject to social dynamics) or ‘ordinary Germans’ (subject to... more
Judging from the spate of essays, blogs, websites, and conferences devoted to the decline of civility in American society, it would appear that we indeed ourselves in a dire crisis. Whether this crisis is real or imagined, there is... more
Q. Why has Mumbai become an uncivil society?
A. “It is from the Greek root ‘civitas’ that you get civilian, civility and civilisation. They all presume the existence of citizens in cities…”
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A. “It is from the Greek root ‘civitas’ that you get civilian, civility and civilisation. They all presume the existence of citizens in cities…”
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In order to assess the value of such an ambitious book as Theorizing Crime and Deviance, it seems necessary first of all to consider the context of its emergence. How can we evaluate criminology and what are its prospects as the twentieth... more
การทำความเข้าใจกีฬาสมัยใหม่ในสมัยรัชกาลที่ 5 อย่างการชกมวย การแข่งว่าวทีมีกติกา ฟุตบอล ผ่านความเปลี่ยนแปลงมาตรฐานความรุนแรงในประวัติศาสตร์สยาม ช่วยคลี่คลายให้เห็นว่าความศิวิไลซ์ไม่ได้เป็นเพียงความสง่างามและทันสมัยเหมือนเช่นตะวันตกเท่านั้น... more
Young people are underemployed because of a lack of soft skills that companies need. IITTI enhances their soft skills such as professional appearance, empathy, and intercultural awareness. We do so by creating a single number called... more
Bouleversée par plus de vingt années de réformes initiées par Deng Xiaoping en 1978, par le basculement d'une économie planifiée vers une économie de marché et le développement d'une société de consommation de masse, la société chinoise... more
"Much of J. G. Ballard’s writing involves variations on a recurrent theme: the interaction between twentieth-century society and enduring human psychological drives. Impulsivity, self-control and aggression are central topics for him.... more
Cite as: Salvatore, Armando. 2018. “Sufi Articulations of Civility, Globality, and Sovereignty.” Journal of Religious and Political Practice, 4 (2): 156-174. This article provides an analysis of Sufi life and organization, combining... more
This essay proceeds from the suggestion that Joseph Addison alludes to Michel de Montaigne's "Des Cannibales" in Spectator 50, when Mr. Spectator relates the visit to London of "four Indian kings." Addison adapts Montaigne's playful... more
Samedi 8 juillet 2017 à 14h30
Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art
2 rue Vivienne 75002 - Salle Vasari (1er étage)
Samedi 8 juillet 2017 à 14h30
Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art
2 rue Vivienne 75002 - Salle Vasari (1er étage)
En quoi les Caractères se distinguent-t-il d’un traité de civilité ? En adoptant le modèle théophrastien, La Bruyère porte son attention moins sur les normes de la civilité que sur les conditions dans lesquelles il est possible de porter... more
Cite as: Salvatore, Armando. 2019. Secularity through a ‘Soft Distinction’ in the Islamic Ecumene? Adab as a Counterpoint to Shari’a. Historical Social Research 44 (3): 35-51. This article highlights a 'soft' distinction in the... more
On ne s’attendrait pas à trouver à Port-Royal, haut lieu de la rupture et de l’affrontement, un des grands penseurs de la civilité au XVIIe siècle. Dans les Essais de Morale (1671-1675) de Pierre Nicole, se développe cependant une pensée... more
Shakespeare and the Cultivation of Difference reveals the relationship between racial discrimination and the struggle for upward social mobility in the early modern world. Reading Shakespeare's plays alongside contemporaneous conduct... more
C’est à l’occasion d’un travail sur les usages de l’application dans les correspondances féminines du XVIIIe siècle que nous nous sommes interrogée sur le rôle des détours intertextuels. En rhétorique, l’application est une « figure... more
Over the past decade, commercial social media platforms have scaled up, in terms of the number of users, and scaled out, in terms of integration into public life, taking on infrastructural significance. This paper adapts sociologist... more
Cite as: Salvatore, Armando. 2011. “Eccentric Modernity? An Islamic Perspective on the Civilizing Process and the Public Sphere,” European Journal of Social Theory, 14 (1): 55-69. This article engages with Johann Arnason’s approach to... more
El objetivo que persigue esta ponencia es retomar algunas de las principales aportaciones teóricas de la obra del sociólogo alemán Norbert Elias (1987-1990) a la luz de los estudios sociológicos de las ciencias. En particular, dado sus... more
What did it mean to be a man in Baroque Europe? The answer was crucial for men aspiring to success, whether in everyday society or in the rarefied culture of the court. While the concept of manliness was defined by clothing and... more
Le Paris de la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle compte près d’un demi-million de personnes, des hommes, des femmes qui tous ont leur quotidien, leur quartier, leurs amis, leurs espoirs, leurs déceptions et leurs drames. À l’occasion, au... more
This review article provides an overview of important, recent approaches to conceptual history from scholarship on South Asia. While conceptual history is not a consolidated fi eld in South Asia, the colonial encounter has greatly... more
Adam Smith recognizes and assimilates some of the most powerful criticisms of commercial civility. His account of our propensity to persuade others into relationships of mutual sympathy helps to explain the emergence of norms of civility,... more
Download this PhD thesis: Abstract: This thesis is a contribution to two bodies of scholarship: first, the historical understanding of the modernisation process in Siam; second, one... more
This paper contains the introduction to the new book, All Judges Are Political—Except When They Are Not: Acceptable Hypocrisies and the Rule of Law (Stanford University Press, 2010). The book begins with the observation that Americans are... more
Chinese society in the beginning of this twenty-first century is undermined by growing socioeconomic and regional inequalities, as China has been disrupted by the reforms launched by Deng Xiaoping since 1978, by the transition from a... more
In 2010–2011, Europeanisation equated with modernisation of the state and society represented a key policy of the Serbian government. The sociopolitical forces known as ‘Other Serbia,’ ‘Civil Serbia’ or ‘civil society,’ which had always... more
Dieses Kapitel verfolgt, wie sich neue Geschlechtermodelle und Selbstbilder bei weiblichen und männlichen Jugendlichen herausbildeten - und zwar in Auseinandersetzung mit dem militaristischen Erbe Nazi-Deutschlands wie mit den... more
Latin poetry, which had a far more limited circulation. This learned and complex essay shows Melville as one among several witnesses to a set of ideas but does not effectively demonstrate Melville's 'central role in developing the radical... more
La promenade fait partie des activités sociales qui fondent un type de sociabilité particulière. Pratiquée seule ou en groupe, elle provoque un sentiment paradoxal qui se situe entre un éloignement face au monde et une imbrication... more
In this chapter, Harald Wydra argues that the rise of democracy in Eastern Europe has been a long-term social process interwoven with the collapse of communism whose origins are long before 1989. He challenges the vision of East and West... more
"Pretende-se, neste estudo, recolher os vestígios de “civilidade” (conforme a caracterizou Norbert Elias na sua obra O processo civilizacional) na Pérsia do século XVI. Partindo dos relatos das embaixadas portugueses às terras do Xeque... more
When Deng Xiaoping decided in 1978 to put China on track towards the market economy and to this end planned to implement and initiate a policy of “reforms and openness” (gaige kaifang 改革开放), he did so by building a specific ideological... more