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The Urban Distribution (or Consolidation) Centers (CDU) are one of the available solutions for the last mile logistics that have gained greater interest in both academic and transportation corporate fields. Despite the widespread of the... more
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      Urban Freight DistributionCity LogisticsUrban Freight TransportMILE
The advantages of logistics centers for companies, cities, and countries have been discussed in the literature and generally mathematical model-based evaluations besides multi-criteria approaches are proposed for site selection processes.... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementLogisticsInteger ProgrammingFacility Location
Urban mobility of the future: traffic calming in the city center Cities in all parts of the world are facing major challenges in the area of mobility. With the impulse paper, we take up central questions and show which aspects are... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesLogisticsOpen InnovationUrban mobility
The already significant volume of freight vehicles moving within city limits is steadily growing, and is expected to continue increasing at an even faster rate. Many European cities, however, have historical urban heritages and... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationCity LogisticsOptimal location
Utvecklingen av samordnad distribution (samdistribution eller samlastningssystem) är ett tema inom transportlogistiklösningar som inleddes i Sverige i slutet av 1970-talet. Temat har fortfarande stor betydelse inom effektiviseringen av... more
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      City LogisticsUrban Freight TransportCity Logistics Solutions
There are numerous ways of organizing the municipal solid waste collection system. For instance, separate collection of segregated recyclable solid waste can be based on a network of pickup points equipped with big recycling bins (BRB) to... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSolid Waste ManagementVehicle Routing ProblemsCity Logistics
This chapter proposes a general integrated demand modeling system developed within a simulation system to forecast both internal (transportation cost variations) and external (variations of pollution, noise and road accidents) direct... more
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      Demand ModellingCity Logistics, Infrastructure, Sustainable DevelopmentCity Logistics
As current cities are attributed to particular dynamism consists of population density and increased urbanization, urban areas are facing some challenges for city logistics, both in terms of economic, environmental, and social impact.... more
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      Urban PlanningLogisticsEnvironmental SustainabilityLast Mile Logistics Modelling
The goal of essentially CO2-free city logistics in major urban centers by 2030 remains one of the most ambitious challenges that still seems very difficult to achieve. The efforts made so far by local governments have barely managed to... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityFuture scenariosCity LogisticsE-Commerce
U ovom seminarskom radu biti će opisana logistika u gradovima koja se u današnje vrijeme sve više koristi kao tema znanstvenih istraživanja. Koristeći većinom članke pronađene na internetu i jedne knjige pokušati će se dati karakteristike... more
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      Transport LogisticsLogisticsLogistics ManagementCity Logistics
The city centre of Amsterdam is transforming to a more attractive place for pedestrians and cyclists, by creating more space for these slow modalities. Entrepreneurs see their profits growing, since an attractive city centre attracts more... more
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      Urban PlanningLogisticsUrban StudiesPedestrian Walkability (Architecture and public spaces)
ÖZET Amaç- Özellikle büyük şehirlerde farklı sebeplerden (göç, istihdam ve eğitim olanakları vb.) dolayı hızla artan nüfusa rağmen şehirlerin sahip olduğu yaşam alanları ve kaynaklar, plansız yapılaşma ve kaynakların bilinçsiz kullanma... more
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      LogisticsTransportationCity planningSürdürülebilirlik
ii iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge that I could not have completed this dissertation research without the thoughtful and kind supports of many people, including faculty members, senior researchers, friends and family. I... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban SimulationCity Logistics
Purpose. The last decades have witnessed an increased interest in urban logistics originating from both the research and the practitioners' communities. Sustainable freight transports today are on the political, social and technological... more
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      LogisticsLiterature ReviewCity LogisticsUrban Logistics
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      ManagementEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEnvironmental Economics
Cities are the areas that consumer goods, building materials, household goods, many different types of waste and cargo are constantly in transit. Efficient and sustainable delivery solutions in urban areas are concluded by city logistics... more
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      OptimizationVehicle Routing ProblemsCity Logistics
The operation of transportation determines the efficiency of moving products. The progress in techniques and management principles improves the moving load, delivery speed, service quality, operation costs, the usage of facilities and... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementLogisticsTransportationCity Logistics
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      ArchitectureCommunity DevelopmentCohabitationUniversity
Urban delivery, especially the last-mile delivery, has become an increasingly important area in the global supply chain along with the boom of e-commerce. Delivery companies and merchants can introduce some innovative solutions such as... more
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      BusinessSupply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementOperations Research
For the predicted growth of e-commerce, supply chains need to adapt to new conditions, so that delivery can be fast, cheap and reliable. The key to success is the last-mile product delivery (LMD) – the last stage of the supply chain,... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementCrowdsourcingLast Mile Logistics ModellingVehicle Routing Problems
The Urban Distribution (or Consolidation) Centers (CDU) are one of the available solutions for the last mile logistics that have gained greater interest in both academic and transportation corporate fields. Despite the widespread of the... more
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      Urban Freight DistributionCity LogisticsUrban Freight TransportLast Mile Delivery
The aim of the paper is to present some smart solutions which could be recognised as innovative solutions in both areas: technology and organisation. The above mentioned solution could be implemented by logistics, especially city... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentCity Logistics
Several City Logistics initiatives so far have proved to be successful in achieving the objectives of all stakeholders involved, and emerged as a response to the negative impacts generated by freight transportation demand within cities,... more
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      Business ModelConceptual FrameworkValue PropositionsCity Logistics
Goods movement is one of the fastest growing transportation sectors, affecting both economic and environmental sustainability, particularly in dense urban areas with traffic congestion and air pollution. To meet this challenge, urban... more
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      Transportation EngineeringTransportation StudiesTransport ModelingTransportation
Jedną z konsekwencji rozwoju cywilizacyjnego miast jest wzrost potrzeb obsługi dostaw realizowanych na ich obszarze, a ściślej-w obrębie centrum. Realizacja dostaw napotyka jednak na wiele problemów, jak wkomponowanie się w ruch... more
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      Transportation StudiesPublic TransportSustainable DevelopmentLogistics
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wybranych zagadnień i kierunków działań w zakresie wdrażania rozwiązań projektowych logistyki miejskiej w kontekście ich skuteczności i efektywności. W pierwszej części artykułu zaprezentowano ogólnie... more
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      EffectivenessProject ManagementImpact EvaluationSocial Impact Assessment
The paper, within the field of city logistics sustainability, recalls the overview of measures to be implemented, in a “what if” framework, with strong references to the ex-post assessment of environmental impacts. It provides a tool for... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySustainable TransportCity LogisticsUrban Freight Transport
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      Critical TheoryArchitectureConflictCritical Thinking
Urban population is steadily growing, bringing along a manifold increase of demand for goods and services, mainly concentrated in relatively limited or overly constrained areas. This is inevitably leading cities around the world to face... more
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      City LogisticsUrban Freight TransportSustainabilityLast-mile distribution
Sustainable urban transport is fundamental not only for economic growth but also for the environmental protection, thus all logistics activities within the cities should be organized in a way to be environmentally friendly. The article... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental SustainabilityPhysical sciencesCity Logistics
The pursuit of sustainable solutions for moving goods in urban areas with minimum impacts on the society and the environment is nowadays a broadly discussed subject. To better frame the research interests in this area, in this paper we... more
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      Systematic Literature ReviewCity LogisticsUrban Freight TransportLast-mile distribution
This paper proposes a novel approach to support participatory decision-making processes in the context of urban freight transport through the integration of discrete choice modeling and agent-based modeling. The methodology is based on an... more
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      Discrete Choice ModelingAgent Based SimulationTransport PlanningBehavioral Economics
Introduction European Commission has promoted actions and policies with the aim of reducing the negative impacts on traffic and environment caused by city logistics. One increasingly popular measure is the use of cargo bikes in city... more
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      Sustainable TransportationTransport PlanningEnvironmental SustainabilityCity Logistics
Öz: Şehirlerin çevresel sürdürülebilirlik üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerinin bir sonucu olarak akıllı şehir uygulamaları bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Kent sakinlerinin mobil uygulamalar aracılığıyla akıllı şehir uygulamalarına... more
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      LogisticsTechnology acceptance model(TAM)City LogisticsConsumer Behaviour
Nowadays, selective solid waste management in the European Union belongs to important responsibilities of municipalities. In Solid Waste Management (SWM) the main operational task is to set a schedule for solid waste collection and to... more
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      Mixed-integer Linear ProgrammingSolid Waste ManagementOperations research and OptimizationVehicle Routing Problems
Latin American cities face a number of challenges related to Urban Logistics, and one of them is the difficulty of applying the Four Steps Classic model. In order to capture both the underlying economics of production and consumption, and... more
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      Latin American StudiesCity Logistics
Resumo Este trabalho tem por objetivo colaborar com o entendimento da atividade de transporte urbano de cargas através de uma discussão baseada na Geografia dos Transportes. As externalidades negativas resultantes da atividade e os... more
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      Transport GeographyBrazilCity LogisticsUrban Freight Transport
City evolution is connected to social, economic and technological evolutions. New technologies induce further changes, which are highly innovative, which again affect the urban and territorial systems. The city once again adjusts to new... more
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      Transportation EngineeringEuropean StudiesUrban PlanningCity planning
Emerging info-communication and vehicle technologies (especially vehicle automation) facilitate evolvement of autonomous road freight transportation. The entire transport system and its operation undergo a major change. New service... more
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      City LogisticsSystem structureOperational models
The lack of data is one of the most common problems when dealing with the design of solutions that optimize urban freight transport (City Logistics Projects). In fact, to be able to process an effective City Logistics Projects for a... more
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      City LogisticsUrban Freight TransportDemand estimationStatistical Distributions
This paper addresses freight management in large, congested urban settings. Congestion creates a substantial variation in travel time (speeds) during morning peak and evening peak periods. Besides the day-to-day dynamics of traffic... more
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      Traffic ManagementDynamic vehicle routingCity LogisticsUrban Freight Transport
Despite the growing research interests on the spatial restructuring of logistics facilities that occurred in many cities around the world, the relationship between the spatial pattern of logistics land use and the level of externalities... more
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      Transportation and Land UseLand-use planningUrban SimulationUrban Freight Distribution
This paper proposes a framework that supports the collection and classification of information about the features of a city relevant to Urban Freight Transport (UFT). The information is organized in a framework of 28 different layers that... more
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      Last Mile Logistics ModellingStakeholders ManagementCollaboration PlatformCity Logistics
Recently, urbanization has been expanded rapidly in the world and a number of metropolitan areas have been appeared with a population of more than 10 million people. Because of dense population in metropolitan and consequently increasing... more
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    • City Logistics
The complexity of methods and models for the investigation of urban freight systems has pushed researchers to develop decision support systems (DSS) for the analysis and simulation of the effects of city logistics measures and the effects... more
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      Decision Support SystemsCity Logistics
Urban freight transportation plays a pivotal role in ensuring the liveability of urban areas, due to its fulfilment of citizens needs and its induced economic impact. Building upon the body of research on the topic of city logistics and... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesStakeholders ManagementCity LogisticsUrban Freight Transport
Recently, the use of more sustainable forms of transportation such as electric vehicles (EVs) for delivering goods and parcels to customers in urban areas has received more attention from urban planners and private stakeholders. To... more
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    • City Logistics
The vehicle routing problem under capacity constraints based on ubiquitous computing in a perspective of deploying PSS (Product-Service Systems) configurations for urban goods transport, is addressed. It takes into account the... more
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      Graph TheoryUbiquitous ComputingProduct Service SystemVehicle routing
The operation of transportation determines the efficiency of moving products. The progress in techniques and management principles improves the moving load, delivery speed, service quality, operation costs, the usage of facilities and... more
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      LogisticsTransportationCity Logistics
The high volume of traffic originates two well-known problems in many cities: congestion and pollution. In recent years, a social phenomenon is emerging cooperation. This work is aimed at evaluating the circumstances under which transport... more
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      RegulationCooperationStakeholder EngagementCity Logistics