Recent papers in Civil
— Corrosion of reinforcement has been established as the predominant factor causing widespread premature deterioration of concrete construction worldwide, especially of the structures located in the coastal marine environment. The most... more
This paper presents a health monitoring study of concrete specimens using embedded piezoelectric transducer (PZT) via electromechanical (EM) impedance technique. The main objective of this research is to present a very easy method of... more
A rating system was developed to quantify the environmental impacts of light-duty motor vehicles at the end of their life-cycle based on recyclability, toxic material content and ultimate disposal. Each year, 10-11 million vehicles are... more
— The motive of undertaking this project " cool roofs technology " discusses the various technical and design considerations as applicable for a composite climate. The primary intent of " cool roof technology " is to reduce the amount of... more
The paper presents risk assessment of construction projects. The assessment is based on the multi-attribute decision-making methods. The risk evaluation attributes are selected taking into consideration the interests and goals of the... more
Abstract: Henry David Thoreau (Concord-Massachusetts, U.S.A. 1817-1862) is one of the main American writers of the 19th century. His works include Walden or Life in the Woods (1854) - a true manifest of ecological concern - and the... more
For designing a structure, members are so proportioned that will have adequate strength against failure and at the same time must possess sufficient stiffness to ensure serviceability. ACI Code provides minimum thickness for two-way... more
This paper introduces the recent state of research on shrinkage of concrete. It reviews prediction models of shrinkage strain and curvature analysis methods of reinforced concrete members. New test data on concrete shrinkage has been... more
Inicio para la realización de una Junta de Agua
book of applied hydraulic transients.
The lack of standardised guidelines for the preparation and submission of work schedule has contributed to several problems in construction project especially the extra efforts that have to be put in before parties involved in the project... more
— Rainfall data of Sangli District were analyzed for drought investigation, which may be used for long term planning of irrigation system in the area. During 34 years period, three times drought was experienced which occurred in 1972,... more
The aim of the paper was to examine the use of instructional materials from local resources for art based courses at the tertiary level. The paper examined the concept of instructional materials and their production for instructional... more
An analysis of multiple criteria decision support systems and facilities management web-based automation applications that were developed by researchers from various countries assisted the authors to create their own Multiple Criteria... more
1.2 Nama paket dan lingkup pekerjaan sebagaimana tercantum dalam LDP.
Hace miles de años los toltecas eran conocidos en todo el sur de México como «mujeres y hombres de conocimiento». Los antropólogos los han definido como una nación o una raza, pero de hecho, fueron científicos y artistas que crearon una... more
The lack of standardised guidelines for the preparation and submission of work schedule has contributed to several problems in construction project especially the extra efforts that have to be put in before parties involved in the project... more
Construction projects located in the Gaza Strip, Palestine suffer from many problems and complex issues. Consequently, the objective of this paper is to identify the factors affecting the performance of local construction projects; and to... more
Poor productivity of construction workers is one of the causes of cost and time overruns in construction projects. The productivity of labour is particularly important especially in developing countries, where most of the building... more
The paper presents risk assessment of construction projects. The assessment is based on the multi-attribute decision-making methods. The risk evaluation attributes are selected taking into consideration the interests and goals of the... more
As a young, new, and rapidly growing science, the applications of ultrasound in environmental technology hold a promising future. Compared with conventional methods, ultrasonication can bring several benefits such as environmentally... more
Construction projects located in the Gaza Strip, Palestine suffer from many problems and complex issues. Consequently, the objective of this paper is to identify the factors affecting the performance of local construction projects; and to... more
A total of five half-scale reinforced concrete slab-column frame specimens were tested under gravity loads or combined gravity and lateral loads. Each specimen represented a complete story of a two-bay by two-bay moment frame, in which a... more
Poor productivity of construction workers is one of the causes of cost and time overruns in construction projects. The productivity of labour is particularly important especially in developing countries, where most of the building... more
Firms with the best information management is more likely to be successful in today's highly competitive business environment. It is a challenge for earthwork contracting firms to capture information and transform it into knowledge that... more
As a young, new, and rapidly growing science, the applications of ultrasound in environmental technology hold a promising future. Compared with conventional methods, ultrasonication can bring several benefits such as environmentally... more
— India is a developing rural area and in various producing nations like India economical construction along with economical construction material plays a lively part in the growth of the nation. Waste material in construction can meet a... more
The 1975 Turkish code provisions are first reviewed to provide the background for design and detailing of structures prior to the earthquake. The performance of reinforced concrete and masonry structures is described indicating many of... more
— Management of canal system for agricultural production is challenging. The work presents GIS based integrated modeling, which integrates soil moisture accounting and irrigation water requirement, rainfall–runoff, system loss and... more
Trabajo de investigación sobre las Obligaciones Propter Rem, analizando un fallo que trata sobre estas, relacionando el contenido con sus antecedentes históricos, su recepción en el derecho argentino y sus caracteres.
This paper analyses a newly collected time-series database measuring the dimensions of violent political conflict in Egypt. Attention is focused on the interaction between politically motivated attacks by Islamists and the... more
This is the story of Judge Bernard S. Meyer’s exhilarating, exhausting, and highly productive first year on the New York Court of Appeals. Based on a reputation for integrity and a record of professional accomplishment, Judge Meyer was... more
SONNY DHANIO - 14 34 004
SONNY DHANIO - 14 34 004