City Branding
Recent papers in City Branding
Abstract: This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous... more
This paper focuses on challenges to the protection of industrial heritage in Europe. While technical monuments such as mines are being protected and even achieve high status, there is considerably less interest in engaging with other... more
Ballester, Patrice, (2017), Rapport pour la mairie de Toulouse, So Toulouse agence attractive, pour le dossier de candidature de Toulouse métropole à l'organisation d'un grand Forum thématique et de détours -flâneries lors de l'Exposition... more
In today’s globalisation, countries compete with each other in the same manner as the multinational corporations do. Recently, the term ‘nation-brand’ has appeared, together with a nation-brand index that tracks how a particular country's... more
PAR CEREN AKYOS Juin 2010 IDENTITÉ CULTURELLE ET REGÉNÉRATION URBAINE: ISTANBUL CAPITALE EUROPÉENNE DE LA CULTURE 2010 iii Résumé: Au cours des 30 dernières années, parallèlement aux transformations qu"a subi le capitalisme, les... more
Global experience of designing the urban environment based on the city brand concept is analyzed in the article. Examples of the city brand visual representation are considered. Examples when the color is the main city brand concept.... more
The importance of one’s identity is the absolute essence of his or her existence. The same stands true when it comes to any space irrespective of its scale. Cities are created by humans, and exactly where the diversity originates from.... more
The paper examines the ideological underpinning and the level of persuasion and authenticity of the architectural upheaval in Skopje, accentuating the annihilation of the socialist period spent within Yugoslavia and the inclusion of a... more
Cities throughout Europe are increasingly importing the concept and techniques of product branding for use within place marketing, in pursuit of wider urban management goals, especially within the new conditions created by European... more
in Sweden. Her research and scholarly interests revolve around various topics in consumer behavior including tourism marketing and pro-environmental behavior.
This research investigates the current Identification and Branding System of Egypt’s Governorates. It discusses the core elements of each governorate and how it is branded. The research reviewes the historical branding of Egypt as a... more
Discussion on the distinctions between brand management in the corporate vs. the public sphere; the question of how image and identity are managed by elected governments in a democratic nation vs. appointed or self-appointed management in... more
This study develops an approach to measure the potential of public parks as a theme of resource for city branding. Brand potential connects with place brand equity, where familiarity, favourability and uniqueness are the three basic... more
Nordic city regions are increasingly taking part in an international competition for skilled workers and mobile knowledge. Throughout the last decades there has been a growing awareness of the cities' role as an impetus for innovation and... more
The article discusses the problem for city destination branding and for this reason the first article part discusses the different views about brand identity and how the local population’s opinion and attitude fits to the branding... more
Dissertation project - Valencia Legible City, A wayfinding study by Francesca Danesi Eva Alvarez Isidro - Professor Tutor - UPV Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Dissertation developed during my interniship in CItyID a Bristol based... more
City branding is regarded as a comparatively new field: although it has been dealt with in practice for a long time, scientific literature is only catching up with it nowadays. Several models have appeared in the past years which state... more
A detailed study of the Elevator Advertising industry in India. With the overview and the history of advertising a telling research on the key insights and findings across the OUT OF HOME advertising industry,
This paper examines the theory of brand and branding in practice using the city of Dundee as a case study. Specifically, the general theory of brand and branding and the specific theories of place and city branding are analyzed and... more
Greater Cairo, the land of the Pharos, Copts, Fatimid kingdom, and the inception of modernized Arabia. This great land of marvelous history is unique in every aspect, yet it gradually kept falling out of favor for the past two decades... more
This thesis is about the making of a power plant. It sheds light on how neoliberal ideas shape large public investments in sustainable energy infrastructure. It tells the story of how the City of Copenhagen decided to build what was... more
This paper connects the existence of green resources such as parks and green spaces with the concept of city branding. This idea contributes to the establishment of a city brand and can be the catalyst needed to achieve city... more
marketing 3.0. , villes historique, customer experience, overtourisme, airbnb, segmentation, defis, gentrification
Numbers of students participating in Erasmus Exchange Programme are constantly increasing. Although the motives associated with this programme have been studied extensively, relatively little is known about academic attractiveness of... more
This is the book review published in the International Journal of Iberian Studies. To cite this review: Calzada, I. (2020) [Review of the book Smart City Barcelona: The Catalan Quest to Improve Future Urban Living, by A. Vives].... more
Within the context of enormous competition on the international tourist market, destination branding is getting an increasing importance as a way to attract more tourists and visitors. There is an overall trend away from product features... more
This paper addresses the dearth of knowledge and theoretical development on how ecological or environmental factors such as green resources can be integrated into the concept of city branding. The gap-branding model used for identifying... more
This thesis is about the making of a power plant. It sheds light on how neoliberal ideas shape large public investments in sustainable energy infrastructure. It tells the story of how the City of Copenhagen decided to build what was... more
Alberto Vanolo, City Branding. The Ghostly Politics of Representation in Globalising Cities, Routledge, New York and London, 2017 The file includes cover, table of contents and chapter 1 (manuscript) Book abstract Since the 1990s, city... more
(European Architectural History Network) The paper discusses how the concept of " heritage " has been employed in interpretations of the Soviet architectural legacy in the Belarusian capital Minsk, producing competing geopolitical... more
Migration is predominantly directed towards cities that have been facing a highly competitive global environment within the last 30 years of globalisation. Against the background of economic restructuring, cities are looking for new forms... more
Urban identity includes the city's geographical, economic, social, physical characteristics and the political structure which depends on; on the other hand, it is also an important concept to covering cultural and historical heritage and... more
Branding architectural products and promoting iconic buildings in the current era has turned from a "fashion" into a crucial demand. This observation can be traced back from the mid twentieth century, with the very first rise of "Iconic... more
Kota Mojokerto merupakan salah satu kota kecil dengan penduduk padat yang berada di provinsi Jawa Timur. City brand ‘Kota Onde-Onde’ yang dipakai oleh Kota Mojokerto, diciptakan melalui sisi sejarah onde-onde yang pertama kali masuk ke... more
Le tourisme fait partie des sources historiques potentielles de croissance du Maroc et représente un enjeu pour le développement durable et la compétitivité socio-économique de ses destinations, notamment de la ville de Fès, réputée... more
Narayanganj, contributes to the economy, employment, and export earnings of Bangladesh. Its history, natural endowments and strategic location have made it an important hub of all major knitwear, garments, and textile industries. This... more
In recent years, city branding has become a global trend. Cities all over the world are promoting themselves as desirable destinations to investors, tourists, and prospective residents. In their efforts to do so, many of them commission... more