Civil Service Reforms
Recent papers in Civil Service Reforms
أعمال مؤتمر مصر والتنمية المستدامة في أفريقيا: الرؤى وآليات التفعيل في ضوء أجندة الاتحاد الأفريقي 2063 تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعريف بما هو المقصود بالخدمة العامة وإصلاحها وأهميتها ، مع استعراض نموذج خصخصة قطاع المياه في كينيا كآلية من... more
"Solidarity is at the same time a foundation of European integration and a condition for its progressive development. This is true for both aspects of solidarity – as a principle of mutual responsibility, and as practical mutual... more
In 1996, the State of Georgia passed the Merit System Reform Act, which made dramatic changes to the traditional civil service system in the state. These reforms included placing all newly hired civil servants in positions that were "at... more
What happens to informal institutions and practices when political actors decide to implement democratic institutional reforms aimed at relieving formal institutions of informal constraints? Does informality disappear, or do the elites... more
Full-text version of my PhD Dissertation in Hungarian.
This article aims at offering a framework for analysing party patronage and state politicisation based on game-theoretic reasoning. It is argued that in order to reveal the main causal mechanisms behind these phenomena, one can focus on... more
Charla dictada en el marco del XXXI Congreso FENEAP realizado en la Universidad de Concepción los días 4,5 y 6 de octubre, 2017.
Con el fin de contar con un marco conceptual sobre el grupo de Directivos Públicos del nuevo servicio civil peruano, el mismo que se enmarca en las disposiciones de la Ley del Servicio Civil, la Autoridad Nacional del Servicio... more
El sistema de empleo público chileno no se ajusta a principios de carácter técnico y profesional que aseguren la igualdad de oportunidades de ingreso y desarrollo de quienes ingresen, ni tampoco garantiza una estabilidad fundada en los... more
Wang Anshi (1021–1086) is well known as one of the greatest statesmen of classical China, but it is rarely recognized that his 1058 ‘Wan Yan Shu’ is one of the first texts of public management in the modern sense. This is because Wang... more
This piece, the lead article in a special issue of Public Administration Review on "Civic Engagement in the 21st Century," makes the case for a new understanding of democracy, as a way of life or a society, not simply a state system. This... more
A lo largo del presente trabajo pretendemos, en primer término, poner de manifiesto la extraordinaria relevancia que ha tenido el Derecho Administrativo a lo largo de los últimos dos siglos como herramienta para reducir un margen de... more
Modelos en Latinoamérica, Ventajas y Desventajas: Factores que bloquean el desarrollo del SPC.
The problem of Nepotism is widespread almost everywhere, not only in developing countries, but also in many economically advanced countries. One of the most acute problems that Georgia is facing today is the widespread nepotism in all... more
Recent studies find that Western-style professional nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries are weak and unsustainable. Most of these NGOs developed strong dependency on foreign donors for... more
Short paper on the meaning of allowing EU officials and servants to lodge complaints with the EU Ombudsman and to bring suits against the EU institutions before the European Civil Service Tribunal as far as employment disputes are... more
Le nombre croissant de fonctionnaires tend à être considéré comme la principale raison de l’augmentation de la masse salariale dans les collectivités territoriales. Limiter celle-ci passerait nécessairement par sa réduction. Cet article... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze the link between the civil service and public sector capacity to implement policies. To do so, it examines the relationship with the Civil Service and:
Introdução No debate público no Brasil, a questão do financiamento político está umbilicalmente vinculada à discussão sobre a corrupção. O escândalo Collor-PC, que terminou com o impeachment do presidente Fernando Collor de Mello, em... more
This article examines the practice of performance appraisal as a critical element of administrative culture in the Ghana Civil Service (CS). It relies on three focus group discussions with senior civil servants to analyze the practice and... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Diagnóstico actualizado a 2010 y orientaciones sobre reforma al sistema de servicio civil.
Resumen: El trabajo explica el desarrollo de la idea de carrera funcionaria en Chile. Para ello, describe las categorías generales teóricas del empleo público hacia 1989 y luego revisa su evolución cuantitativa durante los últimos 20... more
Azerbaijan, country that got its independence in 1991, has been in the process of the transformation from the command-based economy towards free-market economy for the last 25 years. That transformation could not continue without... more
This study examines the impact of emotional intelligence in leaders (managers) of the Bayelsa state civil service and its ability to encourage workforce motivation and effectiveness. A probability sampling technique was used to issue out... more
Annotation: This thesis attempts to explore the relationship between the concept of "reform" and "administration" or, in particular, public administration during the financial crisis in Greece. It is well known that in Greece, as well as... more
Administration for Service of People' was the slogan of the last reform commission in Bangladesh. But the present administration is attributed on many occasions to tortuous procedures, dinosaurous size, narrow outlook, inefficiency,... more
""ABSTRACT. This research is mainly focused on the topic, “Independence of Judiciary and Administration of Justice in Tanzania: A Critical Assessment of its Interpretation and Practical Application by the Courts in Tanzania”, hence... more
Uno de los principales desafíos de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible consiste en configurar un nuevo marco de gobernanza pública y una renovada arquitectura estatal que permitan promover sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas para... more
There are several theoretical frameworks aiming to illuminate the determinants of policy change and stability. The punctuated-equilibrium framework focuses on the combination of subsystems politics and decision-making at the collective... more
En la actualidad, distintos gobiernos en todo el mundo han iniciado un proceso progresivo para impulsar y llevar a cabo estrategias ligadas al concepto de “Gobierno Abierto” (Open Government Partnership, 2011), cuyos principios son la... more
Despite their notable differences, Brazil and Turkey have been widely compared as emerging economic powers led by popular governments in the 2000s. These comparisons have largely ignored the parallel institutional evolution of their civil... more
Objective: Public projects are used to delivery policy objectives. From a financial perspective, the Major Projects Authority (MPA) estimated a whole life investment of £488 billion for 199 major projects in 2014, only a small subset of... more
Con la finalidad de contar con un referente conceptual y de gestión sobre el grupo de directivos públicos del nuevo servicio civil peruano, la Autoridad Nacional del Servicio Civil (SERVIR) ha elaborado el documento que hoy se presenta y... more
Recent induction 9 joint secretaries by the Government of India through lateral entry into higher civil services has generated a raging debate in the country about the desirability of such a move. It is generally agreed that... more
Este trabajo expone sintéticamente el panorama del empleo público en Chile y sus bases normativas, destacando cómo los gobiernos no han aplicado el modelo de carrera que establece el Estatuto de 1989 —con la complicidad del Congreso—... more